Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #268
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Info-Mac Digest             Tue, 09 Dec 97       Volume 15 : Issue 268

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#408/08-Dec-97
      (A) Finding invisible files
      (Q) What's the Status of Java on the Mac?
      540c Replacement Screen
      7500 Logic Board Crisis Solved...
      [A] OS 8 System settings (fwd)
      [A] Power Computing CD-ROM Won't Mount w/ OS8!
      [Q] Neverending postscript file generation?
      [Q]: Tri-Data Ethernet driver?
      [SUMMARY]: Need help decoding strange 'Binhex' files after downloading
      [Wanted]: Good archival compression util
      Attaching files to email for Win95?
      email viruses
      FileMaker Pro Question
      Finding invisible files
      Finding invisible files
      Finding invisible files
      Finding invisible files
      Finding Invisible Files
      Finding invisible files
      Finding invisible files
      finding invisible files
      finding invisible files
      I'm looking for Chinese-English dictionary
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #265
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #265
      Math Coprocessor / Norton Utilities Errors / SCSI ID for internal HD
      News Servers for the Mac - Summary
      No sound track for 1984
      OS 8 & PC Compatible Card
      OS 8 finder settings and L2 cache
      OS 8 System Settings
      OS 8 System settings
      PCMCIA Readers
      question on modems
      Re; Finding Invisible Files
      Reading Jaz cartridges on a mac?
      Scan direct to print (Q)
      Setting sound levels on shutdown
      Simple File Opening Problem
      some keyboards are more equal thank others
      Unkwnow extensions
      Warning to Fastback Users - Don't Use It!

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac
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Date: Mon, 8 Dec 1997 20:30:08 -0800
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#408/08-Dec-97


This week, Arthur Bleich concludes his two-part digital camera article with
tips on what to look for plus specific camera recommendations. Douglas
Tallman examines ClarisWorks 5, the latest version of the venerable
integrated software package. We also note new Ethernet drivers for the G3
Power Macs, an update to (and discount on) Timbuktu Pro 4.0, a Microsoft
Word 97/98 converter, and a FileMaker-based solution for archiving messages
from Emailer.

    Same as It Ever Was: ClarisWorks Office
    Choosing a Digital Camera, Part 2: Which One to Buy?


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-408.etx; 30K]


Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 22:04:14 -0800
From: Daly Jessup <>

Neil, I am delighted that your problem is solved for the moment. But I do
not understand the solution. How do you "turn a file into an icon"? Can you
explain exactly what you did? Or did you mean that you viewed all the files
as icons?


>	 A member of Info-Mac community  to whom I sent a help message
>regarding a file copying problem sent me a solution which worked swimmingly
>which I think should be transmitted to all Mac users running OS8 if they
>are running into the same difficulty in file copies of large files such as
>the backing up of the hard drive itself to a jaz.  The problem is with
>internal to external disks or internal to internal etc.  Whatever is going
>through i/o has the possibility of freezing the system due to this bug but
>the solution is simply to turn all the files into icons..all of them,
>including sub folders and so forth.  I did this at Richard Maxon's
>suggestion ( ) and it solved my problem immediately and
>easily.  It is small change but gave me the opportunity to back up which I
>have been unable to do without labouriously dumping a few folders at a time
>from one drive to the other.
>	All I can say is I received over a dozen suggestions from Mac users
>from all over all with well researched and similar experiences and with
>suggestions that are adequate and worked to get around the bug but this one
>solution  was very good indeed. What a bright group Mac Users are...and
>helpful, also.
>	Somebody,please let Apple know of the bug first of all and of the
>temporary solution as I do not know to whom I should send this.  Neil

				Daly Jessup


Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 11:31:05 -0700
From: Robert Zimmerman <>
Subject: (A) Finding invisible files

>I wish the FIND command had an option to find invisible files, but
>unfortunately it does not.  Has anyone written a utility that can find
>hidden files?  (I know how to make them visible with ResEdit, but I have to
>locate them first.)
>Leslie Ballentine

Ah, but the Find command can find invisible files - it's just invisible to
the casual user.  After invoking the command,  option click on the pop-up
menu for "Name" (as in Name Contains xxxx), and you will see near the
bottom of the pop up a category for visibility.  Select that, and the
default option is Visibility is Invisible".


Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 19:44:52 -0500
From: "Alan H. Stein" <>
Subject: (Q) What's the Status of Java on the Mac?

