Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #294
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Info-Mac Digest             Tue, 27 Apr 99       Volume 16 : Issue 294

Today's Topics:

      [*] Flowchart Maker 1.3 68k
      [*] Flowchart Maker 1.3 ppc
      [*] HCPhone 2.03
      [*] NOVA-31-Fr-PPC
      [*] The Organizer 2.7.1 for 1999 Update
      [*] TidBITS#478/26-Apr-99
      [*] timepalette31.hqx desc.
      [*] ZenmaiClock 3.0 - Freeware
      (A) 2nd email account on Netscape Communicator 4.5
      682 file limit saga
      [A] How to set up 2nd email account on Netscape Communicator 4.5?
      [A] Mac OS 8.6beta2
      [A] Re:  Palm Desktop Questions (re: USB)
      [A] Re:  Palm Desktop Questions (re: USB)
      [Q] CD-ROM problems with PowerComputing system HELP!
      [Q] New Launcher needed
      [Q] PowerBook 160 problem
      [Q} Power goes off & on off & on at startup
      Aladdin TFI (Q)
      Appearance Manager?
      Curious of difference between postscript level 2 and ps 2 emulation
      downloading from Netscape 
      Epson 740, B&W G3, MSIE = crash
      Fwd: [A] Palm Desktop Questions (re: USB)
      Fwd: How to set up 2nd email account on Netscape Communicator 4.5?
      How to set up 2nd email account on Netscape Communicator 4.5?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #291 -  How to set up 2nd email account on
      Loss of Office 98 Icons
      Mac OS 8.6beta2
      Mutual Fund Program for Macs
      PBkG3 Series DVD/TV woes
      QT and infomac digests
      raster graphics to vector graphics translation / KVEC
      System 7.1 and a Macintosh SE?
      Un-delete-able Item In Trash
      Unwanted startup message
      Web authoring - SSI help needed
      Who produces the following message?

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Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:43 -0700
Subject: [*] Flowchart Maker 1.3 68k

Flowchart Maker is the amazing Mac only program to realize flowcharts.
Flowchart Maker has a true Mac interface, is easy to use, and has lot of
powerful features. It can realize complex flowcharts and print or save them
for web page usage.
To realize flowcharts user can select the box type he likes from a floating
palette and drag in the document where he needs to place it.
Then he can select lines from the palette and use them to link boxes. Fast
and easy!
User can control shapes, colors, patterns, lines spessor, and aspect of
internal text of boxes.
Object can be manipulated in the drawing in a very easy and intuitive way,
box can even be selected and copied via clipboard, pasting them and
obtaining again true 'flowchart box' with full possibility to manipulate
them in color, style size etc.
User can also control spessor of lines, use arrows, specifying type and
aspect, even specifying the angle of the arrow head. The environment offers
a lot of facilities to make the work easier.
A mouse grid can be defined to force allignament of boxes and lines.
The preferred measure unit can be selected from pixel, mm, cm, inches.
In any moment user can modify the working scale, more or less of 100 % and
work in the preferred scale.
Documents can be larger as the user likes.
The output can be printed using any Mac printer.
A fine control of the printing margin (using the selected measure unit) is
provided, for a true 'What You See Is What You Get'.
Using Flowchart Maker very complex flowcharts can be obtained in a short
time, in full color and ready to be printed on any Mac compatible printer.
This 1.3 version has lot of new features and bux fix!
Furter info at the Tension Software site at <>

[Archived as /info-mac/app/flowchart-maker-68k.hqx; 530K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:44 -0700
Subject: [*] Flowchart Maker 1.3 ppc

Flowchart Maker is the amazing Mac only program to realize flowcharts.
Flowchart Maker has a true Mac interface, is easy to use, and has lot of
powerful features. It can realize complex flowcharts and print or save them
for web page usage.
To realize flowcharts user can select the box type he likes from a floating
palette and drag in the document where he needs to place it.
Then he can select lines from the palette and use them to link boxes. Fast
and easy!
User can control shapes, colors, patterns, lines spessor, and aspect of
internal text of boxes.
Object can be manipulated in the drawing in a very easy and intuitive way,
box can even be selected and copied via clipboard, pasting them and
obtaining again true 'flowchart box' with full possibility to manipulate
them in color, style size etc.
User can also control spessor of lines, use arrows, specifying type and
aspect, even specifying the angle of the arrow head. The environment offers
a lot of facilities to make the work easier.
A mouse grid can be defined to force allignament of boxes and lines.
The preferred measure unit can be selected from pixel, mm, cm, inches.
In any moment user can modify the working scale, more or less of 100 % and
work in the preferred scale.
Documents can be larger as the user likes.
The output can be printed using any Mac printer.
A fine control of the printing margin (using the selected measure unit) is
provided, for a true 'What You See Is What You Get'.
Using Flowchart Maker very complex flowcharts can be obtained in a short
time, in full color and ready to be printed on any Mac compatible printer.
This 1.3 version has lot of new features and bux fix!
Furter info at the Tension Software site at <>

