# -*- Python -*- # # The configuration file of yumsync. # It's a Python file (*not* a module). # # Packages names/group names as in kickstart format. import os import sys import socket def detectTargetHost (): targetHost = 'unknown' hostname = socket.gethostname() hostAddr = socket.gethostbyname(hostname) if hostname == 'lepka' and hostAddr == '': print 'Running on , enabling special packages tweaking.' targetHost = 'lepka' else: targetHost = hostname.split('.')[0] return targetHost targetHost = detectTargetHost() sl6Desktop = \ [ "@additional-devel", "@base", "@core", "@debugging", "@basic-desktop" , "@desktop-debugging", "@desktop-platform", "@desktop-platform-devel" , "@development", "@directory-client", "@eclipse", "@emacs", "@fonts" , "@french-support", "@general-desktop", "@graphical-admin-tools" , "@graphics", "@input-methods", "@internet-applications" , "@internet-browser", "@java-platform", "@legacy-x", "@misc-sl" , "@network-file-system-client", "@office-suite", "@performance" , "@perl-runtime", "@print-client", "@remote-desktop-clients" , "@scalable-file-systems", "@server-platform", "@server-platform-devel" , "@technical-writing", "@virtualization", "@virtualization-client" , "@virtualization-platform", "@web-server", "@console-internet", "@x11" , "@legacy-x", "@kde-desktop" # End of groups. , "sl-release-notes", "ksh", "zsh", "xfig", "ImageMagick", "graphviz" , "latex2html", "thunderbird", "createrepo", "urlview", "rsh", "mutt" , "procmail", "fetchmail", "rdesktop", "tigervnc", "tigervnc-server" , "gconf-editor", "vim-X11", "python-docs", "qt-doc", "libXpm-devel" , "libXmu-devel", "libXp-devel", "openmotif-devel", "rdist", "screen" , "lm_sensors", "yum-plugin-versionlock", "finger", "subversion-perl" , "xorg-x11-apps", "mc", "telnet", "expect", "PyQt4-devel", "git-all" , "rubygems", "rusers-server", "openmotif22", "compat-libstdc++-296" , "rusers", "compat-libstdc++-33", "rrdtool", "rrdtool-python", "tcl" , "rrdtool-doc", "tcl-devel", "tk-devel", "expect-devel", "minicom" , "rsh-server", "finger-server", "xorg-x11-twm", "sharutils" , "fftw-devel", "kdesdk", "dos2unix", "SDL-devel", "qwt-devel" , "subversion-svn2cl", "subversion-kde", "subversion-gnome" , "libusb-devel", "elfutils-libelf", "tkinter", "imake", "emacs-auctex" , "emacs-auctex-doc", "compat-libtermcap", "tree", "mksh", "gmp" , "gmp-devel", "libedit-devel", "inkscape", "numactl" # End of individual packages. ] sl6DesktopCompat32 = \ [ "glibc-devel.i686", "libgcc.i686", "libXt.i686", "libXcursor.i686" , "compat-libstdc++-296.i686", "compat-libstdc++-33.i686", "libXp.i686" , "libXtst.i686", "libXrandr.i686", "mesa-libGLU.i686", "freetype.i686" , "openmotif.i686", "openmotif22.i686", "ncurses-libs.i686", "SDL.i686" , "gdbm.i686", "libxml2.i686", "compat-libtermcap.i686", "gmp.i686" , "elfutils-libelf.i686", "redhat-lsb.i686", "libXScrnSaver.i686" , "popt.i686", "readline-devel.i686", "gmp-devel.i686", "qt-x11.i686" ] sl6DesktopTrunk = \ [ "@xfce-desktop", "@multimedia-addons", "@soc-addons", "@legacy-misc" # Groups. , "@adobe-software", "@LibreOffice" # , "soc-release", "gparted", "fuse-sshfs", "ntfs-3g", "repoview", "dim" # System