I seem to remember that quite a few months ago the 1.1 version of the Java
Development Kit from Sun was supposed to be available for the Mac.  I got
around to looking for it again the other day and saw no mention of it on
Sun's web site, which also indicated that the now long obsolete JDK 1.0.2
was for Mac OS 7.x but *not* OS 8, leaving us out in the cold.

Anybody know what's going on there?

Alan H. Stein


Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 16:36:41 -0800
From: garrett <>
Subject: 540c Replacement Screen

Has anyone ever seen what a sgattered 540c screen loks like?  It's real
"groovy" if u partake in illicit hallucinigens, but lousy for
telecommuting. Is there anyone out there who has connections to get one of
these screens - it seems that the replacement costs for this screen alone
is about the value of the PB (although it will cost me MUCH more to replace
it with a current model)

Private messages encourages.


garrett            mXm imaging


Date: Mon, 8 Dec 1997 14:25:50 -0800 (PST)
From: "Michael L.W. Jones" <>
Subject: 7500 Logic Board Crisis Solved...

Announcing that the aforementioned repair crisis has been solved, thanks 
to the compassion and flexibility of a representative of Apple
Canada's Customer Relations department.  The logic board will be replaced 
under extended warranty (which I will purchase retroactive to the 
expiration of the original.)

I must thank the Info-Mac community for your excellent suggestions and 
support during this time.  Your comments lent support to my complaint and 
provided me with knowledge of resellers, repair locations and other 
alternatives that I had not fully considered.  Tales of similar 
occurences with this and other lines of machines were especially valuable 
in arranging an alternative solution.  

My faith in Apple and the supporting community has been restored.  

Thanks again.

Michael Jones - Resonant Communications -		


Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 12:41:53 -0600 (CST)
From: Ben Ng <>
Subject: [A] OS 8 System settings (fwd)

Rob <>

>> I set trash warning, finder prefs etc. only to find that upon
>> restarting they have been 'forgotten.'  (Performa 6400-180)

>Check whether the date and time also reset to something strange. If so,
>you need to replace the battery on the mainboard.

	Finder preferences such as fonts and the trash warning are
	determined by the finder preferences file, not by PRAM
	which would outrule the possibility that the battery is
	dead.  Agree?

	This happened to me a while back when the OS8 finder crashed
	on me after installing a conflicting control panel.  What
	you have to do is trash the finder preferences file in the
	preferences folder (empty the trash), then restart and the
	finder will make a new preference file.  Your settings
	will probably be saved from then on.
	Ben Ng    <>


Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 10:39:07 -0500 (EST)
From: Thomas Basil <>
Subject: [A] Power Computing CD-ROM Won't Mount w/ OS8!

> I upgraded my PowerCenter 150 Mac-clone to OS8, and now my
> built-in CD-ROM refuses to mount!
> Booting with all extensions and programs off; zappingPRAM;
> and turning Appletalk off do nothing.  The CD-ROM never
> shows on the desktop.
> When I reboot under OS 7.5, CD-ROM works fine.  Any clues?

Basically, if you do a clean OS8 install, you won't carry
forward a PCC customization that the CD-ROM drive demands: 
the control panel named "FWB CD-ROM Toolkit v. 1.6.3P."  Pop
this control panel into your new OS8 system folder, and the
CD-ROM drive is back to health.   

Tom Basil
US Naval Academy,

Excerpts from a helpful email I received:

... The problem stems from PCC's use of nonapplestandard CD
ROM drives (I found this out over drinks with A PCC

You have at least two options:

1) Boot up on a disk drive other than the HD where OS8 is
loaded (eg. a zip drive with the system***from power
computing**** loaded on ***including*** the CD rom tool kit.
Then, when you start up (on the zip disk)  you will see the
CD rom drive. Insert your original ***Power Computing
Corp*** CD rom and install CD rom toolkit ***only*** onto
your system 8 disk.

2) Call power computing and have them send you one of their
customized OS 8 CDs (I know they still have some, I just got
one) .

Good luck. If only someone would answer my question........

John Pappas

Center for Electromechanics
University of Texas at Austin


Date: Mon, 8 Dec 97 21:24:49 EST
From: Brian Scholl <>
Subject: [Q] Neverending postscript file generation?


