Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #125
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Info-Mac Digest             Wed, 17 Jun 98       Volume 16 : Issue 125

Today's Topics:

      [*] 3D_Desktop_patterns
      [*] ASCII Translator
      [*] AudioCD WebInfo(d)1.0.2-Internet Search Tool (german)
      [*] AudioCD WebInfo(e)1.0.2-Internet Search Tool
      [*] BookMark sorter for netscape
      [*] BrainJacker 1.0
      [*] buds-golf-handicapper
      [*] CD Lister 1.0
      [*] ClippingNamer 1.0.3
      [*] Extension Overload v2.7
      [*] FinderPop1.6.4F - Cliquons Autrement! Rehausse les menus contex
      [*] Font Image Library 3.56
      [*] FontLister v1.0.4
      [*] FractalDesigner 1.1
      [*] Game of the Winds 2.1 (german)
      [*] Game of the Winds 2.1e - Solitaire Mahjongg
      [*] gasket-11.hqx
      [*] Gauguin in Tahiti Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Help to Icon 1.0.2
      [*] Isoptikon
      [*] John's WP Citations 2.2
      [*] John's WP Note Editor 4.1
      [*] Lotto tracker II
      [*] Lotto Tracker II
      [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM 1.4.1 F.sit
      [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM 1.4.1 I.sit
      [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM 1.4.1.sit
      [*] macattack-198
      [*] Maya
      [*] McPoet4.5
      [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] PictureSnooperV1.5  AutoSearch/Download Binaries Off NewsGroups
      [*] ProcessWatcher 3.1
      [*] ProcessWatcher 3.1 French
      [*] Sail! Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Scorpion BarCode 1.30
      [*] Screwy HTML Fixer 1.5
      [*] SmallMines 2.0
      [*] Squirt 3.1
      [*] TidBITS#434/15-Jun-98
      [*] VisualFont 1.05
      [*] VOODOO 1.81
      [*] WebScanner-1.1
      [*] Wolf! Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Yank 3.0.1

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Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:37:51 -0700
Subject: [*] 3D_Desktop_patterns


These are some desktop patterns I've done for friends and my own
personal pleasure over the last few years. They are made to be displayed
at thousands or millions of colors.

They are not editable by any file editing app, (Resedit or Resorcerer=99),
but you can import them to the Desktop Pictures control panel for your
own use.

You'll need a ppat tool to apply/import these, Pattern Manager seems to
work well,  once in there you can drag the ppat directly into the
Desktop Pictures window or apply directly with the ppat tool of your

=46ree for personal use, inclusion on any media for sale must be approved
by the author. All Rights Reserved.

If you want more or just want to comment on these you can contact me at

=A9 J. Nekritz 1998

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/txtr/3d-desktop-patterns.hqx; 220K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:38:29 -0700
Subject: [*] ASCII Translator

This little program will give you the ASCII number of any keyboard press,
including the non-printable characters. It will also produce an ASCII chart
at the press of a button.

System requirements:
* any

Roger Boire

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/ascii-translator.hqx; 536K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:37:57 -0700
Subject: [*] AudioCD WebInfo(d)1.0.2-Internet Search Tool (german)

AudioCD WebInfo (d)


Internet search utility. With this Apple Script program you can download
informations about bands and lyrics.

- Apple Script
- Scripting Addition "Jon's Commands"
- Internet Config and a browser

Version history:
1.0.2 (06/14/98) ACD WI only ran with version 1.0.1 of the scripting
addition "Internet Scripting", which was shipped with Apple Data Detectors.
Now there is no need for this addition and it should work with all versions
of Internet Config.
1.0.1 (06/11/98)  Bugfix
1.0   (06/08/98)   First public release

Karlheinz Dobler

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/audiocd-webinfo-102-de.hqx; 28K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:37:59 -0700
Subject: [*] AudioCD WebInfo(e)1.0.2-Internet Search Tool

AudioCD WebInfo (e)


Internet search utility. With this Apple Script program you can download
informations about bands and lyrics.

- Apple Script
- Scripting Addition "Jon's Commands"
- Internet Config and a browser

Version history:
1.0.2 (06/14/98) ACD WI only ran with version 1.0.1 of the scripting
addition "Internet Scripting", which was shipped with Apple Data Detectors.
Now there is no need for this addition and it should work with all versions
of Internet Config.
1.0.1 (06/11/98)  Bugfix
1.0   (06/08/98)   First public release

Karlheinz Dobler

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/audiocd-webinfo-102.hqx; 28K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:38:38 -0700
Subject: [*] BookMark sorter for netscape

BookMark Sort -  is a program that will sort the netscape bookmark file
and save the new file for you.  You update a copy of the bookmark file
and then replace the original (you just rename the original as back up)

Works on all machines with sys 7.1 or newer including 8.1 with at least
5MB of useful memory.  Works on 68 and PPC computers - needs a minimum
of 640 by 480 screen - b/w or color.