utils. , "bash-completion", "ack", "tmux", "vimpager", "uucp", "ncompress" # , "nvi", "fxload" # , "nagios-plugins-disk", "nagios-plugins-users", "nagios-plugins-procs" # , "nagios-plugins-load", "nagios-plugins-nrpe", "nrpe" # , "freenx" , "nxclient" # Misc. network. , "qemu", "qemu-launcher", "qemu-user", "wine" # Virtual Machines. , "alpine", "opera", "perl-File-MimeInfo", "mod_python" # Browsers. , "google-chrome-stable" # , "fvwm", "openbox", "wmii" # Windows Managers. , 'gtk-aurora-engine', 'gtk-murrine-engine' # , "goldendict", "lyx", "pdftk", "gv", "xpdf", "a2ps", "ipe", "ipe-doc" # Publishing. , "texlive-scheme-medium", "texlive-biber", "texlive-biblatex" # , "texlive-isodate", "texlive-svninfo", "texlive-todonotes" # , "texlive-IEEEtran", "texlive-tex4ht", "texlive-misc209", "texmaker" # , "texlive-biblatex-ieee", "texlive-opensans", "texlive-boxedminipage" # , "texlive-quotchap", "texlive-xcolor", "texlive-xcolor-doc" # , "texlive-xcomment", "texlive-xcomment-doc", "texlive-algorithm2e" # , "texlive-framed", "texlive-morefloats", "texlive-exam" # , "texlive-layouts", "texlive-appendixnumberbeamer", "texlive-vmargin" # , "texlive-nopageno", "texlive-minitoc", "texlive-bbold-type1" # , "texlive-algorithmicx", "texlive-minted", "texlive-appendix" # , "jabref", "xmlto-tex" , "saxon9", "asciidoc", "aspell-en" # , "aspell-fr" , "fbreader-gtk", "xournal", "gnome-u2ps" # , "cmake-gui", "spyder", "ddd", "atrpms-rpm-config", "kdbg", "sage" # Development. , "elfutils-libelf", "papi", "papi-devel", "geany", "python-easygui" # , 'tig', 'html2text', "haskell-platform", "emacs-haskell-mode" # , "clang", "clang-analyzer", "clang-devel", "clang-doc", "qgit" # , "boost150", "qt5-qtbase", "qt5-qt3d" # , "ocaml", "octave", "octave-doc", "flexdock", "scilab", "ngspice" # Scientific. , "gtkwave", "gaw", "dia", "dia-electronic", "dia-Digital", "dia-CMOS" # , "divine", "vis", "spin", "gpsim", "gputils", "ghdl", "jlatexmath-fop" # , "dia-electric2", "dia-optics", "arduino", "arduino-doc", "muParser" # , "muParser-devel", "gcc-cross-mipsel", "gcc-cross-powerpc", "picprog" # , 'graphviz-gd', 'zgrviewer' # , 'geda-gaf', 'geda-gattrib', 'geda-gnetlist', 'geda-gschem' # , 'geda-gsymcheck', 'geda-symbols', 'geda-utils', 'geda-docs' # , "unrar", "p7zip", "p7zip-plugins" # Misc utils. , 'live', 'libmtp-examples', 'libdvdcss2', 'lame', 'amarok', 'gtkpod' # Multimedia. , 'gnomad2', 'gmtp', 'subtitleeditor' # ] sl6Admin = \ [ "atrpms-rpm-config", "repoview", "trac", "newt-devel" , "python-pisa", "python-BeautifulSoup", "openoffice.org-pyuno" #, "Django", "Django-doc", "python-django-cms", "django-cmsplugin-rst" #, "django-authority", "django-filebrowser-no-grappelli-and-uploadify" #, "django-haystack", "django-cms-search", "django-reversion", "django-staticfiles" #, "django-auth-ldap", "django-appmedia" , "django-taggit" , "django-tagging" #, "django-filer", "django-cmsplugin-filer" , "python-sphinx10", "python-textile", "python-markdown", "python-Whoosh" , "tinymce" , "amanda-client", "amanda-server" ] repoids = \ [ "sl-local", "elrepo-local", "epel-local", "vendors-local" , "soc-local", "soc-changed-local", "soc-texlive-local" ] if targetHost == 'lepka': # repoids += [ 'soc-bleeding-local' ] sl6Desktop += [ 'yum-conf-elrepo', 'yum-conf-epel', 'adobe-release-i386' , 'skype', 'clamz', 'revisor', 'revisor-isolinux', 'revisor-mock' , 'revisor-rebrand', 