Last night I was surfing the web using Internet Explorer 3.0 on my
Powermac 7200 (running System 7.5.5), and was routinely printing pages
to postscript files (for later printing) using the LaserWriter8 driver
(ver. 8.3.4).  My computer hung, and since restarting I have been cursed
with the following problem:  when I try to print to postscript files
from IE, the printing process continues indefinitely, printing out
postscript files of hundreds of megabytes for the simplest pages (that
moments ago resulted in postscript files of only ~ 50K).  (The process
never ends; I just freak out and cancel the printing when I see that the
files are already 100 MB and growing.)  The problem seems specific to
IE, insofar as other programs (e.g. Word), seem to print out normal
postscript files.

I made sure that I hadn't selected any font inclusion from the printing
menu;  I tried rebuilding the desktop; I checked the disk with Norton
Disk Doctor 3.0 and latest version of DiskFirstAid; I reinstalled both
IE and the LaserWriter driver; I trashed the IE and LaserWriter
preference files.  All to no avail.

Does anybody know what could be going on here, or at least how to 
fix it?  I'd greatly appreciate any pointers or advice!  I'd
especially-greatly appreciate any responses via email, at:


-Brian Scholl


Date: Sun, 7 Dec 1997 00:50:32 +0100
From: Christian F Buser <>
Subject: [Q]: Tri-Data Ethernet driver?

Pat Kane <> wrote:

> I bought an used ethernet card for my old Mac IIsi the card says
> it is a "Tri-Data Systems Inc. Mac II Ethernet Interface"   Do you know
> where I might find software for that hardware?

Try Apple's "Network System Installer". This s/w is built into System 7.6.1,

Cheers, Christian.

Christian F. Buser - phone (+41-56) 426 64 86
Obere Kirchzelg 12, CH-5430 Wettingen (Switzerland)
Look at <>


Date: Mon, 8 Dec 1997 13:35:35 -0600
From: (Michael Cook)
Subject: [SUMMARY]: Need help decoding strange 'Binhex' files after downloading

I received info from:
	Andrew Minuhin <>
	muki pakesch <>
	Mike Rasberry <>
	Louis Bergeron <>
	Peter =?iso-8859-1?Q?Peld=E1n?= <>
	Al Bloom <>

I wrote earlier about a problem I was having downloading BinHex files via
Netscape.  Here is a short description of the problem and its solution.

In short: I was having a problem with trying to download (on a non-Mac
system) and decode (on a Mac) files claiming to be in Binhex format, but
which arrived in binary form.  Stuffit Expander couldn't process the files,
either as .hqx, .sit, or .sea files.

Several folks wrote that they had no trouble downloading the same files.
I then tried downloading with Mosaic, and all went well!  So I figured the
problem was with Netscape.  It was.

Netscape was trying to "help" me download the files.

The biggest hint was from Peter, who wrote:

	"A good guess is that your UNIX-system actually already has
	debinhexed the files, and the files are now in whatever the
	underlying format is (probably .sit)."

I tried changing the file extension after moving the files to my Mac, but
that didn't help any.

I would have used ftp, but couldn't find an anonymous ftp directory for the
sites I was interested in.  Using ftp in Netscape didn't get me to the
files, either.

I checked the Netscape Helper information, and for BinHex files Netscape
had "Unknown:Prompt User" as the action to take.  I thought this meant
leave things alone.  It doesn't.

>From "Netscape Handbook: Preferences Panels"

"'Unknown: Prompt User' causes a notification to the user."

This information doesn't really mean anything.  A notification to do what?

Netscape was decoding the file for me even though no specific action was
specified for the Helper.  Does Netscape have some internal default?

Anyway, I finally tried just selecting "Save To Disk" for the action to
take for BinHex files, and then downloading worked just as expected!  I got
.hqx files in text format, without any decoding "help" from Netscape.  I
could then copy the files to floppy and transport to my Mac, and decode the
files there.  All is well.  I changed this option for .sit and .sea files,
too, in case I want to download them.

So, to set up Netscape (3.0) to just save the files to disk:

Under Netscape's "Options" menubar item select
"General Preferences..." then select
"Helpers" then select
"application/mac-binhex40" then click the "Edit..." box.
Check the "Save To Disk" box, instead of "Unknown:Prompt User".
The file suffix should be "hqx".

Then WinZip or other some program isn't run automatically, and when
downloading, a "Save As..." window appears to allow selection of the
directory and filename of the saved file.