It is shareware and cost $ 10.00.

Bill Mammarella
WM Enterprises
1720 W. La Palma # A
Anaheim, CA  92801
714 772 4403

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/ntscp/book-mark-sort.hqx; 71K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:39:02 -0700
Subject: [*] BrainJacker 1.0

BrainJacker 1.0

3D IQ barometer game. For people with good three-dimensional insight.

Goal of the game:
A series of 3D objects are displayed, each from a different point of
view. Find the three that are the same. If you misjudge, the game ends.
Things speed up while you play, so the longer you play, the harder it
gets to guess...

Freeware, may be included on commercial shareware releases.

Also availabe, together with other games, in Shockwave at our website: Contact us for more information:

[Archived as /info-mac/game/brain-jacker.hqx; 1226K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:38:33 -0700
Subject: [*] buds-golf-handicapper

This is the latest version of my golf handicapper for Claris Works.
It now includes versions for Claris Works 2, 4 and 5.
This is scorecardware. Send me a scorecard from you favorite course (or 2).
Hit 'em long. Hit 'em straight.


Bud Schneehagen, Tropical Web Creations  -
Freelance Graphic & HTML Design
Visit Tropical Web Creations for affordable Web Design
ICQ# 12041245

"To see tomorrow's PC, look at today's Macintosh."

BYTE magazine 2

[Archived as /info-mac/data/buds-golf-handicapper.hqx; 31K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:38:01 -0700
Subject: [*] CD Lister 1.0

CD Lister will do just that, list your CDs. Actually, it reads your "CD Remote
Programs" file and creates a text file which lists all your CDs and their songs.
That is, all the CDs that you have entered info for in the AppleCD Audio Player.

This version is PowerPC only. If you would like a 68k version then please email
me about it.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/cd-lister-10.hqx; 50K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:37:32 -0700
Subject: [*] ClippingNamer 1.0.3

Finder clippings are a wonderful idea that most people don't use because
they're such a pain to deal with. Ever tried to find the right clipping
among a bunch of "Text Clipping 1", "Text Clipping 2", etc? It's not too
bad with one clipping, but more than a couple leads to long sessions in
the Finder assigning useful names, wasting the time you saved.

ClippingNamer helps you manage clippings. Without leaving your current
program, you can:
*	Automatically assign a new name based on the (text) clipping contents.
*	Automatically create a thumbnail image (icon) for picture clippings.
*	Popup a dialog that lets you see both ClippingNamer's and the Finder's
suggested names, and use either one or a new name you type.

You can set any of these modes (or none) as the default, and invoke any
of the others with modifier keys (completely customizable). There are
several other convenience options as well.

UPDATE: Version 1.0.2 fixes a small bug that could cause the dialog to
appear when dragging data within the same program (not to the Finder).
Also, invented file names that contain return characters are now handled
correctly, dragging stuff to the Trash works, and various cosmetic
improvements to the dialogs are in place.

ClippingNamer is $10 shareware.  See
<> for this and other shareware
products.  Contact the author at <>

[Archived as /info-mac/text/clipping-namer-103.hqx; 16K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:38:40 -0700
Subject: [*] Extension Overload v2.7

Extension Overload v2.7, The simplest way to keep your Mac healthy

What is Extension Overload ?

Extension Overload is a "self-reading" document  with lots of information
about all the system extensions and control panels that are littering the
System folder of every Macintosh. Extension Overload conviniently lists
them by name and explains their purpose. That way you (the user) can decide
whether to keep a certain control panel or extension or not. Additionally,
Extension Overload contains information about Mac error codes, Easter Eggs
(little gimmicks hidden somewhere in the software) and other useful things.
Currently Extension Overload reviews 590 extensions and 223 control panels
- of course this does not mean that all of them are in the system folder of
your  Macintosh=8A ;-)

Why use Extension Overload ?

Control panels and extensions serve one purpose: They "extend" the
operation system of your Macintosh and provide additional functions to the
user and to programs running on your machine. For example, the QuickTime=81
extension allows the Simple Text application to play movies, something that
would be impossible otherwise. However, often some control panels and
extensions get installed which are not necessary for a certain Mac model or
application. (Obviously, if you don't have a network, you don't need
network software.) On the downside, control panels and extensions eat up
space on the harddisk and in memory. Even worse, some extensions and
control panels sometimes conflict with each other, causing your Mac to
crash. In these situation Extension Overload helps you to find out, which
items in yor system folder you actually need and which ones you can safely
remove to keep your system small and efficient. But even if you are just
curious what all the items in the system folder do, Extension Overload is
for you.

Therefore, Extension Overload is useful if:

-	you are trying to solve an extension conflict.
-	you want to make your system use as less RAM as possible.
-	you want to save disk space by deleting unnessecary files.
-	you want to know what all the items do.
-	you are an experienced user who just needs a handy reference.