[Archived as /info-mac/app/flowchart-maker-ppc.hqx; 536K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:46 -0700
Subject: [*] HCPhone 2.03

HCPhone 2.03 is a phone book program. It allows you to store names,
postal and e-mail addresses, and four phone numbers for each person. Each
number can be dialed through the Mac's speaker or through a modem
connected to your computer's modem port. HCPhone 2.02 is replaces both
HCPhone 1.05 and Internet Address Book 1.2.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/hcphone-203.hqx; 26K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:51 -0700
Subject: [*] NOVA-31-Fr-PPC

NOVA v3.1

Merci de votre int=E9r=EAt pour NOVA 3.1! NOVA a 3 fonctions: (1) emp=EAcher
l=92usure pr=E9matur=E9e de votre =E9cran caus=E9e par l=92affichage=
 prolong=E9 de la
m=EAme image, (2) fournir un contr=F4le de l=92acc=E8s =E0 votre ordinateur,=
(3) vous distraire et vous amuser.

$20 pour un seul utilisateur

Pour nous contacter:

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/nova-31-ppc-fr.hqx; 1798K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:47 -0700
Subject: [*] The Organizer 2.7.1 for 1999 Update

The Organizer 2.7.1 for 1999 -- Free Update
The Organizer is a HyperCard calendar, phonebook, to do list, daily
scheduler, memo maker etc. The shareware cost is $10 for 1999. It can be
customized for a nominal fee. This is an update! It is a lot better.
There are now pages for every day of the year and your to do list is
automatically transferred to the new day, if you wish. This update is
free for all registered users of The Organzier for 1999.

Steve Gandy - TeachTech -

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/organizer-271.hqx; 216K]


Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 21:00:00 -0700
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#478/26-Apr-99


What's afoot with AppleCare? Read on for Adam's look into Apple's AppleCare=
 extended warranty program, how it has changed recently, what products could=
 use AppleCare, and what alternatives exist. Also this week, we follow up on=
 Jeff Hecht's recent article about fax software. In the news, Apple releases=
 a firmware update for blue and white Power Mac G3s, Microsoft releases a=
 FileMaker Pro importer for Office 98, and a QuickTime 4 preview appears.=20

    Even More Fax
    Should You Get AppleCare?


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-478.etx; 30K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:48 -0700
Subject: [*] timepalette31.hqx desc.

Time Palette 3.1 is released. The Mac shareware program, now in its
seventh year calculates the proper time for any location in the world.
Daylight Saving Time is handled corectly with an Atlas of 10,000 cities
included. The software displays maps of the earth in 11 different
projections showing the current areas of day, twilight & night across
the earth.

New in 3.1:

- New Political map to reflect the new Canadian Territory of Nunavut.
- New Topographical and Satellite Photo maps
- Updated Atlas for Nunavut, Canada & EU Daylight Saving Time

Available in English, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese
Portuguese & Spanish at:

Thank you,

Trygve Inda
Time Palette Developer

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/time-palette-31.hqx; 4455K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:20:49 -0700
Subject: [*] ZenmaiClock 3.0 - Freeware

ZenmaiClock is a simple analog clock simulator for Macintosh.

ZenmaiClock requires MacOS 7.0 or later.

This package contains:

ClockPlayer	- An Analog Clock Simulator
ClockEditor	- An Analog Clock Editor
Convert to AfterDark Module
		- converts clocks to AfterDark Modules.
Convert to DA	- converts clocks to Desk Accessories.
Convert to Clock File
		- converts clocks to ClockPlayer files.

and examples.

Katsuya Fujiwara <>

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/zenmaiclock-30.hqx; 374K]


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 08:18:45 -0500
From: (Bob Boston)
Subject: (A) 2nd email account on Netscape Communicator 4.5

David huston asks how to set up a 2nd email account on Communicator 4.5.

In the Netscape Communicator folder you'll find an application called User
Profile Manager. When you launch that, you can create a separate account
for your wife by following the prompts on screen.

Bob Boston


Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 18:21:08 -0600
From: "dave.trautman" <>
Subject: 682 file limit saga

I've been sent some interesting replies concerning the file list limit I 
explained in an earlier query to the group.  Some suggest software to 
use, some the Finder Memory allocation, some other APP memory 
allocations, and still others with inventive alternative solutions to 
simply opening an OPEN... or SAVE... dialogue to see a list of available 

For those of you still not clear on what my problem is I've come up with 
yet another challenge.
This is for anyone who thinks what I'm talking about is nonsense.