Clicking "OK" in the "Save As..." window then downloads the file and saves
the BinHex file as a text file, which can be easily transported to other

Thanks again for the tips I received.

-- Mike Cook


Date: Mon, 8 Dec 1997 13:40:11 -0600
From: (Michael Cook)
Subject: [Wanted]: Good archival compression util

I'd like to be able to archive some large files on my Mac (System 7.3).

At this time, I don't have a Zip or other backup system except to backup to
floppies via a backup program.  I'd like to save on floppies by first
compressing the files more than the backup program probably does.

Of course, I'd like to be able to uncompress them later.

Quicktime movies are among those files I'd like to compress.

What free/cheap utils will do this, and where would they be found?

Thanks for suggestions,

Mike Cook


Date: Sun, 7 Dec 97 10:59:29 -0400
From: Doug Evanitsky <>
Subject: Attaching files to email for Win95?

I UUencode E-mail to Wintel people, and I've never heard one complain. In 
fact, when I E-mail something to my Wintel machine at work, I do that, 
and it looks just like an attachment that would have been sent from 
another Wintel machine. 

I wouldn't compress the file though, because most of *them* don't have 
Stuffit for Windoze. I have it at work, and it works great, though.

Hope this helps


- Isn't it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do "practice"?


Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 18:42:28 -0600 (CST)
From: (John Bucy)
Subject: email viruses

In TIDBits#256 it was stated - CIAC says that at this time there are no
known viruses which can infect merely through the
reading of an email message.
My question is - is this still the case?

John R Bucy
Roseau High School (John Bucy)
Define the universe and give three examples.


Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 12:39:46 -0500
From: "Edward W. Ver Hoef" <>
Subject: FileMaker Pro Question

I have been helping a non-profit group with their Mac-related problems.
(They characterize themselves as technologically challenged - they're
simply users.) Their current problem which has me stumped for a good answer
is that they have a very large data base past donors that they use for
their mailing list. They would like to create a new copy of the data base
each year containing the data necessary for mailings but without the
history of past donations. This means clearing out the values in several
fields within each record but doing nothing to destroy the record
structure, i.e., the fields will all continue to exist, they will simply be
empty. I can't think of a neat, non-brute-force way to do this. I suspect
that a script might be the answer but I confess I am not very familiar with
the use of scripts. Any help from the wizard Info-Mac community would be
much appreciated.

Ed Ver Hoef


Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 06:48:25 -0600
From: (Mark Eastwold )
Subject: Finding invisible files

>I wish the FIND command had an option to find invisible files, but
>unfortunately it does not.  Has anyone written a utility that can find
>hidden files?  (I know how to make them visible with ResEdit, but I have to
>locate them first.)
>Leslie Ballentine

The Find command can locate invisible files!

Press/hold the option key down then click on the 'Name' button (the first
set of buttons). More options magically appear.

Another option is to get the utility UltraFind. Much more flexable find



Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 23:54:14 -0800
From: Chris Schram <>
Subject: Finding invisible files

On Thu, 4 Dec 1997, wrote:
>I wish the FIND command had an option to find invisible files, but
>unfortunately it does not.  Has anyone written a utility that can find
>hidden files?  (I know how to make them visible with ResEdit, but I have to
>locate them first.)

In Apple's Find File, hold down the option key, then click on the left
pop-up pane. You will "find" four more options, one of which is
visibility. (There are a few other poorly documented features in Find

FWIW, I prefer MacUser's Find Pro III, which had the same basic
functionality, but somewhat more accessible controls.

Chris Schram -- --


Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 11:02:38 -0600
From: Gib Henry <>
Subject: Finding invisible files

> Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 16:30:42 -0800 (PST)
> From:
> I wish the FIND command had an option to find invisible files, but
> unfortunately it does not.  [...snip...]

Sure it does!  Hold down the option key while clicking the search criteria
button (defaults to "name").  This also adds the capability to search by
CONTENT of files, not just name, and locked/unlocked and custom icons too!


Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 22:20:01 -0800
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: Finding invisible files

Leslie Ballentine asked:

>I wish the FIND command had an option to find invisible files, but
>unfortunately it does not.  Has anyone written a utility that can find
>hidden files?  (I know how to make them visible with ResEdit, but I have to
>locate them first.)