Please visit

New features in Version 2.7 (released in 10 June 1998):
-	76 extensions added. (Total of 666 extensions).
-	22 control panels added. (Total of 245 control panels)
-	Section "Where to Find Apple Software Updates" added.
-	Section "Macintosh System Error Codes" added.
-	More "Ways to Speed up your Macintosh" added. (Total of 44 ways).
-	Many details have been updated.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/extension-overload-27d.hqx; 306K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:37:43 -0700
Subject: [*] FinderPop1.6.4F - Cliquons Autrement! Rehausse les menus contex

This is the french version of FinderPop.
If you're looking for the english version and haven't found it here, check

=46inderPop est un gratuiciel qui rehausse les menus contextuels du MacOS 8.
Il permet entre autres l'apparition des menus contextuels sans l'aide de la
touche contr=F4le.

De plus, il int=E8gre dans les menus contextuels, l'=E9quivalent du menu
"Applications",l'espace m=E9moire disponible, donne acc=E8s au contenu du
Bureau des dossiers ou des disques, et plusieurs autres fonctions dont vous
pourrez ajuster les param=E8tres =E0 votre go=FBt...

Il permet aussi une navigation par menus hi=E9rarchiques au travers des
dossiers du Finder, soit =E0 partir des zones de dialogue Ouvrir/Enregistrer
ou directement dans le Finder.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/finderpop-164-fr.hqx; 228K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:38:22 -0700
Subject: [*] Font Image Library 3.56

Font Image Library 3.56 - The font library will print out a compact sample list
of all your currently loaded fonts. Allows you to view an image of any of the
fonts that have been stored in the library whether they are installed in your
system or not. Allows you to print out a sample of any individual font stored in
the library. You can print out high resolution samples of a font which is system
installed and low resolution of fonts in the library not installed.

[Archived as /info-mac/font/util/font-image-library-356.hqx; 1328K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:38:24 -0700
Subject: [*] FontLister v1.0.4

You can use FontLister to create a SimpleText file which lists all of the
Fonts currently installed in your system. Each font in the list will be
displayed in its 'own' font. If you wish, you can then print out the list
(using SimpleText) and use it as a referance. I find this quite useful
since I've got well over 300 fonts install and it's pure hell trying to
find just the right font sometimes.

FontLister is Freeware. This is definately a 'quick hack' of a program.
Pretty much no testing has been done, but it should work as planned.

- Power Macintosh (any kind will do)

[Archived as /info-mac/font/util/font-lister-104.hqx; 81K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:39:00 -0700
Subject: [*] FractalDesigner 1.1

  FractalDesigner allows to generate extremely beautiful
  fractal images on a PowerMacintosh. It is powerful in the
  sense that it doesn't only generate Mandelbrot or Julia sets,
  but the user can enter any other iteration. This is
  achieved through a very fast integrated interpretor. It is
  also possible to change the color palettes and to save them
  for further use.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/fractal-designer.hqx; 1004K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:38:04 -0700
Subject: [*] Game of the Winds 2.1 (german)

Game of the Winds ist ein leicht zu erlernendes Brettspiel fuer einen
Spieler, welches ebenfalls unter dem Namen "Mahjongg" bekannt ist.
Fuer Erwachsene ist es ein fesselndes und herausforderndes Spiel,
das viel Spass macht und hohe Konzentration erfordert. Aufgrund
seiner einfachen Regeln ist es aber auch sehr gut fuer Kinder geeignet.

Zu Beginn eines neuen Spiels werden 144 Steine auf dem Brett in
mehreren Ebenen angeordnet. Jeder der Steine ist mit einem farbigen
Symbol gekennzeichnet, wobei jeweils 4 Steine mit dem gleichen
Symbol gekennzeichnet sind. Die Anordnung der Steine richtet sich
nach dem vor dem Start ausgewaehlten Spielbrett. Die Verteilung
der Symbole erfolgt nach dem Zufallsprinzip.

Ziel des Spiels ist es, alle Steine vom Brett zu entfernen. Steine
koennen vom Brett entfernt werden, indem zwei Steine mit
identischen Symbolen nacheinander mit der Maus angeklickt werden.

* 20 verschiedene Spielbretter
* 3 verschiedene Spielsteinmotive (u.a. Mahjongg Motive)
* Integrierter Editor zum Erstellen eigener Spielbretter
* Spiel gegen die Stoppuhr
* Bestenliste
* Mehrstufiges Widerrufen/Wiederherstellen
* Optimiert fuer MacOS 8
* Erhaeltlich in deutsch und englisch

Game of the Winds ist Shareware, DM 10.- bzw. US $10.

