
Re: booting kernels made with mklinuximage

Peter could not boot on Linux even using the 'working' linuxboot.bin
binary from flux.cs.utah.edu.  I suggested that he try the GRUB boot
loader, which we mention in the boot/linux/README file.  It worked for

Editorial note: We're working on isolating this problem.  
There is likely some 16-bit mode breakage in the current binutils.

Full story:
    From: Peter Rickwood <peterr@cse.unsw.edu.au>

    Im trying to get the 'hello' kernel to boot. Im running SuSe linux 5.2

    Ive grabbed the 'working' linuxboot.bin binary from flux.cs.utah.edu
    and used 'mklinuximage' to create a bootable kernel image 'zImage'.
    Ive modifed my /etc/lilo.conf file so that I have the option of booting 
    that kernel, yet when I reboot and choose to boot this kernel the machine
    hangs after 

    loading <testkernel>

    From: Jay Lepreau <lepreau@cs.utah.edu>
    To: Peter Rickwood <peterr@cse.unsw.edu.au>
    Subject: Re: booting kernels made with mklinuximage 
    Date: Tue, 29 Dec 98 20:23:13 MST

    You might try Grub.  It is easy to try, since binaries are
    distributed, as well as a recipe to just dd them to a floppy.
    Let us know if that works for you.  I had mixed success
    [with Grub] during testing before this release.

    From boot/linux/README in the oskit src distrib:
      NOTE 3: Another option for booting on Linux is GRUB, a powerful
      bootloader that can boot off a floppy, available from
      http://www.urk.org/grub/ [a slow link], or from our OSKit ftp
      site, ftp://ftp.flux.cs.utah.edu/flux/others/grub-0.5.tar.gz.

    From: Peter Rickwood <peterr@cse.unsw.edu.au>
    To: Jay Lepreau <lepreau@cs>
    Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 07:33:25 +1100 (EST)
    Subject: Re: your mail

    thanks for the suggestion. The example 'hello' kernel boots fine when
    using GRUB.