There are many such utilities. My favorite is File Buddy, which is
shareware and worth every penny. But first try the Find utility itself. You
only THINK it can't find invisible files, but open the File utility and
hold option while you press the button that says "Name. Look at the bottom
of the drop down list. Magically, if you are pressing the Option key, you
now see "Visibility" as an option for searching. (Now, if you use File
Buddy or one of the other file utilities similar to it, you can also change
the file's invisible tag, which can be very handy for such tasks as
deleting the desktop data base and things like that.

Anyway, the Find utility is a clever beast, but you have to unearth some of
its tricks.


				Daly Jessup


Date: Fri, 05 Dec 1997 10:49:30 +0000
From: Pat Smith <>
Subject: Finding Invisible Files

Leslie Ballentine asked:

> I wish the FIND command had an option to find invisible files, but
> unfortunately it does not.  Has anyone written a utility that can 
> find hidden files?  (I know how to make them visible with ResEdit, 
> but I have tolocate them first.)

Actually, Finder's FIND does have the option to locate invisible files. 
Call up FIND, then click "More Choices".  Hold down the Option key and
select the drop-down menu that says "size".  At the bottom of the menu
will be some new items, including "Visibility". 

Patricia Smith
Epiboly Consulting


Date: Sat, 6 Dec 97 18:36:04 +0100
From: Bissia <>
Subject: Finding invisible files

>I wish the FIND command had an option to find invisible files, but
>unfortunately it does not.

It does, 
Once in the Find File app drop down the popup menus while pressing
option key and choose for " which 'visibility' is 'invisible' ", press
then the enter key or 'Find' button and you'll see the invisible intems
( mostly icon files ) from any selected discs.
To make these visible however you'll need something like 'File Buddy'.

Read you soon.
A man walks into a piano and says, "This isn't my ego, 
it's some absurd collection of colored shirts."

Bissia at Eye Cont@ct


Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 18:30:29 -0500
From: Squirrelly <>
Subject: Finding invisible files

At 16:30 -0800 12/04/97, Might Have Wrote This Mess:
>I wish the FIND command had an option to find invisible files, but
>unfortunately it does not.  Has anyone written a utility that can find
>hidden files?  (I know how to make them visible with ResEdit, but I have to
>locate them first.)

Open the find file, Hold Down the Option key while you select the "name"
selector, you will now have extra selections on the bottom, one of which is

Semper Mac,


Date: Fri, 05 Dec 1997 08:44:49 -0800
From: mark hurty <>
Subject: finding invisible files

> I wish the FIND command had an option to find invisible files, but
> unfortunately it does not.  Has anyone written a utility that can find
> hidden files?  (I know how to make them visible with ResEdit, but I have to
> locate them first.)
> Leslie Ballentine

Hold down the option key while selecting the menu that defaults to
"name." You'll see four additional options: "Contents, Name/Icon Lock,
Custom Icon and Visiblility."

Mark Hurty


Date: 05 Dec 97 10:38:24 +0000
From: "m. fletcher" <>
Subject: finding invisible files

:: I wish the FIND command had an option to find invisible files, 
:: but unfortunately it does not.

i wish my wishes were this straightforward.

when doing a find in the finder (with the find file extension installed,) 
hold down the option key when selecting how the search will be done. in 
addition to the usual name/date/kind, and so on, there will be extra 
options including visibility. pretty sure this works in system 7 as well 
as os 8.

good luck.

dead nancy
see you in hell!


Date: Sun, 7 Dec 1997 00:31:09 +0200
From: "Dr. Peter Stoyanov" <>
Subject: I'm looking for Chinese-English dictionary

I'm looking for shareware/freeware Simplified Chinese - English dictionary.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.




Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 21:06:30 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #265

I just got thru checking your problem versus >invisable files<..I have 41
invisable files. It's functional on OS 7.6/8.0. Go to your Find File and as
you click on  the left popup which reads,>name<, press option key as you do
the above. That adds four additional criterea, one of them will be
visibility.. Try it..



Date: Sat, 6 Dec 97 16:51:32 +1100
From: Mr Stux <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #265

>I wish the FIND command had an option to find invisible files, but
>unfortunately it does not.  Has anyone written a utility that can find
>hidden files?  (I know how to make them visible with ResEdit, but I have =
>locate them first.)

it DOES! and has since the release of 7.5.