Game of the Winds erfordert ein Apple Macintosh mit System 7 oder
hoeher.  Es laeuft auf jedem Macintosh mit 68K oder PowerPC Prozessor.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/game-of-the-winds-21-de.hqx; 617K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:38:07 -0700
Subject: [*] Game of the Winds 2.1e - Solitaire Mahjongg

Game of the Winds is an easy to learn solitaire board game which is also kno=
as "Mahjongg". It is a fascinating and challenging game which makes a lot
The game is well suited for children since the rules are simple.

When you start Game of the Winds, 144 tiles are arranged on the board inseve=
layers. Each tile is marked with a colored icon. There are always 4 tileswhi=
are marked with the same icon. The arrangement of the tiles is determined by
the layout which has been chosen before the start of the game. Thedistributi=
of the tiles on the board is randomly chosen.

The aim of the game is to remove all tiles from the board. Tiles can beremov=
from the board by selecting two matching tiles. Two tiles match if they are
marked with the same icon.

* 20 different board layouts
* 3 different tile sets
* Integrated board layout editor
* Challenge (play against stop watch)
* High score list
* Multiple Undo/Redo
* Optimized for MacOS 8
* Available in english and german

Game of the Winds is shareware. The shareware fee is US $10.

System Requirements
Game of the Winds requires System 7.0 or later. It runs on a Macintoshequipp=
with any 68K or PowerPC processor.

Game of the Winds can be downloaded from the Game of the Winds homepage at:


Copyright =A9 1998 Martin Cordsmeier

Game of the Winds should be placed into the following directory

[Archived as /info-mac/game/game-of-the-winds-21e.hqx; 615K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:38:51 -0700
Subject: [*] gasket-11.hqx

Gasket  is an accesory clock.
An oval clock is in the center of Sherpinski's Gasket,
which is wellknown shape in Mathematics or Computer Art.
The color of gasket changes according as a time goes.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/gasket-11.hqx; 690K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:37:52 -0700
Subject: [*] Gauguin in Tahiti Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post "Gauguin in Tahiti" for Kaleidoscope on your recent
additions page.
-Martha Royer

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/gauguin-in-tahiti-kalei.hqx; 393K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:37:45 -0700
Subject: [*] Help to Icon 1.0.2

Help to Icon is a tiny extension that replaces the Mac OS 8's Help menu
name with an icon.

Requirements : OS 8 or more

v1.0.2 :	Icon less blurry. Width of Help menu is now 28 pixels like
every other icon-title menu.
v1.0.1 :	Changed the name to force early loading. That sould solve
incompatibilities with extensions like Other Menu...

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/hti-102.hqx; 24K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:38:54 -0700
Subject: [*] Isoptikon

A geometry teaching/learning Assistant, developped by University of
Crete, Department of Mathematics.
Enables the drawing of geometric figures with heigh precision. Easy to
learn, with help, samples and tutorials. Compressed ca. 400 kb, Expanded
occupies 1.5 Mb of memory. Works on all Macs with 4Mb RAM.

The program, compressed with Stuffit is included as attachmen
Thank you Paris Pamfilos

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/isoptikon.hqx; 337K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:37:38 -0700
Subject: [*] John's WP Citations 2.2

This enhancement for WP 3.1 and later automates selection and formatting of
bibliographic citations to any formatting style, including footnotes,
endnotes or in-text citations plus bibliography as required by the Chicago
Manual of Style, MLA, APA or any others.

Designed to function as easily and competently as a dedicated reference
manager such as EndNote or ProCite. Works with any database program.
Operates as a transparent extension of both the database and WordPerfect.

Complete FileMaker Pro database included; people updating from Citations
2.1 can use the database they have just as well.

Unsolicited comments from users: "wonderful . . . works very well indeed! .
. . I am thrilled. Thank you so much . . . more functional than EndNote . .
. the integration between WP and FileMaker is very elegant . . . it's nice
not to have to be forced to use MS Word just because I need to use EndNote
. . . fine macros! . . . the program is very fast. It is as fast as EndNote
and much more convenient"

New in this version: faster. Optimized for FileMaker Pro. No longer needs
the clipboard when working with FileMaker. No longer requires the Jon's
Commands osax. No longer requires the slower Very Compatible mode with OSA

Free. May be included on AMUG, Info-Mac and UMich CD's.

John Rethorst

[Archived as /info-mac/text/wp/johns-wp-citations-22.hqx; 149K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:37:40 -0700
Subject: [*] John's WP Note Editor 4.1

This enhancement for WP 3x displays all endnotes or footnotes in one
window, automates cross-referencing of notes, and greatly facilitates
formatting and printing.

Notes can be entered and edited in the single Note Editor window and, in
one step, placed in your paper when you're finished writing.

Or you can enter notes in the standard way and then, with one command, copy
all of them to the Note Editor for editing or rearrangement. Drag-and-drop
among notes can be especially useful. Then it's one step to copy all
endnotes or footnotes back to your paper, updating the original notes.