I took an archive of image I had on CD and I copied it many times into a 
single folder in one of my volumes on my G3 at home.  Eventually I had 
about 1,770 of my favourite GIF and JPG files cloned and renamed and all 
together in one folder.

I went to my trusty copy of GraphicConvertor 3.3.1 and tried to OPEN... 
the folder and see the list of 1,770 files.  I got a dialogue saying 
there were too many and I would see only some of them.  I got 682 files 

Just for fun I thought I would make new ICONs and Preview images for all 
those GIFs and JPGs and I went to the "Convert More..." dialogue of GC 
3.3.1.  After a moment of delay the entire list of 1,770 names came up 
ready for operation.  I set GC in motion and made a cup of coffee.  After 
GC was finished I had a whole set of Preview capable images.  But I still 
couldn't see past 682 on the OPEN... dialogue to choose one near the 

Try this for yourself and you'll see what I mean.  And this isn't just GC 
either.  I get this with Photoshop, Premiere, BBEdit, FullWrite Pro, 
Filemaker Pro, and ClarisWorks 4.  And, as you can see, this limit is not 
Application specific.

Have I found a file list limit which is just a Mac-thing?

My home machine is not the one in dire need of assistance.  I keep files 
neatly organized in small bite-sized groups in strictly controlled 
categories representing the subtle yet manic inner workings of my clouded 

So, what I've eliminated from the equation is any particular APPL, and 
the Network connection, and the OS (8.6 at work and 8.1 at home) and the 
HFS+ and DAVE and all manner of other things suggested to me by the very 
gracious folks who answered by earlier plea.

Why would Mac apps top-out at 680 some files?  And, more importantly is 
there a Hack or help which can overcome this barrier?  And why would GC's 
convert more function for batch processing be able to do it and not the 
OPEN dialogue?

This mystery seems pretty deep to me.

Dave Trautman
EncycloMEDIA Ltd.
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

"Never ask a man what sort of computer he drives.  If it's a Mac, he'll 
tell you.  If not, why embarrass him?" 
      =AD Tom Clancy


Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 10:15:56 -0400
From: Richard A Smykla <>
Subject: [A] How to set up 2nd email account on Netscape Communicator 4.5?


Inside the Netscape folder there is a separate program called
User Profile Manager. Running it will launch Netscape with a
window that will list your current profile (email account), and
allow you to create another account(s). Click on 'New' and fill
out the information for your second account. When you are
finished, Netscape will finish launching, accessing the new
account. From this point forward, launching Netscape will bring
up a profile selection window, allowing you to choose the account
you wish to work with. Hope this helps



Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 16:22:28 -0400
From: "Chris Gervais" <>
Subject: [A] Mac OS 8.6beta2


> Can anyone advise where it is possible to obtain Mac OS 8.6 beta2?

Mac OS 8.6 is not available in a public beta version. Any version that you see
out on the Internet is not a legal version and Apple can get pretty upset about
their software floating around the Internet.

The rumor sites seem to think that 8.6 will be released to the public very soon.

Chris G.

p.s. If you're interesting in _possibly_ testing Apple software, check out
<> for an application to their Customer Quality Feedback


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 99 12:16:07 -0700
From: "B. J.  Major" <>
Subject: [A] Re:  Palm Desktop Questions (re: USB)

In reply to:

>BJ wrote to Michael Gerber that USB devices don't need drivers. Well, BJ
>has been very right when I was very wrong before, but I'll dive in again in
>spite of that.
>I have several USB devices (my blue and white monitor, my Keyspan
>USB-serial adapter, and an Imation SuperDisk). Each of them came with a
>driver on CD, and if I start up with extensions off, I get warning messages
>from each of them saying that they couldn't function because the drivers
>weren't loaded. (Well, wording to that effect.) None of them works without
>its driver (actually, the monitor does work, but I imagine some of its
>fancier features don't).

Daly:  I'm not desputing the fact that the USB devices you bought may 
have indeed come with drivers for Mac use and that the devices you are 
using "need" those drivers; however, it goes against everything that USB 
stands for (and raises questions about Apple switching to that platform) 
if this is *really* the case.  I read testimonial after testimonial on 
the internet from Mac users and experts--whose respected opinion on such 
things is taken as "gospel"--that USB ports mean that Macs can now use 
formerly PC-only mice, keyboards, drives, hubs, etc.--all *without* 
drivers needed.  All manufacturers would be able to make just ONE version 
of a product--instead of a separate PC and Mac version.  It was supposed 
to embody the very meaning of true "plug n' play", unlike SCSI devices 
(all of which need drivers both to work properly and to "be seen" by the 
Mac).  Not to mention the fact that Macs have never required drivers for 
standard Mac keyboards and mice, and that if drivers were necessary for 
these particular USB devices, starting up with extensions off would be 
quite impossible (because then you wouldn't even have the use of a USB 
keyboard or mouse)!!

