Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #33
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Info-Mac Digest             Thu, 12 Feb 98       Volume 16 : Issue 33

Today's Topics:

            Thicker Cables
      3400 Ethernet/Modem
      48 megs of ram in the 'Book, 48 megs of ram...
      [A?]: HDT the best Mac virus!
      [A] Key combination to bypass boot from internal HD
      [A] more memory - slower Mac??
      [A] Renaming Zip Disks
      [Q] Adding sounds to OS8 System suitcase
      [Q] Text listing of files on disk
      [Q] unmounting multi-session CDs
      [Q]: Creating BinHex files on non-Mac platforms
      [Summary]: Macintosh 1984 commercial in .hqx format
      A New Powerbook
      Bypass boot from harddrive
      dail-up email (JUNO)
      desktop file problems
      Diagnosing LC630 DOS
      Found A Great New Software Site
      FreeNet's [ISP's] / Postal Barcode [Font]
      How to read ClarisWorks 5 files?
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #30
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #30
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #30
      Key combination to bypass boot from internal HD?
      Key combination to bypass the internal HD
      Last system to work on an LC
      Macro virus work around
      Need to buy "Video Card"
      Now Utilities and OS 8
      OS/8 upgrade
      Postal Barcode Font
      Replacement for Expresso
      Word: Documents automatically saved as Templates

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Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 11:14:58 CST
From: "Tom Kirke (312) 413-5539" <U33515@UICVM.UIC.EDU>
Subject:       Thicker Cables

> From: Jan Bjorn Taranrod <>
> Subject: ZIP/JAZ problems
> GET THICKER CABLES: If your Mac freezes it is most likely the  SCSI =
> cable that is too thin. (The computer itself occupying its own SCSI =
> ID (whether you hav a IDE drive or not) is not able to do anytihing =
> when teh SCSI chain goes rotten.) It can in some instanses help to =
> try/buy/get another cable than the one that came with the ZIP/JAZ =
> drive. This is a wellknown problem with SCSI cables that Iomega =
> should have known about! They can't be too thick!

Just a comment here, the cables are thicker because A) each lead is grounded
( less lead-to-lead signal crossover ) and B) each wire is thicker ( less
internal resistance ).  Also it helps if the cables are as SHORT as possible.
SCSI is touchy, a few extra bucks on premium cables can work miracles.

Finally, if all else fails, hold a Virgin SCSI Terminator to the rising
full moon and repeat OxD times "Bill Gates for President".  This has always
worked for my SCSI problems.

tom  <>


Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 08:05:22 +0100
From: Stefano Stefani <>
Subject: 3400 Ethernet/Modem

The 3400 PowerBook series is sold here, in Italy, only with an Ethernet 

Is possible to buy and install the Ethernet/Modem combo card that 
installed in the 3400 sold in USA ?

If yes. Where is possible to buy this card ???




Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 21:13:41 -0400
From: David Roche <>
Subject: 48 megs of ram in the 'Book, 48 megs of ram...

Hi folks,

I recently purchased 32 megs of extra ram for my Powerbook 1400cs, bringing
the total to 48 megs. However, I notice very little difference in
application "pep".

What should I do to increase the speediness of the Powerbook (short of
buying another!)? What would the best memory cache setting be? And what
other measures should I take?

Also, a totally unrelated question, if you will...

When sending files to a PC-owning friend, I use PkZip and ZipIt, but he can
NEVER decompress the file using WinZip... if I send a picture file directly
through email as an attachment, it works fine, but when I zip it, my friend
claims the file unzips but contains nothing!

What am I doing wrong? Or is he doing something wrong? any suggestions?

Thanks so much in advance for any help!


Date: Fri, 6 Feb 1998 15:20:29 -0800
From: Maurice Mike McNeil <>
Subject: [A?]: HDT the best Mac virus!