Unsolicited comments from users: "a great job . . . very clever . . . works
like a charm! . . . I finally finished my doctoral dissertation, submitted
it in December, got the degree last month. The whole thing (400 pp.)
written on WordPerfect for Mac, and your footnote macros made the work
*much* easier . . . It's a great program"

Free. May be included on AMUG, Info-Mac and UMich CD's.

John Rethorst

[Archived as /info-mac/text/wp/johns-wp-note-editor-41.hqx; 32K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:38:11 -0700
Subject: [*] Lotto tracker II

Lotto tracker II - uses past Lotto results and probability logic to propose
likely future winning Lotto numbers. It computes lots of useful statistics,
creates bar graphs, suggests likely winning numbers, generates random
"quick picks"; auto-checks numbers it proposes and can even produce number
combinations based on the names of people and things. And with its unique
Prorated option, statistics get real meaning for all the lotto numbers,
regardless of which draw they were introduced. All of this for up to 300
lottos, each using just about any combination of numbers (eg. 6/36, 9/49,
etc.). Can import/export results from/to many different formats. Proudly
developed in Trinidad & Tobago, it ships with the results of several lottos
including those of the Trinidad & Tobago lotto.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/lotto-tracker-ii-15b-ppc.hqx; 2539K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:38:09 -0700
Subject: [*] Lotto Tracker II

Lotto Tracker II - uses past Lotto results and probability logic to propose
likely future winning Lotto numbers. It computes lots of useful statistics,
creates bar graphs, suggests likely winning numbers, generates random
"quick picks"; auto-checks numbers it proposes and can even produce number
combinations based on the names of people and things. And with its unique
Prorated option, statistics get real meaning for all the lotto numbers,
regardless of which draw they were introduced. All of this for up to 300
lottos, each using just about any combination of numbers (eg. 6/36, 9/49,
etc.). Can import/export results from/to many different formats. Proudly
developed in Trinidad & Tobago, it ships with the results of several lottos
including those of the Trinidad & Tobago lotto.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/lotto-tracker-ii-15b-68k.hqx; 2181K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:37:47 -0700
Subject: [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM 1.4.1 F.sit

What is MaBaSoft Quit CSM?

You often run more applications at the same time?
You wish you could quit one or more applications without having to make
them active first?
You would like to know their memory sizes without having to display the
About This Computer box?
You would love to have your largest unused memory block size always under
your eyes?
If so, then MaBaSoft Quit CSM is what need.

MaBaSoft Quit CSM is a module for the control strip that displays memory
information (largest unused block and application sizes) and enables you to
quit applications without having to make them active.
You can quit a single application (including the Finder), all background
applications or all running applications. You can moreover specify
applications which have not to be quitted by Quit CSM.

MaBasoft Quit CSM is 5 US$ shareware. It available from the MaBaSoft ftp
site at and
from all major Macintosh shareware ftp sites.

System Requirements

MaBaSoft Quit CSM runs on all types of Mac and needs System 7.1.1 or higher.
Control Strip, Extensions Strip or Desktop Strip need to be installed.
Minimum Extensions Strip version supporting Quit CSM is v1.5.2.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/mabasoft-quit-csm-141-fr.hqx; 166K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:38:56 -0700
Subject: [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM 1.4.1 I.sit

What is MaBaSoft Quit CSM?

You often run more applications at the same time? You wish you could quit one or
more applications without having to make them active first? You would like to
know their memory sizes without having to display the About This Computer box?
You would love to have your largest unused memory block size always under your
eyes? If so, then MaBaSoft Quit CSM is what need.

MaBaSoft Quit CSM is a module for the control strip that displays memory
information (largest unused block and application sizes) and enables you to
quit applications without having to make them active.
You can quit a single application (including the Finder), all background
applications or all running applications. You can moreover specify
applications which have not to be quitted by Quit CSM.

MaBasoft Quit CSM is 5 US$ shareware. It available from the MaBaSoft ftp
site at and
from all major Macintosh shareware ftp sites.

System Requirements

MaBaSoft Quit CSM runs on all types of Mac and needs System 7.1.1 or higher.
Control Strip, Extensions Strip or Desktop Strip need to be installed.
Minimum Extensions Strip version supporting Quit CSM is v1.5.2.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/mabasoft-quit-csm-141-it.hqx; 164K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:38:58 -0700
Subject: [*] MaBaSoft Quit CSM 1.4.1.sit

What is MaBaSoft Quit CSM?

You often run more applications at the same time?
You wish you could quit one or more applications without having to make
them active first?
You would like to know their memory sizes without having to display the
About This Computer box?
You would love to have your largest unused memory block size always under
your eyes?
If so, then MaBaSoft Quit CSM is what need.

MaBaSoft Quit CSM is a module for the control strip that displays memory
information (largest unused block and application sizes) and enables you to
quit applications without having to make them active.
You can quit a single application (including the Finder), all background
applications or all running applications. You can moreover specify
applications which have not to be quitted by Quit CSM.

