Microsoft Windows Version 3.1
Windows Driver Library
WDL.TXT - rev 3/26/92

The Windows 3.1 Driver Library contains device drivers for
printers, displays, and audio devices. These drivers enable
the devices to run with Microsoft Windows version 3.1.
Also in this library are a few additional items, such as Access
Pack software, and a Novell Netware upgrade.

As new and updated drivers become available, they will be added
to the Windows 3.1 Driver library.

This WDL.TXT file includes a list of all devices supported by
the drivers in the Windows 3.1 Driver Library, and instructions
for downloading.  This file is updated on a regular basis.

NOTE:  Everything included in this library is intended for use
with Microsoft Windows version 3.1.  It is NOT RECOMMENDED
that these items be used with Windows 3.0.

Instructions for Downloading
1  Locate your device in the listing included at the end of this
   WDL.TXT file.  Note the name of the file listed next to the 
   device. You need to download this file from your downloading

2  If downloading to a floppy disk, you need to have a formatted,
   blank disk.  If downloading to your hard disk, create a new
   subdirectory in which you will place the files.

   CAUTION: Do not download files directly into your Windows
   directory. Doing so could overwrite files essential to the
   proper operation of your system.

3  Follow the downloading procedure used by your downloading
   service. The file you download is the executable or program
   (.EXE) file that you identified in step 1. This file contains
   all the files you need to support your device.

   Download the .EXE file to your floppy disk or to the new
   subdirectory you created on your hard disk.

4  Change to the floppy disk drive (or the subdirectory on your
   hard disk) that contains the .EXE file. At the MS-DOS prompt,
   type the filename, and then press ENTER.

   When the .EXE file finishes running, all the files you need to
   support your device, such as a .DRV file and an OEMSETUP.INF
   file, are set up.  You are also provided with a .TXT file
   that contains instructions for installing the device drivers
   (or other software) and a licensing agreement.

* An * next to the item indicates that it is available on the
4/6/92 diskette release of the Windows Driver Library. 

--------------------------   ----------------    -----------------
*Universal Printer Driver      UNIDRV.EXE           4/6/92
*Microsoft Postscript Driver   PSCRIP.EXE           4/6/92

*Brother HL-4                  BROHL.EXE            4/6/92
*Brother HL-8e                 BROHL.EXE            4/6/92
*Brother M-1309                BRO9.EXE             4/6/92
*Brother M-1324                BRO24.EXE            4/6/92
*Brother M-1809                BRO9.EXE             4/6/92
*Brother M-1824L               BRO24.EXE            4/6/92
*Brother M-1909                BRO9.EXE             4/6/92
*Brother M-1924L               BRO24.EXE            4/6/92
*Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-800      CANON.EXE            4/6/92
*Citizen PROjet                OLIVE.EXE            4/6/92
*Digital DEClaser 1100         DEC1.EXE             4/6/92
*Digital DEClaser 2100/Plus    DEC1.EXE             4/6/92
*Digital DEClaser 2200/Plus    DEC1.EXE             4/6/92
*Digital DEClaser 3200         DEC1.EXE             4/6/92
*Digital DECmultiJET 1000      DEC1.EXE             4/6/92
*Digital DECmultiJET 2000      DEC1.EXE             4/6/92
*Digital LA70                  DEC1.EXE             4/6/92
*Digital LA75                  DEC1.EXE             4/6/92
*Digital LA75 Plus             DEC1.EXE             4/6/92
*Digital LA324                 DEC1.EXE             4/6/92
*Digital LJ250/252             DEC1.EXE             4/6/92
*Digital LN03/PLUS             DEC1.EXE             4/6/92
*Epson ActionLaser II          EPLZR.EXE            4/6/92
*Epson EPL-4000                EPLZR.EXE            4/6/92
*Epson EPL-7000                EPLZR.EXE            4/6/92
*Epson LQ-570 ESC/P 2          ESCP2.EXE            4/6/92
*Epson LQ-870 ESC/P 2          ESCP2.EXE            4/6/92 
*Epson LQ-1070 ESC/P 2         ESCP2.EXE            4/6/92
*Epson LQ-1170 ESC/P 2         ESCP2.EXE            4/6/92
*IBM Laser Printer 4029        IB4029.EXE           4/6/92
*IBM Personal Printer II 2390  IB2390.EXE           4/6/92
*IBM Personal Printer II 2391  IB2390.EXE           4/6/92
*Okidata OL-400                OKILED.EXE           4/6/92
*Okidata OL-800                OKILED.EXE           4/6/92
*Olivetti DM 124 C             OLIVE.EXE            4/6/92
*Olivetti JP 150               OLIVE.EXE            4/6/92
*Royal CJP 450                 OLIVE.EXE            4/6/92
*Seiko CH 5504                 SEIKO.EXE            4/6/92
*Seiko CH 5514                 SEIKO.EXE            4/6/92
*Seiko SII Personal ColorPoint SEIKO.EXE            4/6/92
*Star Laserprinter 4           STAR.EXE             4/6/92
*Star Laserprinter 8           STAR.EXE             4/6/92
*Star Laserprinter 8 DB        STAR.EXE             4/6/92
*Star Laserprinter 8 DX        STAR.EXE             4/6/92
*Star Laserprinter 8 II        STAR.EXE             4/6/92
*Star NX-1000                  STAR.EXE             4/6/92
*Star NX-1000 Rainbow          STAR.EXE             4/6/92
*Star NX-1001                  STAR.EXE             4/6/92
*Star NX-1020                  STAR.EXE             4/6/92
*Star NX-1500                  STAR.EXE             4/6/92
*Star NX-2400                  STAR.EXE             4/6/92
*Star NX-2410                  STAR.EXE             4/6/92
*Star NX-2415                  STAR.EXE             4/6/92
*Star NX-2420                  STAR.EXE             4/6/92
*Star NX-2420 Rainbow          STAR.EXE             4/6/92
*Star NX-2430                  STAR.EXE             4/6/92
*Star SJ-48                    STAR.EXE             4/6/92
*Star XB-2410                  STAR.EXE             4/6/92
*Star XB-2415                  STAR.EXE             4/6/92
*Star XB-2420                  STAR.EXE             4/6/92
*Star XB-2425                  STAR.EXE             4/6/92
*Star XR-1000                  STAR.EXE             4/6/92
*Star XR-1020                  STAR.EXE             4/6/92
*Star XR-1500                  STAR.EXE             4/6/92
*Star XR-1520                  STAR.EXE             4/6/92
*TI Omnilaser 2108             TIOMNI.EXE           4/6/92
*TI Omnilaser 2115             TIOMNI.EXE           4/6/92
*Toshiba ExpressWriter 420     EXPRSS.EXE           4/6/92
*Toshiba ExpressWriter 440     EXPRSS.EXE           4/6/92
*Toshiba P351SX                P351SX.EXE           4/6/92
*Unisys AP-1324                UNI24.EXE            4/6/92
*Unisys AP-1337                UNI24.EXE            4/6/92
*Unisys AP-1339                UNI24.EXE            4/6/92
*Unisys AP-9205/AP-9210        UNILZ.EXE            4/6/92