1) Can you boot from a Disk tools floppy? That might allow you to reformat
using Disk Setup. I assume you've actually tried this, so skip to step 2)

2) Have you tried holding down Command-Option-Shift-Delete (pretty sure
that  is the correct combination) during booting with either a bootable CD
or a bootable External Drive? This forces the Mac to boot from any external
drive before it looks at the internal drive. Once you have it booted,
formatting software should solve the problem. Tried that? Skip to step 3)

3) If you have a working external drive, you might consider swapping them.
Remove the internal drive and replace it with the external drive, boot from
a floppy or CD if necessary to install a system. Get that all working, then
try to bring up the scrambled drive as an external. This may require some
interesting timing. You may have to start the boot process with the
external attached, but power off. Just after you see the Happy Mac (Love
that!) icon, turn on the external drive. You should then be able to access
and format the external drive with your favorite formatter. This has worked
for me more than once when I scrambled the boot blocks on a drive.

a) Termination of the previously external (now internal) may be a problem,
good to have a drive manual. Usually involves moving or installing jumpers.
Also the assignment of SCSI addresses will be less intuitive. Almost as bad
as a PC, but NOT quite.

4)  If you do not have a working external drive, a drive casing will do (If
you haven't got a Penny, a Ha-Penny will do!). Same exercise. I bought a
used drive casing for $35 at a local store (Mad Mac's) in San Diego and it
has been extremely useful for testing and recovering HDs.



Date: Mon, 09 Feb 1998 11:18:54 -0500
From: (Joni Hope Julian)
Subject: [A] Key combination to bypass boot from internal HD

	Here's some suggestions for keys to press at startup:
  0.  If there's a floppy in the floppy drive, any Mac should boot from
the floppy instead of the hard drive.
  1.  If there's a floppy in the floppy drive but you do want to boot
from the hard drive, hold down the mouse button to override #0.
  2.  COMMAND-OPTION-SHIFT-DELETE at startup to bypass anything on SCSI
  3.  COMMAND-CONTROL-SHIFT-DELETE at startup to boot from nearest
SCSI-capable device.  Unfortunately, I would expect this to start with
SCSI-0, which is likely the hard drive from which you do not want to
  4.  On not-older Macs (my wild guess since 1993), you can boot from CD
by holding the C key at startup.

	Or you can skip key combinations for people with long, flexible fingers
and use the control panel "Startup Disk" to choose any currently-mounted
volume as the startup volume.

HTH, Joni


Date: Mon, 09 Feb 1998 11:24:44 -0500
From: (Joni Hope Julian)
Subject: [A] more memory - slower Mac??

	In the interest of tossing out the simplest possible solution, remember
that *any* time you *change* the amount of memory installed in any Mac,
you should go to the Memory control panel and click on "Use Defaults". 
The default Disk Cache size you get is related to the amount of memory
you have.  (Set all the other options as you like.)  You should also do
this any time you upgrade the OS because the installation default is not
necessarily the same as "Use Defaults."  However, I have only ever seen
*slight* performance improvements so I'm afraid you may need a trickier
answer.  Start with this one, though, because you need to do this

HTH, Joni


Date: Tue, 10 Feb 98 08:17:34 -0500
From: Scott Coats <>
Subject: [A] Renaming Zip Disks

>>Is it possible to change the "name" of "Zip 100" disks or do they always
>>remain zip 100?
>The names of Zip disks can be changed in the same way the names of floppies
>can be changed:  simply click once on the disk by the name, type in a new
>name, and press the return key.

Well, with two caveats:

1. The original zip cartridge that came with the drive is write-protected 
and must be formatted with Iomega Tools to allow it to be renamed. That's 
because it contains the installer software and Iomega doesn't want you to 
accidentally erase it.

2. If file sharing is enabled, you won't be able to rename the disk 
either (or any other non-floppy removable media). Disable file sharing, 
change the name, then re-enable sharing.

Scott Coats

Innovative Data Solutions      305/451-4560
333 Third Road                 305/451-2411 Fax
Key Largo, FL         for great deals on new, demo, and used Mac stuff.


Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 17:51:47 -0500
From: Robert George Daniel <>
Subject: [Q] Adding sounds to OS8 System suitcase

Dear friendly helpful Mac community -

Is it just me, or is it no longer possible to drag system 7 sound files into
the system suitcase, which I swear I remember doing before going OS8.
Since upgrading, I seem stuck with the default alerts, or recording
new ones live.

Did I miss a meeting?