MaBasoft Quit CSM is 5 US$ shareware. It available from the MaBaSoft ftp
site at
and from all major Macintosh shareware ftp sites.

System Requirements

MaBaSoft Quit CSM runs on all types of Mac and needs System 7.1.1 or higher.
Control Strip, Extensions Strip or Desktop Strip need to be installed.
Minimum Extensions Strip version supporting Quit CSM is v1.5.2.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/mabasoft-quit-csm-141.hqx; 167K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:38:17 -0700
Subject: [*] macattack-198

MacAttack is a fast-paced arcade game only available on (you guessed it)
the Mac. The game plays similar to the classic arcade game "Tempest" and
the Mac version of it "Arashi". However, the graphics have been updated
substantially. Version 1.98 fixes a problem that caused MacAttack to
hang (under OS 8.1) following the end of a game. Some other minor
improvements were added such as saving the difficulty setting between

MacAttack is fun for players of all skill levels. There are 5 difficulty
settings and unlike most games they significantly affect the way the
game is played. This is the full version of MacAttack, however before
registering you'll only be able to play 3 demo levels (levels 3, 6, and
11 ) from the full game which has 30 levels and over a dozen different
enemies. When you send in the $15 shareware fee you'll get a password to
unlock all 30 levels of the game. For more info and to order the game
visit our web page:

* Full-screen play on any Monitor. MacAttack will scale to the size of
your monitor (even 20 inch ones) if you give it enough memory.
* Smooth animation - 30 frames/second, digitized explosions
* Rendered 3d graphics
* Digitized explosions

System requirements:
* System 6.07 or later
* Any Macintosh capable of running color Quickdraw. Including: Mac SE30
or later and most PowerBooks
* 2MB of free RAM

For more information visit our web page:


Roger Kemper
New Reality Entertainment, Inc.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/com/macattack-198.hqx; 1575K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:38:20 -0700
Subject: [*] Maya

You are an archaeologist in search of the Scepter of Quetesoma.  After
weeks of searching, you stumble upon a non-descript tomb and volunteer to
enter.  Will you find the scepter, and, more importantly, will you make
it out alive?

Maya is an adventure game created using GameMaker by Al Staffieri

[Archived as /info-mac/game/adv/maya.hqx; 2180K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:37:35 -0700
Subject: [*] McPoet4.5

McPoet is a set of tools for text generation and text morphing: that is,
tools for writing computer-generated and computer-assisted poetry. It
uses its own simple language to allow the text-generation rules to be
completely user-configurable. It is easy to write your own rules for
McPoet even if you know nothing about programming your Mac. You can also
use the large set of built-in rules, or the (now much-improved)
automatic rule-generating function which can turn ordinary text into an
executable rule. The text morphing features include an automatic version
of Tristan Tzara's original Dadaist formula for creating poetry from
text, an eecummingsfication feature for imitating the style of the great
poet ee cummings, multiple forms of Markov chaining (with several
built-in probability tables) and much more. Rule files and the word-type
files that they reference are stored externally, on disk. As a result,
there are no strong constraints on the number of word types or rules you
can use- McPoet can be massively expanded by the end-user.
        Versions 4.x are much improved over version 3.x. Version 4.4
crashed under System 8.1; Version 4.5 is an identical replacement which
runs under System 8.1.
        In tribute to its Dadaist roots, McPoet is uncopyrighted and
free. It may be freely redistributed in any way. It requires at least 4.5
megabytes of free disk space, at least 3 megabytes of available RAM, and
a fast processor (or great patience!). Though a PowerPC is highly
recommended, it is compatible with all Macs.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/mcpoet-45.hqx; 2114K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:37:49 -0700
Subject: [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.

PandoCalendar is a freeware Macintosh application that places a small
customizable calendar on your desktop. The calendar may be customized by
changing the frame, background color, text color, font, and font size.

Version 3.2 - Adds caching the calendar for quicker redraws, the ability
to stay in PandoCalendar by clicking in the QuickView Corner, scaling the
note circle, support of aliases for the frames or the frames folder,
European style weeks, hiding the calendar when not active, and fixed some
bugs in the anti-aliasing.

Panda Systems

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/pando-calendar.hqx; 539K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:38:34 -0700
Subject: [*] PictureSnooperV1.5  AutoSearch/Download Binaries Off NewsGroups

PictureSnooper 1.5

Tired of waiting for pictures to download?  Searching for that perfect
ClipArt, or Raytraced Images (or other binary file), but can't stand
searching through GigaBytes of Postings?  That is why I wrote

PictureSnooper is an Application that Searches UseNet NewsGroups for binary
files, while you are having dinner, at the movies, or even sleeping.  These
binary files are usually pictures (and sometimes executables and HTML
files).   After finding a binary file, PictureSnooper downloads the file,
decodes that file, and saves that file to the directory of your choice for
later viewing.