I would be very willing to bet that the Palm USB cradle marked "PC only" 
that was brought up in question would indeed work *without a special 
driver* on a USB-equipped Macintosh.


Home Page with links to my Classic tv Photo Galleries:


Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 11:30:05 -0500
From: Michael Gerber <>
Subject: [A] Re:  Palm Desktop Questions (re: USB)

Well just as there is no difference between Mac and PC modems, the 
reason why the Palm Pilot USB cradle may have said "for PC's only" may 
have been that the software that comes with the cradle may have been 
ONLY for PC's, and not for macs.



Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 20:11:23 +0100
From: Lawrence Rugolo <>
Subject: [Q] CD-ROM problems with PowerComputing system HELP!

>Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 16:31:24 -0400
>From: "W. R. Wing" <>
>Subject: [Q] CD-ROM problems with PowerComputing system HELP!
>I suspect this must be a recurring theme someplace...
>I have a PowerComputing PowerWave system that seems to have trouble
>with dealing with CD-ROM drives.  I assumed the internal drive had
>died, so bought an external which worked fine for a few weeks.  Now
>the external won't mount disks either.   I've tried Apple's drivers,
>FWB's CD-ROM toolkit, and the drivers that came with the external
>CD-ROM.  No joy.  Has anyone experience with this sort of thing?
>Bill Wing


I had a similar problem for a long time on my PowerWave. For a while,
whenever I wanted to mount a CD, I clicked on a desktop alias of FWB's
CD-ROM Toolkit (which I kept in my disabled Control Panels folder because
it would crash my 8.1 system when in the active Control Panels folder.)
Then someone told me that Apple CD-ROM Extension 5.3.1 would work. Version
5.4.2, which came with MacOS 8.1 doesn't work, but the earlier version
5.3.1 does. Since installing v.5.3.1, CDs open automatically when inserted
in my (internal) CD slot.

Hope this works for you.

L Rugolo


Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 11:48:16 -0400
From: "W. R. Wing" <>
Subject: [Q] New Launcher needed

I've used the shareware launcher Versatile Pro for years now, but it 
seems to be getting a bit long in the tooth.  Specifically, it seems 
to have problems (minor but annoying) with 8.5.1.  Consequently, I'm 
looking for recommendations for a replacement.  I particularly like 
VersaTile's double pallet.  It puts up a fixed size pallet of your 
most frequently-used apps, and a variable sized pallet of the apps 
currently running.  Clicking an app in the second brings it to the 
foreground.  Don't all speak at once...



Date: 	Mon, 26 Apr 1999 08:09:52 -1000
From: Jerry Levinson <>
Subject: [Q] PowerBook 160 problem

My PB 160 has just sort of died. I turn it on, the screen lights up, the
arrow shows up, and then it beeps a few times and nothing more happens.

It goes beep...beep...beep...beep..., maybe 5-6 times. The beep is the
usual system beep.

I can hear the hard drive trying to start, but it just goes 

I haven't noticed if the beeps and the bzzzts are coordinated.

It won't boot from a floppy, the floppy drive makes no sound at all.

My next step is to open it up and start disconnecting stuff. but before I
do, any ideas?



Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 23:26:26 -0800 (PST)
From: ("Robert E. Front")
Subject: [Q} Power goes off & on off & on at startup

Have PPC7500 & recently replaced the cpu. Problem occurs when I press the
startup key. I hear the power supply click on & the green startup light
goes on and then off. And so I press again and it goes on and then goes
off. I press again and it doesn't go on, again and it doesn't go on, again
and it goes on and stays on until the startup sound goes on and then the
light goes off and so I press again and again, again and again, and
sometimes there's the click and no light, sometimes the click and the green
light, and sometimes nothing, nothing for a very long time and so I turn
off the power and then on again, and off and on again, and begin pressing
the startup key again and it doesn't go on, and I keep pressing and it
doesn't go on, then goes on and off, on and off, on and off, and then
doesn't go on and off, and so then I turn off the power and turn it on
again and try this and that, that and this, and sometimes it even starts up
until the startup screen and I'm jubilant and then it goes off :-(