--------------------------   ----------------    -----------------
*Artisoft Sounding Board       ARTIS.EXE            4/6/92
*Creative Sound Blaster Pro    CREAT.EXE            4/6/92
*IBM M-Audio Adapter AT BUS    IBM.EXE              4/6/92
*IBM M-Audio Adapter MC        IBM.EXE              4/6/92
*Pro AudioSpectrum             PROAUD.EXE           4/6/92
*PC Speaker Driver             SPEAK.EXE            4/6/92
*Thunderboard                  THUNDR.EXE           4/6/92

--------------------------   ----------------    -----------------
*CGA Driver                    CGA.EXE              4/6/92

*MCGA Driver                   MMDISP.EXE           4/6/92
 VGA (320x200, 256 colors)

*Palletized VGA Driver         MMDISP.EXE           4/6/92
 VGA (640x480, palettized
 16 colors)

*VGAGRAY Driver                MMDISP.EXE           4/6/92
 VGA (640x480, 16 grays)

*Appian RGDI & Compatible      RGDI.EXE             4/6/92
*ATI 8514/Ultra                ATIULT.EXE           4/6/92 
*DGIS 3.00 & Compatible        DGIS30.EXE           4/6/92
*Tseng ET4000  16 colors       TSENG1.EXE           4/6/92
*Tseng ET4000 256 colors       TSENG2.EXE           4/6/92
*Tseng ET4000 32K colors       TSENG3.EXE           4/6/92
*Tseng ET4000 64K colors       TSENG4.EXE           4/6/92
*S3 & Compatible Cards         S3.EXE               4/6/92

--------------------------   ----------------    -----------------
*ACCESS Pack                   ACCP.EXE             4/6/92
*C and D printer fonts         CDFONT.EXE           4/6/92
*MONOUMB.386                   MONO.EXE             4/6/92
*MSCDEX                        MMEXT.EXE            4/6/92
*MS-DOS Executive              MSEXE.EXE            4/6/92
*Novell Netware Upgrade        NOVELL.EXE           4/6/92
*Microsoft IPX Upgrade Utility NOVELL.EXE           4/6/92
*Reversi                       REVERS.EXE           4/6/92
*SYSINI.WRI                    WRI.EXE              4/6/92
*VPD.386                       VPD386.EXE           4/6/92
*WININI.WRI                    WRI.EXE              4/6/92