New Features since version 1.4:
* Reporting of Subject, Author, and Download Progress Bar
* Expanded User Option to Store Authentication Name And Password
* Fixed A Load Problem with Some Extensions On 7.5.x Machines

* System 7.0 or Later.
* QuickTime 2.5 or Higher
* Macintosh with the Thread Manager Extension (Later System
   Versions Have ThreadManager Built In).
* Access To A News Server Through Your Internet Provider.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/picture-snooper-15.hqx; 1201K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:38:45 -0700
Subject: [*] ProcessWatcher 3.1

ProcessWatcher provides a very easy way of monitoring the processes
running on your computer or a remote computer running MacOS,
including "background-only" applications.

ProcessWatcher can display two kind of windows: processes lists and
process information.  Processes list windows display a list of
the running processes; process information window give information
such as the Process Serial Number, the active time, the launch flags.

ProcessWatcher can also connect to a remote ProcessWatcher application
(either ProcessWatcher or PWd, the ProcessWatcher background only
daemon application) to monitor the processes running on another
machine of the network.

Using ProcessWatcher you can also kill the running processes, launch
new processes, and send Open AppleEvents to running processes, easily
bring an application to the front...  It has some support for
scripting so you can open your remote connections automatically.
Version 3.1 is MacOS 8 appearence compliant.

Hugues Marty

(stored as

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/process-watcher-31.hqx; 119K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:38:43 -0700
Subject: [*] ProcessWatcher 3.1 French

Here is the french version of ProcessWatcher 3.1.

ProcessWatcher permet de controler les processus qui tournent sur votre
Mac ou sur un autre Mac de votre reseau, y compris les taches de fond
(applications sans interface).

ProcessWatcher affiche la liste des processus dans une fenetre, ainsi
que des informations sur un processus particulier, comme le Numero de
Serie du Processus, le temps d'activite, les options de lancement...

ProcessWatcher peut se connecter a un autre processus ProcessWatcher
(ou PWd, une tache de fond livree dan la distribution) tournant sur
une machine distante afin de visualiser les processus qui
tournent sur cette machine.

ProcessWatcher permet de "tuer" un processus, lancer de nouveaux
processus, envoyer un AppleEvent "Open" a un processus existant,
ainsi que d'activer une application d'un simple clic. ProcessWatcher
est en partie scriptable. La version 3.1 est principalement une mise
a jour pour MacOS 8.

Hugues Marty

(stored as

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/process-watcher-31-fr.hqx; 120K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:37:54 -0700
Subject: [*] Sail! Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post "Sail!" Kaleidoscope scheme on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/sail-for-kaleidoscope.hqx; 348K]


Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 14:26:10 -0700
Subject: [*] Scorpion BarCode 1.30

Scorpion BarCode 1.30

The Scorpion BarCode software helps with easy creation and printing of all
major bar code symbologies in EPSF or PICT file formats including EAN-13
(With or without Add-On codes), EAN-8, EAN-128, UPC-A (With or without
Add-On codes), UPC-E, Code-128,  Code-93, Code-39, Codabar, ITF
(Interleaved Two Five), ISSN, ISBN, PostNet (5 digit / 9 digit / 11 digit),
RM4SCC, Pharmacode and MSI.

With drag and drop simplicity plus AppleScript support, this complete
utility software also provides templates for a custom labeling system. The
Scorpion BarCode software also supports Balloon Help and Apple Guide to
simplify the user experience. The Apple Speech Manager provides voice
support through the Voice Assistance feature. The entire User Guide is
built into the onscreen help.

Full details available from <> or eMail

[Archived as /info-mac/app/scorpion-barcode-130.hqx; 331K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:38:53 -0700
Subject: [*] Screwy HTML Fixer 1.5

Screwy HTML Fixer 1.5 - ($5) If you have PageMill, you need this program.
Adobe PageMill is great, but it will add funny junk to your HTML code.
PageMill adds height tags to tables and cells, but gives you no good way to
delete them. It adds NatrualSizeFlags to all your images. It even claims
the hard work of creating your page with a Meta tag, even if you do most
the work in BBedit. No more! Screwy HTML
fixer tightens up those loose tables and kills stupid code. It even allows
you to preview each change as it is made in your browser of choice. If you
use PageMill, your going to love this program.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/html/screwy-html-fixer-15.hqx; 1349K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:38:15 -0700
From: millerc@OIT.EDU
Subject: [*] SmallMines 2.0

SmallMines 2.0 - if freeware.A MineSweeper-style game. The object of the
game is to reveal all tiles that don't have mines hidden underneath.  If
you reveal a tile that doesn't have a mine underneath, you'll find instead
how many mines surround that particular tile in the minefield.  If you
think you know of a tile that has a mine underneath, you can hold down the
control key, option key, or command key while clicking on that tile.  This
will plant a flag on that tile, to remind you where the mine is.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/small-mines-20.hqx; 21K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:38:48 -0700
Subject: [*] Squirt 3.1

Remember Squirt 3?  Now here is Squirt 3.1!!!  It has the added feature
of sounds!!!