And hurriedly I press again and it goes on and off, on and off (that is,
the light), and then it starts up again and is parading my army of startup
icons happily across the screen and then it goes off again, and I press
again and it goes on and off, on and off, then I press and press and it
doesn't go on for what seems a very very very very long time of pressing,
it doesn't go on. So I check the power plug & cables, turn on the air
conditioner, bang the left side of the machine (the startup switch, maybe
loose connection), then the back of the machine (the power supply, maybe
having a problem) and begin the pressing again, and again, and to no avail
and then I press just one last time, with prayer in my mind (dear God give
me one more chance and I will take better care of my computer and such and
such a vow to gain God's favor) and lo and behold, it starts up, and
everything's fine. Then, afraid to turn off the machine lest I go though
all that hassle again and again (which hassle I have had many many many
times in the past two weeks), I keep it on all day. Once it's been on for a
while and it bombs and I restart, it usually (though not always!) restarts
without a problem. So sometimes I feel it has something to do with warming
up, with heat, sometimes I feel it has something to do with humidity (very
humid here in Taiwan) and so perhaps the air conditioner seems to help, but
then again I notice that too cold is no good either, or is it all random
and this quest for logic is not logical. Gnomes and goblins:-)

(1) Has anyone had a similar problem and if so what was the cause & how was
it remedied?

(2) Would appreciate any and all guesses by Mac gurus as to the possible
cause of such a problem and how one might go about testing which of these
probable causes is the culprit.

r o b e r t


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 20:17:12 -0500
From: Al Bloom <>
Subject: Aladdin TFI (Q)

This is making me crazy, folk. Every now and once my machine refuses to
start up, blaming Aladdin's "True Finder Integration" and inviting me
to restart with extensions off. Yes, that is the only thing that works.
If TFI is not turned off, neither a restart nor a shutdown and startup
will work without a shift-startup to disable extensions.

I've done the usual stuff, assuming an extension conflict. Restart with
nothing but the OS 8.5 extensions active. Turn on TFI and restart. No
problem, mon. Turn on the rest of the extensions a few at a time to see
what dies. Nothing ever dies.

TFI death occurred again last weekend. I didn't have time to mess with
it, so I just turned off TFI and continued the mission. This evening I
tried something new. Turned off everything but OS 8.5 "all" and restarted
with no problem. Turned on TFI. No problem. Turned on everything else all
at once and no problem. This is goofy.

Have any of y'all seen this? I like TFI. But this has happened to me since
TFI came out (version four of Stuffit Deluxe?) across several platforms
and systems. Nothing particular seems to start it, but the solution seems
consistent. Restart with only Apple's extensions, restart again with all
Aladdin's extensions, restart with everything. Fixed. Why?



Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 10:16:29 -0700
From: "Ken Bloom" <>
Subject: Appearance Manager?

-----Original Message-----
>> I am in the process of upgrading some software, and the new software
>> tells me I require Appearance Manager. I cannot find this extension? or
>> whatever it is on my computer. I am using OS 7.6.1.  What is Appearance
>> Mangager and how do I acquire it?
>I think you can find the latest Appearance
>Manager in Appearance SDK for free at apple:
>(and, of course, buying MacOS 8.5...)
>Joan Surrell
I don't think this is the most recent version. It's the 8.1 version and will
satisfy any programs that require the Appearance Manager. If you want
appearance switching, go to and download
Kaleidoscope. It's fully compatible with the Appearance Manager and there
are dozens more schemes out. The only thing you can't do is soundsets, and
for that, there is SoundMaster which DOES NOT WORK WITH
MACOS 8. But that shouldn't be problem because you're running MacOS 7.6.1.



Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 16:55:24 -0700
From: "Martin S. Zibulsky" <>
Subject: Curious of difference between postscript level 2 and ps 2 emulation

Was thinking of either replacing my  reliable "side kick" HP 4MP LaserJet 
printer with a faster LaserJet. Possibly a 1200 dpi model, or adding one. 
Prefer staying with HP's laser products, since the output quality, 
reliability, ease of use, updated and technical support the few times I 
needed it, was good.

However, in looking thru the catalogs, I see most other brands listing 
postscript level 2 (like my current one has), but the new assorted HP 
LaserJets listing postscript level 2 "emulated" as part of the features.

I know HP stopped making LaserJets for Apple for a short while, but is 
back doing so, since differences were resolved.

What's the difference (if any) between postscript level 2, and postscript 
level 2 emulated? And why this terminology used on the HP Lasers only?


Martin Zibulsky

_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/  _/

"Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage
to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." 


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 01:17:11 -0400
From: rob <>
Subject: downloading from Netscape 

quoting Info-Mac and possibly previous message abstract:

>Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 21:23:19 +0100
>From: Bob Hansmann <>
>Subject: Netscape download problem
>I have experienced the same problem. If anyone can help, many thanks in 
>        downloading from Netscape 
>   Date: 
>        Sat, 10 Apr 99 22:05:26 -0000 
>  From: 
>        Ben Luffman <>
>For the past two weeks I have been trying to download Netscape Navigator
>128 bit encryption version from Netscape but it keeps telling me to try
>later. It says
>the "server is encountering some technical difficulties".Can anyone 
>alternative ftp site I can download the browser ? I have not been able 
>find one . Please e-mail reply.