Bob Daniel


Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 15:37:48 -0500
From: Ken Laskey <>
Subject: [Q] Text listing of files on disk

I knew that someday I'd run across something I knew how to do on a command
line that I couldn't quickly figure out on a Mac, and today was the day.  I
need to get a list of files in a folder and be able to include that list in
a mail message (or any other word processing document).  On a PC at a
command line, I'd type DIR > DIR.OUT and the directory listing would appear
in a file named dir.out.  How do I do that on the Mac?  {My crude approach
today was to take a screen shot of the relevant portion of the folder in
list view and attach it to the email.}

Ken Laskey


Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 17:53:39 +0100
From: Sven Luetkemeier <>
Subject: [Q] unmounting multi-session CDs

Dear info-mac community,

I'm looking for a convenient way to unmount every session of a multi-session
CD-ROM without having to select every single partitition / session of the CD.
Is there a tool that would enable me to do this with a single keystroke?
Could I use OneClick or AppleScript for this purpose?

Regards, Sven


Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 07:56:47 -0600
From: (Michael Cook)
Subject: [Q]: Creating BinHex files on non-Mac platforms

I would like to be able to create BinHex (.hqx) files for a Macintosh,
but do it on a non-Mac platform (VMS, UNIX, or Windows NT).

This would allow me to convert downloaded files to a format for easier
transporting to my Mac, which is not on a network.

Thanks for suggestions.

-- Mike Cook


Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 07:55:16 -0600
From: (Michael Cook)
Subject: [Summary]: Macintosh 1984 commercial in .hqx format

Thanks to the following folks for helping me with my request:

"Mike Brudenell" <>
"Richard Trueman" <>
Chaz Larson <>
Don Chesnut and Cathy Jo Cassidy <>
James Atkinson <>
Jerry Levinson <>
Louis Bergeron <> ("Robert E. Front")

Some noted the movie and others are available on the "The 1997 Apple Mac
Advocate CD-ROM."  This CD was free from Apple support and may still be
available.  No URL was given to try to find this CD.  Searching Apple's
site didn't reveal it for me.

Apple does have a web site with several commercials, including "1984".

Ziff Davis's MacWorld archive has the 1984 commercial in HQX format (18MB).

Thanks again to all who helped.

-- Mike Cook


Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 14:18:42 -0700
From: (kBateman)
Subject: A New Powerbook

<x-fontsize><param>9</param>I need a bit of advice

My current plan is to purchase a Powerbook 1400cs/133 16Mb RAM, 1.3Gb HD, 8=
X CD with ethernet card and a software package containing Clarisworks, Clar=
is Organizer and all the basic Internet software.  Total Price: =243400 CDN=

I will using it a school living in residence with a high speed Internet net=
work connection (Hence the ethernet card). =20

I am wondering if this is a good deal, or should I buy it from somewhere el=

K.C. Bateman

PS Thanks in advance.</x-fontsize><x-fontsize><param>10</param>



Date: Mon, 09 Feb 1998 16:21:23 -0800
From: Max Millar <>
Subject: Bypass boot from harddrive

Is there anything wrong with rebooting from another (ext) disc onto
which have copied a system folder?  Works fine for me as a backup method
of logging on.



Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 01:11:43 -0600
From: SPS <>
Subject: dail-up email (JUNO)

Does anyone know of an email service like JUNO that is MAC friendly?
(Dail-up without internet connection)
Juno does not have Apple software.



Date: Mon, 09 Feb 1998 14:17:33 +0000
From: Adrian Umpleby <>
Subject: desktop file problems

Kimberly Andrew wrote:

> Help! After 6 years I am now sharing my Macintosh with a co-worker.
> She has _very_ limited knowledge of computers (when I suggested that
> she  should restart during the day she was shocked, thought she would
> lose everything.)

I've had very similar reactions when I've thrown someone's floppy in
the trash!

> Today I had a major bomb while in M$ Word 5. When I ran 
> Norton's, it found bad desktop files on all three partions of the HD
> (in 6 yrs. I have never had a corrupted desktop).

A corrupt desktop is, in itself, not a serious matter. It is simply a
database used by the Finder mainly to keep application related info.

> Fortunately, everything was fixable.

That's good - however, it is perhaps possible this is a symptom of some
more malevolent problem. I suggest that you keep an eye on it to see if
it recurs and how often/quickly.

> I used the "find" feature to see what had been changed/modified
> since last Friday, and discovered that my co-worker was into
> EVERYTHING -- including items in the system folder.

There are some possible alternative explanations for this; however,
you may have the correct explanation, too!

> I also noticed that the trash can was full, but the menu item
> "empty trash" was greyed out!

I've had this happen to me once before - I've no idea why and it never
happened again.

> Also if you have any ideas on how to protect things from her -
> please let me know ASAP.