Simply hold option while choosing from the first popup menu (you know =
"name"). Down the bottom will be 4 options

Name/Icon Lock
Custom Icon


The contents option was a bit flaky in the first release. Seems to be =
much better now... Not to sure tho.

CYA STUX =3D`=DF^)    <>                    *_The =
Land Down Under_*


Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 19:44:16 -0800
From: Ellsworth H Harpole <> (ELLSWORTH HARPOLE) (by




Date: Sun, 07 Dec 1997 08:38:46 -0800
Subject: Math Coprocessor / Norton Utilities Errors / SCSI ID for internal HD

I have a Mac IIci with 20 megs of RAM which I bought used two years ago. I am 
currently using System 7.5.1 and have not had a system crash since I started 
using it about a year ago. 

Lately I have been getting application crashes which are preceded by a "bomb" 
placard regarding my computer's apparent lack of a "math coprocessor". Curious 
to me, this happens in word-processing programs (Word 5.1) and graphics 
programs (Canvas 3.5.4) as well as database and spreadsheets.

Also, I have Norton Utilities installed and it is constantly bugging me about my 
Volume Bit Map being incorrect or errors in my Catalog B-Tree. If I run Norton 
Disk Doctor and "fix" these things, the error messages come back within a few 

It has been suggested to me that the fact that the computer came to me with the 
internal hard drive is set to SCSI  ID #2, instead of the standard ID #0, could be 
the "problem".

My questions are:
1. What's the deal with this "math-coprocessor" thing? Am I supposed to have 
one? Is it a problem if I don't? [I use the computer mostly for word processing and 
2D, 16-color graphics.]

2. Are these "warnings" from Norton Utilities really something to be taken 

3. Is my "improperly set" hard drive ID really a problem? If so, can I reset it 

4. Can / should I run System 8 on my IIci?

Thanks very much for providing this forum for asking my questions,
Bob Galbreath


Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 14:51:38 +0100
From: "Tony D'Emanuele" <>
Subject: News Servers for the Mac - Summary

Thanks to everyone who sent me information on New Servers for the Mac.  I
have not yet had a look at the software, but this is the info. I received:

DNews :



Tony D'Emanuele
Manchester, UK


Date: Sat, 06 Dec 1997 15:07:25 -0500
From: Michael Mayer <>
Subject: No sound track for 1984

I have lost the sound track to the great "1984" Mac commercial. All
other quicktime movies running on MoviePlayer work fine. Do I need to
download another copy of 1984?

Thanks-Michael Mayer


Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 11:04:28 -0400
From: Richard Duncan <>
Subject: OS 8 & PC Compatible Card

I got a PC Compatible Card (no flames please) and am having trouble with it
seeing the CD Drive.  I'm running OS 8 on mt 8500 PPC.  I think I've seen
something about using a different CD-ROM driver but have tried putting
CD-ROM 5.0.4, (I think), in but it alone doesn't even recognizes the drive
in the Mac environment.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
You can email me direct if you wish.

Richard Duncan


Date: Sat, 06 Dec 1997 07:34:37 -0800
From: Rob <>
Subject: OS 8 finder settings and L2 cache

To the many people who responded to my request, thanks.  Trashing the
finder prefs and downloading the Newer Technologies diagnostic suite
"Guages" did the trick.  Again, thanks


Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 17:21:55 -0500 (EST)
From: Peter Macdonald <pdmmac@mcmail.CIS.McMaster.CA>
Subject: OS 8 System Settings

I had the same experience when I first installed OS 8 on an external HD on
my 6100/60; the Finder Preferences would always be lost on reboot. Then I
did a clean full installation on the internal HD and the problem hasn't
happened since. So I don't think it can be the battery. I think the system
can be corrupted and only a clean install can fix it. I think the
difference between internal and external HD is less likely to be the

Rob <>

> I set trash warning, finder prefs etc. only to find that upon restarting
> they have been 'forgotten.'  (Performa 6400-180)

Check whether the date and time also reset to something strange. If so,
you need to replace the battery on the mainboard.

Best wishes, Christian.

Peter D.M. Macdonald, D.Phil.      McMaster University
Professor of Math & Statistics     Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4K1


Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 00:02:18 +0100
From: "Stephan (STef) Bondier" <>
Subject: OS 8 System settings

Rob asked and has been replied:
>Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 23:48:35 +0100
>From: (Christian F Buser)
>Subject: OS 8 System settings
>Rob <>
>> I set trash warning, finder prefs etc. only to find that upon restarting
>> they have been 'forgotten.'  (Performa 6400-180)
>Check whether the date and time also reset to something strange. If so,
>you need to replace the battery on the mainboard.
>Best wishes, Christian.