Since you have to go through a verification process to download 128 bit 
encryption you need to go to the Netscape main site and follow the links 
to the 128bit product via http.  Ftp does not allow Netscape to verify or 
present verification documentation that they can use to ensure the 
product is not being exported from their site to a country other than USA 
of Canada.  Ftp just won't allow this lever of interactivity and so only 
40 bit encryption can ve had via this path.

This message was sent with Apple email client - Claris eM@iler2.0v3
        'The best just keeps being better than the rest'


Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 13:52:46 -0700
From: Tom Maddox <>
Subject: Epson 740, B&W G3, MSIE = crash

I got my new G3 and installed Internet Explorer 4.5; no problem.  But 
when I installed my new printer several days later, IE started 
crashing so frequently and drastically (i.e., requiring a system 
reboot) that I've had to stop using it.

This is a pain in the butt for one reason aside from the fact that I 
prefer IE to Netscape:  I have lots of files saved as IE archive 
files, and I can't find *anything* other than IE that will read or 
convert them.


If I could make IE work, that would be great; if not, I'd settle for 
something that will read all those files.

Tom maddox


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 07:34:39 -0700
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: Fwd: [A] Palm Desktop Questions (re: USB)

BJ wrote to Michael Gerber that USB devices don't need drivers. Well, BJ
has been very right when I was very wrong before, but I'll dive in again in
spite of that.

I have several USB devices (my blue and white monitor, my Keyspan
USB-serial adapter, and an Imation SuperDisk). Each of them came with a
driver on CD, and if I start up with extensions off, I get warning messages
from each of them saying that they couldn't function because the drivers
weren't loaded. (Well, wording to that effect.) None of them works without
its driver (actually, the monitor does work, but I imagine some of its
fancier features don't).


>In reply to:
>>Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 20:27:31 -0500
>>From: Michael Gerber <>
>>Subject: Palm Desktop Problems & Questions
>>I was looking around in a shop and I noticed that there definitely is a
>>Palm Pilot Cradle that connects via the USB port, but the box said "FOR
>>PC's" so I ignored it. I assume that drivers don't exist for the mac.
>>But at least it seems that some company out there realizes that there is
>>a market for this product line. Lets hope they create the appropriate
>>software for mac users soon. Hell, maybe it already exists. Anyone?
>Heh.  You can ignore the "for PCs only" where USB is concerned--and that
>goes for ANY USB device.  USB is a cross platform standard and anything
>that comes out for USB on PCs will have no trouble being "seen" by iMacs
>and b/w G3s.  AFAIA, USB devices need NO driver, which is one of the
>advantages for Apple switching to this kind of interface.  I am, myself,
>still in the serial port and SCSI world where my own Macs are concerned,
>but the whole point of Apple moving to this new standard means that the
>newer Macs can share all kinds of USB devices that were formerly for PCs
>only--including mice, keyboards, external disc drives, printers, you name
>it.  In addition to the product you mention, there is already a
>serial-to-USB converter attachment available for people who purchased the
>older Palm serial cradle or cable and have a USB capable Mac.



Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 07:29:13 -0700
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: Fwd: How to set up 2nd email account on Netscape Communicator 4.5?

David Huston asked:

>My wife and I use the same computer but we have different email
>Right now, I have two separate Communicator folders on my desktop for
>each of us.  Is there any way we can use the same folder?

Quit Communicator. Go to the Communicator folder on your computer. Inside
it you should see a separate application called "User Profile Manager".
Start it up and made a separate profile for the second user. Then, when you
start Communicator, it will ask which profile you wish to use, and you can
each have your own settings.



Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 15:15:12 +0200
From: (Edgar Haegele)
Subject: How to set up 2nd email account on Netscape Communicator 4.5?

Hello David,

part of the NS 4.5 package is a User Profile Manager (inside the NS
folder). Open it, click on New, and it will walk you thru the entry
boxes, you=91ll have to fill in.

I=91ve 2 ISPs and 2 email addresses and it works fine.

Best regards


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 08:32:30 -0300
From: "Andrew Reid" <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #291 -  How to set up 2nd email account on

> Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 06:45:50 -0400
> From: Irma <>
> Subject: How to set up 2nd email account on Netscape Communicator 4.5?
> My wife and I use the same computer but we have different email
> accounts.
> Right now, I have two separate Communicator folders on my desktop for
> each of us.  Is there any way we can use the same folder?
> I just can't seem to find any info on this in the documentation.
> Thanks
> David Huston
> Cleveland, OH

Assuming that your different email accounts are with the same ISP, the
procedure is painless and works quite well. Quit Communicator, then
start the application "User Profile Manager" which should be found in
the Communicator folder. Follow the instructions, and you should be in

If your email accounts are with different ISPs, then you will have to
use the location manager to point to the different setups, as well as
the procedure above.  As a side note it would be nice if this were tied
into the location manager of 8.5.