I manage a network of Macs at a hostel in London which is used by the
residents, so I have similar desires to keep things protected.
Here are some of the major methods I use...

1) If you have system 7.5 or higher go to the 'General Controls'
control panel and switch on System Folder protection. This will
prevent anyone from moving anything into/from the System Folder.

2) Turn on File Sharing and use the 'Sharing...' menu item to set
certain folders so they 'cannot be moved/renamed or deleted'.

3) Create a personal folder for her on your HD (or the desktop) and
put an alias to it in the Apple Menu. Place inside it some stationery
files for strategic applications so that she can easily open
applications and when she saves it automatically goes into her own

4) Get ResEdit and go to the 'Get File/Folder Info' menu item and
make the Control Panels folder and the Extensions folder invisible.
You can also hide the System file and the Finder if you want, though
you can only hide the Finder if you boot up from another disk.
They will all work quite happily being hidden. Also, remove the control
panels alias from the Apple Menu. If you want to access the controls
yourself quite regularly, I suggest you make a copy of the control
panels folder on a floppy. They can then be opened from your floppy
when you want to change settings (make sure you still keep the
original controls in the hidden Control Panels folder, though).

5) If you want to keep some controls visible then move them from the
Control Panels folder, before you hide it, into the System Folder.
They will work fine from there. Also, make a folder in the Apple
Menu (call it 'Controls & Settings' or something), and make aliases
to the visible controls in it.

6) Try hiding the Preferences folder. It is quite possible you
will find some applications that are not at all happy about this, but
it's worth a try. If an app needs to see its preferences it will
probably reset its settings to the default ones when you hide the
prefs folder. It may be wise to make a backup of the prefs folder
before you try this in case you manage to lose some settings.

7) Use ResEdit ('Get File/Folder Info' again) to lock applications,
along with their names and resources. You will probably find that
some apps do not like having something locked, but you should always
be able to get away with locking the name. Try running the app under
various possible locked settings to see what works.

8) Use ResEdit to lock the preferences files for particular apps.
You may have similar problems to those in 6, but you may well find
that most apps will simply report an error if you try to change/save
the prefs (for some apps this happens every time they quit). You
may be happy to live with such error messages. If you really know
what you are doing you could just lock specific resources from the
application's preferences file.

These are some hints and tips I've learnt over the last few years
whilst running the network. I hope you find something useful there!

  Adrian Umpleby


Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 08:00:12 +0900
From: Keith Wilkinson <>
Subject: Diagnosing LC630 DOS

I asked about an LC630 DOS which doesn't start up:
each time I press the power key I got a speaker
click, but that's it -- no video, no fan noise etc.

Suggestions included replacing battery, jiggling power
supply connectors;  I did this and it will start up some
of the time -- but no video.  I have two Mac-to-SVGA
adapters which make the monitor look like different
Mac monitors.  With some settings the Mac won't start.

Does anyone know which monitors are supported or
have any other suggestions (I now have two mother-
boards, neither of which has video).  Could the power
and video problems be due to local power here in Japan
(100-110 V 50 Hz, I recall)?  (I have an imported
Quadra 630 as well, but have no problems with it.)  TIA


Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 18:52:53 GMT
From: (Filedude)
Subject: Found A Great New Software Site

Hey all.. I found this cool site at  You
should see it! It's got piles of stuff! 8)  Nice transfer rate too,
for those of you with higher bandwidth.


Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 09:32:11 -0500
From: "Leon E. Weed" <>
Subject: FreeNet's [ISP's] / Postal Barcode [Font]

A good starting point for "Free" ISP's [FreeNet's] in your community, you
should check out this well orginized and maintained web site:

An excellent "stand alone" True Type and PostScript font set was recently
developed by Mr. Steven Wheeler called Postal Uzi. At a $5 shareware price
tag, this font set is by far a bargan considering the amount of precision
work that was needed to comply with the US Postal requirements. To
understand the complexity of his work you should review his "Read Me" file
enclosed. The discusion also indicates why the other font sets did not

To reveiw the description - go to this URL [copy and paste this into "Open L"]

Then select "Download"

Best regards,



Date: Mon, 09 Feb 1998 09:48:14 +0000
Subject: Help

I am running on a LC575 with system 7.1 and 32 mg. of memory. 
I use M.Y.O.B. to keep our business records and twice now when I have
backed up my work and then saved when I have gone back into it on
another day, and try to do something I have gotten a fatal ID, restart
Then when I go back in it does the same thing. I believe this means
corrution somewhere and I have to go  back and find one not corrupted
and then reenter all the information again. I was wondering if anyone
could help me with this. It would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Bonnie