First, trash your finder preferences. I had identical troubles with my
Perf. 6400/180. Just trashed the preferences, and now it works fine.


Stephan Bondier <>


Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 22:15:49 -0500
From: Bill Guion <>
Subject: PCMCIA Readers

Where can one purchase external PCMCIA readers for a Performa? Several
digital cameras store pictures on flash memory cards or PCMCIA cards. I
would need an external PCMCIA reader to be able to read one of these cards.

     -----===== Bill Guion =====-----

Bill Guion

Do not confuse liberty with license.


Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 23:22:35 -0600
From: "Charles P. Crawford" <ccrawford@Dynasty.Net>
Subject: question on modems

I'm having a little trouble trying to decide on a new modem.

I currently have a Performa 6200CD, and am using the Global Village 14.4
that came with it. I really want to up my speed to 33.6, but can't find any
info on modems of that speed anymore - no reviews, ratings etc.. Lots of
sources have great prices. How can I decide between a FastMac V.24 from
Boca only $70 compared to US Robotics Sportster V.34 for $120? Some
comments or recommendations are appreciated. I'm not really interested in
$160 for Global Village 56K. Although I'm very happy with the Gobal Village
I have now.

Charlie C.


Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 09:30:40 -0700
From: Gordon Moynes <>
Subject: Re; Finding Invisible Files

Actually Leslie, "Find" does indeed have an option for invisible files.
Once you launch "Find", hold down the "Option" Key as you click on the
"name" pulldown menu and you will then seen a few more options to utilize
with "Find", including visibility. You may want to tinker as doing a basic
search this way will also list all invisible icons unless you re-select the
"name" pulldown and de-select icons.



>Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 16:30:42 -0800 (PST)
>Subject: Finding invisible files
>I wish the FIND command had an option to find invisible files, but
>unfortunately it does not.  Has anyone written a utility that can find
>hidden files?  (I know how to make them visible with ResEdit, but I have to
>locate them first.)
>Leslie Ballentine

I was going to buy a copy of "The Power Of Positive Thinking",
but then I thought, "What the heck good would that do?".


Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 08:16:09 -0800
From: Chris Beck <>
Subject: Reading Jaz cartridges on a mac?

PC Exchange will do the job.  I have been able to read Zip and Jaz
cartridges which are DOS formatted, as well as PC formatted floppies just

Chris Beck, Student Network Analyst
Academic Computing & Media
California State University, San Bernardino
e-mail :


Date: Mon, 8 Dec 1997 10:35:44 -0500
Subject: Scan direct to print (Q)

     I am looking for a utility that allows a scanner/printer setup to=20
     function as a simple copy machine=2E  Ideally, a single command would=20
     scan the image and initiate the printing of a selected number of=20
     copies of the image=2E
     Does anyone know of such a utility?
     Thanks in advance=2E
     Paul Koch


Date: Sat, 6 Dec 97 09:11:05 +1000
From: Al Byrne <>
Subject: Setting sound levels on shutdown

At about 04/12/97 02:05 (-1100), Hardie, Doug            HIM,CA 
( wrote:

>I am looking for a small utility that I can put in the shutdown folder that 
>will set the sound level to zero when my 3400 (OS 8) is shut down.  I 
>frequently use the PB for sound applications and constantly forget to 
>manually turn of the volume when shutting down. 

Doug - this works - type the following, one line AppleScript, into the 
the script editor

set sound volume to 0

save it, as an application - and drop the application in the shutdown 
items folder.

You'll need to have Applescript (supplied with Mac OS 8) and the "Jon's 
Commands" scripting addition installed - it is available from the 
archives as /info-mac/dev/osa/jons-commands-201.hqx

al byrne


Date: Sun, 7 Dec 1997 09:12:51 -0400
From: Laurence Hawkins <>
Subject: Simple File Opening Problem

I'm ashamed to pose such an elementary problem, but why, since a HD crash
and rebuild, do I get a screen saying "Please insert the disk: Macintosh
HD", whenever I try to open a specific file, namely "Netscape Navigator".
As soon as I press "Cancel", the file loads immediately. Why the query? And
why only this one file?