'revisor-reuseinstaller', 'revisor-unity-scripts' ] elif targetHost == 'mozart' or targetHost == 'berlioz': sl6Desktop += [ 'php' ] elif targetHost == 'heavy' or targetHost == 'fusion': sl6Desktop += [ 'python3' ] elif targetHost == 'doble': repoids += [ 'elrepo-kernel-local' ] sl6Desktop += [ 'python3', 'kernel-ml' ] elif targetHost == 'fanfare': sl6Desktop += [ 'crossover' ] elif targetHost == 'nemu': sl6Desktop += [ 'maxima', 'maxima-gui', 'maxima-runtime-cmucl', 'maxima-runtime-sbcl' ] elif targetHost == 'solo': sl6Desktop += [ 'antlr3-C' , 'antlr3-C-devel' , 'antlr3-C-docs' , 'antlr3-gunit' , 'antlr3-java' , 'antlr3-javascript' , 'antlr3-python' , 'antlr3-tool' ] configuration.addProfile ( profileid = "laptop1.i386" , hosts = [ ".*\.soc\.lip6\.fr" ] , repoids = repoids , packages = sl6Desktop + sl6DesktopTrunk + \ [ "@VirtualBox" , "alsa-oss" ] ) configuration.addProfile ( profileid = "admin.i386" , hosts = [ ".*\.soc\.lip6\.fr" ] , repoids = repoids , packages = sl6Desktop + sl6DesktopTrunk + sl6Admin + \ [ "@VirtualBox" , "alien" , "alsa-oss" , "dropbox" , "nautilus-dropbox" , "scons" , "libhmetis" #, "alliance" #, "alliance-libs" #, "alliance-doc" , "gnome-games" , "gnome-games-extra" , "perl-XML-Bare" , "perl-XML-RPC" , "perl-Gtk2" , "perl-Pango" , "perl-Text-Unidecode" , "perl-XML-TokeParser" , "perl-File-Finder" , "perl-Image-ExifTool" , "wxGTK-gl" , "wxGTK-media" , "mediainfo" , "mediainfo-gui" , "picard" , "quodlibet" , "memtest86+" , "samba" , "samba-swat" , "samba-domainjoin-gui" , "samba-doc" , "kobo-desktop" ] ) configuration.addProfile ( profileid = "bureautique1.i386" , hosts = [ ".*\.soc\.lip6\.fr" ] , repoids = repoids , packages = sl6Desktop + sl6DesktopTrunk + \ [ "@VirtualBox" , "trac" , "alsa-oss" , "dropbox" , "wuala" , "nautilus-dropbox" ] ) configuration.addProfile ( profileid = "admin.x86_64" , hosts = [ ".*\.soc\.lip6\.fr" ] , repoids = repoids , packages = sl6Desktop + sl6DesktopTrunk + sl6DesktopCompat32 + sl6Admin + \ [ "@VirtualBox" , "alsa-oss" , "dropbox" , "nautilus-dropbox" ] ) configuration.addProfile ( profileid = "bureautique1.x86_64" , hosts = [ ".*\.soc\.lip6\.fr" ] , repoids = repoids , packages = sl6Desktop + sl6DesktopTrunk + sl6DesktopCompat32 ) configuration.addProfile ( profileid = "server1.x86_64" , hosts = [ ".*\.soc\.lip6\.fr" ] , repoids = repoids , packages = sl6Desktop + sl6DesktopTrunk + sl6DesktopCompat32 ) configuration.addProfile ( profileid = "server.NIS-enseig" , hosts = [ "messiaen\.soc\.lip6\.fr" ] , repoids = repoids , packages = [ "@base", "@client-mgmt-tools", "@console-internet", "@core" , "@debugging", "@directory-client", "@hardware-monitoring" , "@java-platform", "@large-systems", "@misc-sl", "@performance" , "@scalable-file-systems", "@server-platform", "@perl-runtime" , "@network-file-system-client", "@print-server", "@print-client" , "@web-server", "@cifs-file-server" , "xorg-x11-xauth" , "krb5-workstation", "perl-DBD-SQLite", "certmonger", "oddjob" , "sgpio", "pax", "pam_krb5", "ypserv", "rdist", "dim", "mutt" , "finger", "php", "nagios", "nagios-plugins-all", "nagiosgraph" , "nagios-plugins-nrpe", "nrpe", "evince", "mrtg", "telnet" , "gd", "gqview", "dos2unix", "unix2dos", "cups-pagelog-analyzer" , "texlive-scheme-medium", "a2ps" ] )