Date: Mon, 09 Feb 1998 09:48:14 +0000
Subject: Help

I am running on a LC575 with system 7.1 and 32 mg. of memory. 
I use M.Y.O.B. to keep our business records and twice now when I have
backed up my work and then saved when I have gone back into it on
another day, and try to do something I have gotten a fatal ID, restart
Then when I go back in it does the same thing. I believe this means
corrution somewhere and I have to go  back and find one not corrupted
and then reenter all the information again. I was wondering if anyone
could help me with this. It would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Bonnie


Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 13:14:43 +0100
From: (Christian F Buser)
Subject: How to read ClarisWorks 5 files?

[ A copy of this message has been posted to the newsgroups ]
[     comp.sys.mac.apps                                    ]
[     mus                                                  ]

Now that Claris has released ClarisWorks 5, they have obviously again
introduced a completely new file format which cannot be opened with any
earlier version of ClarisWorks, nor with any other application or

When Claris released CW4, they also made a converter utility available
to convert version 4 documents back to version 3, but this seems not to
be the case this time. 

MacLink Plus 9.7 (which was announced here in the German version only
about 1 month or so ago) does not recognize CW5 documents. 

Of course, a user who has CW5 can save documents in CW4 format, but you
cannot expect that everybody does this before he sends a file to someone
else. Claris seems to have found a good solution to force users to buy
an "upgrade", even if they don't need it. I think all Mac users would
run amok against such a behaviour, would that company be called
Microsoft and not Claris, but now... ? (Even Microsoft managed to
publish a translator to allow Word 7 / Word 95 files to be read with
Word 6!).

Any comments welcome. Best wishes, Christian.


Date: Mon, 09 Feb 1998 16:08:08 -0800
From: Max Millar <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #30

I agree that Address Book is magnificent and, unfortuneatly,
The bar-code work flawlessly.



Date: Mon, 09 Feb 1998 12:28:12 +0000
From: Environmental Protection Branch <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #30

I am iterested in the Windows Bar Code font. If it is
freeware/shareware, I can convert it to a Mac font and post it to the
info-Mac archive.



Date: Mon, 09 Feb 1998 12:46:46 +0000
From: Environmental Protection Branch <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #30

I am looking for a Quadra AV card to upgradea Quadra650. Can any AV card
go in the Quadra650 (it has the same case as a 6100/7100)? Does anyone
know of a good source of used AV cards? I am assuming 'AV' means
video-out/video-in as well as audio-out/audio-in? Are old AV cards
supported under MacOS8? I mainly want to drive a large (19") monitor
with decent colors (thousands+) and have the option of capturing video.

TIA for any input.


Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 09:16:42 -0800
From: Jim Wickman <>
Subject: Key combination to bypass boot from internal HD?

>Date: Fri, 6 Feb 1998 10:54:24 +0100
>From: Sebastiano Pilla <>
>Subject: Key combination to bypass boot from internal HD?
>I'm sure this is a FAQ, so I apologize early; I will save your replies.
>I need to know the key combinations to bypass booting from the Mac's
>internal HD:

Try:  Shift-Option-Command-Delete.

A friendly octopus helps. 8 ^)>


Date: Tue, 10 Feb 98 11:31:46 +0100
From: Patrik Montgomery <>
Subject: Key combination to bypass the internal HD

On 98-02-09 10:37, Info-Mac used quantum mechanics and the General Theory 
of Relativity to draw the conclusion that:

>I'm sure this is a FAQ, so I apologize early; I will save your replies.
>I need to know the key combinations to bypass booting from the Mac's
>internal HD: I must have scored a record number of reboots trying without
>sucess all the permutations of command, control, shift, etc. (no, I haven't
>got the etc. key yet ;-).
>Any suggestion?

I thought this might be of interest to several, so here goes:

Command-Option-Shift-Backspace is the combination that should do exactly 
what you ask.

Holding mousebutton will do the opposite - boot from the internal HD no 
matter what the Startup settings are and no matter if there is a system 
disk in the drive.

Note that this disables startup from the drive, but the Mac will still 
"look" at it. If you have a problem with a damaged driver, you will have 
to disconnect the drive physically to make your machine startup.