Squirt 3.1 is an animation that is over 800 frames!  It now features
tons of sound effects making the animation great!  If you have seen the
other Squirt animations then your in for a treat!  Watch as Squi

[Archived as /info-mac/art/squirt-21.hqx; 513K]


Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 22:40:37 -0700
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#434/15-Jun-98


Backup remains the focus this week, with Adam's review of the first
Macintosh Internet backup service, BackJack, plus a look at shareware
backup programs, offsite backup services, and data recovery services. Also
this week, Jerry Kindall reviews ACTION Files, a worthy replacement for the
venerable Super Boomerang. News items include reports of Norton AntiVirus
damaging disks, plus the first party announcements for Macworld Expo in New

    Get a Piece of the ACTION Files
    Have You Backed Up Today? Part 3
    Internet Backup via BackJack


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-434.etx; 30K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:38:26 -0700
Subject: [*] VisualFont 1.05

VisualFont is a 10$ font utility for Macintosh that will let you watch
BitMap and TrueType fonts in any folder. It implements a full drag and
drop interface which allows scanning of dropped folders and, when a font
is displayed, to drag it onto the finder in order to copy its
corresponding file. It can also display some help balloons. One of the
most interesting features is however its ability to download or write a
list of selected files. It works in any folder as well as on a CD-Rom.
Some basic fonctions are also available: zooming and moving the font
currently displayed. VisualFont also offers a dozen of settings in the
Preferences dialog. It is handy for managing font archives.

[Archived as /info-mac/font/util/visual-font-105.hqx; 166K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:38:31 -0700
Subject: [*] VOODOO 1.81

VOODOO 1.81 - our popular version control tool VOODOO is available. The new
version offers so many great new features that it should be called 2.0.
However, since we did already reserve this version number for the next
great step (the client server solution) this version is just called 1.8.
Here is a list of the most important new features of version 1.8: Support
of AppleEvents and AppleScript Smooth integration with Metrowerks
CodeWarrior IDE. (compatible with CW IDE 1.7.4 as well as with the upcoming
CW IDE 2.0). Essential parts PowerPC native. Fetch and Store operations are
backgroundable. Show differences between versions (not only for text
files!). Configurable local file locking (Finder flag or 'ckid' resource).
Improved handling of local files including the creation of folder
structures. Change local path prefix command allows to "move" whole

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/voodoo-181-3.hqx; 1790K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:38:36 -0700
Subject: [*] WebScanner-1.1

WebScanner lets you scan sites using keyword recognition, and it retrieves
pages to your hard disk nicely in background while you are doing other
things in the web. It runs on a PowerMac and needs a color monitor. Since
you wouldn't use it without running Netscape or Explorer, a minimum 48 MB
RAM is required. If you scan a lot, disk cache may require 100-600 MB.
Welcome fatware!

WebScanner reads/writes both Netscape and Explorer bookmarks, url and link
files. You can also drag&drop between browser, email program and
WebScanner. Manual is unfinished but I'll be working on that, as well as
add some more features.

I originally wrote it to myself to be able to extract what's *really* new
in all those internet news sites, and reduce all that noise with filtering,
and then do webcrawling and say hello (by email) to everybody it recognizes
in the pages. If you like I can make it shareware, but I just wanted to add
that nasty authorizing panel. The program operates 15 minutes in full mode.

I used only get-it command from CL-HTTP library (developed in MIT AI lab),
but full CL-HTTP is included, so basically it has full server capabilities.
It is also plug-in expandable if you want to extend it.

You can include the program in your Info-Mac CD-ROMs, but do not distribute
it with clock-tweaking utilities..

WebScanner-1.1.sit.hqx has been uploaded to:


[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/web-scanner-11.hqx; 5039K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:37:56 -0700
Subject: [*] Wolf! Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post Wolf! Kaleidoscope scheme on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/wolf-for-kaleidoscope.hqx; 316K]


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:38:28 -0700
Subject: [*] Yank 3.0.1

Yank is a $15 shareware application that does three things:

1) Uninstalls an application and files created by the application by moving
them to the Trash.

2) Cleans up your Preferences folder by moving outdated files to the Trash.

3) Slims fat binary applications.

Yank is a fat-binary application, which means it runs in native mode on a
Power Macs and 68K Macs.  System 7 is required.

New for Yank 3.0:

- Slims fat binary applications

- Easier to use

- Expanded user's manual

New for Yank 3.0.1:

- Fixed some minor bugs, including some memory leaks.

                   (Life's a Beach!)

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/yank-301.hqx; 578K]



End of Info-Mac Digest