I'm running OS 7.6.1 on a PowerMac 6500/225.

Laurence Hawkins


Date: 08 Dec 97 10:26:46 +0000
From: "m. fletcher" <>
Subject: some keyboards are more equal thank others

hi, everybody.

anyone have a guess why standard startup keyboard commands (zap pram, 
start without extensions, boot from non-startup disk) would fail using a 
performantz keyboard on my starmax clone? same commands worked with the 
bundled motorola keyboard and with an apple keyboard.

just curious.

dead nancy
see you in hell!


Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 18:22:11 +0200
From: "Dr. Peter Stoyanov" <>
Subject: Unkwnow extensions

Does anybody knows what for are shareware extensions


I've got them with MacOS8 Mega Pack but without documentatin.




Date: Sun, 7 Dec 1997 14:24:07 -0800
Subject: Warning to Fastback Users - Don't Use It!

                                                    Sunday, December 7, 1997

   This is a warning to all who are still using Symantec=B9s Norton Utilitie=
for the Macintosh version 3.2.  You are strongly advised not to use its
backup utility, Fastback, under any circumstances!  About once for every
gigabyte of backed up data, Fastback makes some sort of error in output to
the backup medium which neither it nor its companion, Norton Expand, can
use for a successful, error-free restoring of all files.

   This error is repeatable.  Once such an error has occurred, if a repeat
backup is performed without changing any of the data to be backed up prior
to the point of error and the same compression format used, then the same
error will reoccur at the same point in the data.  If removable media are
used for backup, a switch to another set of these will still result in the
same error at the same point in the data output, independently of which
physical disk receives it.

   Unfortunately, there is no indication given of such an error at the time
of backup.  Only when attempting to do a restore does the error become
manifest.  At the point in the data where the error is detected, either
=46astback in restore mode or Norton Expand will issue the message: "The
backup data cannot be read. The backup file may be damaged. If the backup
file is on a disk, try running Norton Disk Doctor."  The backup file is
indeed damaged, but Disk Doctor will not find anyting wrong with it.  If
the by then distraught user clicks on the "continue" button in hopes of a
recovery, the message is almost always repeated in a cluster about the
point of error, sometimes in discouragingly large numbers -- I have
observed cases requiring over 500 -- until restoration gets moving again.
It is interesting to note that even the number of clicks required to get
past an error will be the same for repeated attempts at backing up, and
therefore constitutes a kind of signature of the error.

   When the restored files are examined carefully after such an error and
sufficiently many repeats of the "continue" button, at the least the file
being restored at the time of the error has had an entire 16K block
skipped!  Thus unless the file is being restored to its original location
and was already perfectly intact, its restoration has thereby failed.

   If the "continue" button strategy is not used, the remaining files can on=
be restored using Fastback in selective restore mode chosen to skip the
particular file at the point of error, and this can only be done by
restoring to files' original locations.  Doing this requires some degree of
courage after encountering such errors as these.  Norton Expand cannot do
such a selective restore.

   In a large number of experiments performed with Fastback 3.2.1, I found
that this error occurs regardless of the following kinds of circumstances:

 1. the form of backup medium, removable or hard disk,
 2. the particular computer used,
 3. the version of Mac OS currently running,
 4. the choice of "Save Disks" or "Save Time" compression,
 5. the choice or error correction or not,
 6. choosing write-verify option in Fastback backup,
 7. choosing write-verify in backup media i/o,
 8. doing full or selective backups,
 9. which extensions and control panels are enabled,
10. the system disk cache setting,
11. old or freshly installed copies of Fastback and Expand, and
12. replacing Norton Preferences folder.

   It should be clear from the above evidence that what we are faced with
here is a hard programming or algorithmic error in Fastback/Expand which is
data-dependent.  There are no random elements involved -- the same data set
produces the same result, right or wrong.  Given all this, to continue to
use Fastback is to engage in a kind of Russian Roulette with one's data
backup process.

   Fastback has been in wide use for a very long time, and it must have
been responsible for much grief on the part of a great many users!  The
ironic aspect of this is that the above error message must have made the
overwhelming majority of such sufferers think that their backup medium was
at fault.  Symantec cannot be proud of this particular part of their
software production.  It is well that they have apparently withdrawn the
product from the market.

                                                           Roger Stafford



End of Info-Mac Digest