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 10:00:29 +1100
From: Peter Minter <>
Subject: Loss of Office 98 Icons

I am using a 7600 and OS 8.1.  I recently installed MS Office 98, and while
all seemed to be going fine for a few weeks, I have recently noticed that
the icons of all Office 98 files have evaporated, leaving just a blank
white page both on the desktop and any open windows.

Can any one help me to understand and then fix this problem?




Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 15:13:19 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: Mac OS 8.6beta2

At 1:14 PM +0900 4/21/99, Allan Sutherland wrote:
>Can anyone advise where it is possible to obtain Mac OS 8.6 beta2?

Beta versions of Apple Software are distributed only to registered 
developers under a non-disclosure agreement.  Distribution of seeded 
software to parties not covered by the same NDA is a clear violation 
of the contract one agrees to when becoming a registered Apple 
Developer; doing this would jeopardize one's status as a registered 


Why do I have to move with a crowd of kids that hardly notice I'm around?
I have to work myself to death just to fit in.          - The Who, Cut My Hair
Chaz Larson     -    chaz at spamcop dot net    -


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 11:13:24 -0400
From: Karen Wheless <>
Subject: Mutual Fund Program for Macs

Are there any Mac programs that will keep track of mutual fund investments,
distributions, fees, etc., especially keeping track of these things for
taxes?  I know the latest version of Quicken will do this, but I was
looking for an alternative.

Karen Wheless


Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 23:28:28 -0700
From: Dave Del Torto <>
Subject: PBkG3 Series DVD/TV woes

I've got a PowerBook G3 Series 300Mhz machine with a DVD player and 
S-Video output, and I cannot seem to cause the TV Mirroring control 
strip to load properly, nor can I get any image (DVD or otherwise) to 
display on my 27" Sony Trinitron. On the (very) bright side, I can 
play DVDs (at least the ones in the right encoding formats) on the 
14.1" Mac LCD screen and they look great.

I've looked at the numerous documents, done extensive web-searches on 
"TV Mirroring", "DVD" and "S-Video" using the Sherlock plugins for 
Apple's various software update and TILs, and I'm not coming up with 
much except for a few readmes that seem to imply that this is a a 
"simple" plug'n'play process.

A few items from my Research:

"PowerBook G3 Series: Video, Graphics, And Sound FAQ"
   See: Questions 1, 3, 4, 5 and 9

"Apple DVD Software Read Me"
   See: "Connecting your computer to another monitor, television, or
         stereo receiver"

Mac OS Info Center Help file: "cpextm.html"
   See: "What can I do with my external monitor and TV Out ports?"

"Power Macintosh G3: Read Me"
   See: "TV Mirroring"

"Power Macintosh G3: Confirming Video Output Using TV Mirroring"

Well, it's not always a plug'n'play thing: I believe I have all 
the necessary equipment (4MB VRAM, $40 S-Video cable) and have set 
things as well as I can according to the conflicting docs (e.g.: I'm
at 1024x768 simulsync resolution: don't see how to set it at 720x480) 
without TV Mirroring, which seems to make the TV resolution and other 
settings accessible only via the control strip(?).

Here are some questions, if anyone can answer one (or all):

Q1: Has anyone had similar problems displaying DVD or S-Video on a TV
     and if so, how did you get it to work?
Q2: Does anyone know of an app or CDEV that affects the same settings
     as the "TV Mirroring" c-strip module?
Q3: Could "Video Mirroring" or "SystemAV" be conflicting with
     "TV Mirroring"?
Q4: Has anyone else upgraded the Apple DVD Player from 1.0 to 1.1 and
     found that it did not play ANY DVDs, then had to backgrade to 1.0?
Q5: Is there a possibility that (even though TechTool Pro 211 doesn't
     think so) my S-Video output port is somehow defective?
Q6: Does this just fail on larger than 20" TV's, even with 4MB VRAM?



Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 17:40:05 -0400
From: Kathleen Sipher <>
Subject: QT and infomac digests

Hi -

For several years I have been receiving the Info-mac in digest form in
Eudora Pro 4.x. I have been receiving the digest as an attachment, which is
listed at the bottom of the info-mac email message, and all I need to do is
double-click on the attachment name, and the digest opens as a new
"mailbox" and I can scroll thru the "messages" opening the ones I want to
read.  Now, after installing QT 4 the attachment has turned into a QT
movie. I can click to run the movie, and it runs thru all the messages in
the digest, one text line at a time. It's a pain.

Can anyone shed any light on this problem and suggest how to get it back
working as in the past?

Kathleen Sipher
Kathleen Sipher


Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 14:30:37 +0200
From: Paolo Bartoli <>
Subject: raster graphics to vector graphics translation / KVEC

Surfing the net I found this interesting and promising shareware
application for the Mac (and many other platforms...), that (as the author
says) translates grpahics to vector graphics. The other side of the moon is
that KVEC's interface is command-line (even on the Mac!) and cryptic.
I tried to traslate some files, but couldn't succed.
Does anybody have more luck than me with KVEC?

I think that raster graphics to vector graphics translation is a big issue
for us. Do you know of other apps that translate for instance from raster
to DXF?

Some notes form the KVEC documentation:
"KVEC is a shareware program that allows you to convert raster graphics to
vector graphics.
The newest version of KVEC and the current price list is always available in
the following mailbox:  (+49 961 61455) V34
                        (+49 961 6340838) ISDN
or from "

or get it thru

**   Arch. Paolo Bartoli


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 99 08:47:30 -0500
From: NicolasAnaFrancayMirko <>
Subject: System 7.1 and a Macintosh SE?

We have problems trying to instal System 7.1 on a Macintosh SE.
What number is the highest the M SE can play?
Thanks for your help.
We try to StartUp with a kind of ways. and now we get the message:
Sorry, a system error ocurred.
couldn't load MBDF
To temporarily turn off extensions, restart and
hold down the shift key.

Thing that we do and can't get rid of that message.
Any help will be appreciated.

Our first Mac was a PowerBook 165c so we feel the M SE very similar
but if we can escalate from 6.0.5 to 7 that would be great.
Thanks for your help.


_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/  _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
    :+)          ;-)            8-{=3D
Nicol=E1s, Ana Franca y Mirko von Berner-S=E9rbolov Alvarez
Correo <> y <>
P=E1gina <> y =
(52) 58127460 Tel=E9fono/Fax/Modem y (52) 58130498 Tel=E9fono/Fax
(52) 54076576 Celular Ana Franca y (52) 54089793 Celular Mirko
Mensajes al 5625.3865 clave Ana Franca 4076576 Mirko 4089793
_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/  _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 16:46:40 +0100
From: "sjh" <>
Subject: Un-delete-able Item In Trash

Sometimes it works if you take the offending folder/file out of the trash 
(or wastebasket, as we in the UK prefer to call it!) and rename it, then
trash it again.


Get your free UK dialup Internet account at


Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 16:15:59 +0100
From: Michel Treisman <>
Subject: Unwanted startup message

I am running System 8.1 on a 7100 powermac.  The system was recently restored to
my hard disk from a backup of it which I had on a removable Syquest cartridge.

Since then, whenever  the computer starts up, it asks me to insert the Syquest
cartridge. I can click cancel and boot-up will continue, but I would like to get
rid of this message for good.   I have tried rebuilding the desktop, zapping the
PRAM, trashing the Finder preferences, and I have run Disk First Aid, and
TechTool Pro - some bundle  bits required changing but nothing serious. Still it
asks for its Syquest disk.  Where is the information for this request hidden? How
can I get rid of it? Should I hunt up hidden files on my hard disk and delete
them,  or will this cause more problems? Does anyone know?    Mike

Michel Treisman
Department of Experimental Psychology
South Parks Road
Oxford OX1 3UD
Tel  +44 (0) 1865 271319
Fax  +44 (0) 1865 310447


Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 22:16:31 +0100
From: Ian Goldby <>
Subject: Web authoring - SSI help needed

I'm developing a small web site that uses Server Side Includes (SSIs). My
problem is that I can't preview the site before uploading it to the web
server, because the SSI instructions do not get parsed when the files are
simply loaded from my local machine.

The problem is made slightly more difficult by the fact that I cannot
personally access the server - I have to email the pages to the owner of
the site for him to upload. So a process of iterative refinement is not
practical. I have to get it right locally before sending the files to be

Is there any Mac software generally available (preferably freeware!) that
will parse a locally stored set of pages that use SSIs before handing them
to my browser for checking?


Ian Goldby

(By the way, if you are a web author and haven't yet tried SSIs, check them
out. They could save you a LOT of work. Keeping 'last updated' notices
accurate, standard headers and footers, and text that changes according to
the date/time becomes a breeze, and none of it is in the slightest bit
dependent on the browser being used.)


Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 11:08:01 EDT
Subject: Who produces the following message?

The Fax Manager could not find your fax/modem on the 
Modem Port.  Fax receiving has been turned off.

I get this most often at restart time.  Is this done by some fax extension, 
or the Mac 8.1?  

Michael B. Luskin



End of Info-Mac Digest