Patrik Montgomery        

multitasking, n - the computer equivalent of schizophrenia


Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 13:13:12 +0100
From: Dirk von Seggern <>
Subject: Last system to work on an LC

At 15:31 Uhr -0500 on 06.02.1998, "Bruce A. Bromberek"
<> wrote in "Info-Mac Digest V16 #27":

>What is the last version of the MacOS that will run on a plain old LC?
>Specifically does, 7.5 work?

System 7.5.5 is the last version.

7.6.x needs a 68030 and(!) a 32-bit-clean ROM.
8.x needs a 68040.



Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 10:29:32 -0600
From: "Atkinson" <>
Subject: Macro virus work around

> I seem to remember reading something about disabling Word's macro
>capability, but I can't find a way of doing so.  Is there a way of doing 

The poor-man's method of working around the macro viruses is to save or 
convert documents into RTF, which can't support templates and/or viruses.

Short of that, I would certainly invest in SAM, McAfee VirusScan, or Virex.   
I've had really good luck with all three, but I suspect that SAM probably 
has the best MS Word protection since Symantec is actually a sort of 
symbiotic appendage to Microsoft Corp. 

Have you heard the rumor that Microsoft actually writes most of the new 
viruses themselves in order to make Symantec's anti-virus project more 

James Atkinson



Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 05:11:58 -0800 (PST)
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: Need to buy "Video Card"

Rick Smykla wrote:

>I, too, have missed PopupFolder since upgrading to System 8. After seeing a
>recommendation of a (freeware!) utility called FinderPop, I decided to
>check it out. It's called a "Contextual Menu Enhancer", and what it does,
>among other things, is give you the same heirarchical popupfolder-type
>menuing, and duplicates a number of PopupFolder features that I've missed
>since upgrading. Used in conjunction with a two-button programmable mouse,
>or the "Look Ma, No Hands" shareware utility (to circumvent the need for
>the use of the Control-key), I am once again navigating through nested
>folders with ease . . .here's the URL if you want to give it a whirl:
>  OR:

I am one of the many people who missed PopUp Folder after System 8 came
along and who turned to FinderPop as a substitute. I agree that it (almost)
replaces PopUp Folder, though with FinderPop pressing on a folder icon pops
up a preliminary menu in which you first have to choose "Contents" before
you get the actual popup list of the folder contents. But it's fine.

I just wanted to add that since an early version of  FinderPop, you no
longer need the two-button mouse to make it work one-handed - hold just a
split second longer on the icon of a folder, and it pops up without using a
modifier key.



Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 22:23:30 -0800
From: Maurice Mike McNeil <>
Subject: Now Utilities and OS 8

Based on  this discussion I have installed Now Superboomerang 6.0, I find
it works just fine. I use Contextual menus & FinderPop, so no need for
NowMenus. I am excited that I can use SB again, I've missed it. I quit
using NU because of numerous memory problems and crashes.



Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 19:47:11 +0000
From: Rick Squires <>
Subject: OS/8 upgrade


I have a 8600/64MB Mac running 7.5.5.  Sitting on my desk is the CD to
upgrade to OS/8(UK version)

But I am nervous...

I have a number of apps that I am not sure will survive the change, so any
help would be much appreciated.  In particular I run:

Edmarks' Kid-desk V1.0 - this is an app launche for kids.  I face divorce
if I loose the kids sound files - does anyone know if this works under
OS/8(its a 68K app that runs from the startup folder and has a horrbly
complicated way of keeping track of what the kids are up to)?

Norton 3.2 - their website says no but there is a workround by starting
from a non OS/8 CD and using a floppy(I already do this for speedisk).
Does this *really* work?

SAM 4.0.8 - couldn't find any info on their site - does this work under OS/8

Kalidoscope V1.7

Also, I have a full backup using the Diskfit Direct s/w that came with the
built-in Zip drive - if it all bombs does anyone know for sure you can go
back to 7.5.5(and how do you do it?).

Also, also, the installation guide seems to say that it totally
nukes/replaces all your Internet stuff - I have a dialup account(with Demon
in the UK) I use Addmail and(a very old V1.5.1) version) of Eudora.  Will
this still work or again am I looking at a major re-config?  All the cool
scripting stuff that came with 7.5.5 seems to work fine(like command
clicking a highlighted URL launches Netscape V4 OK).  Again, I want to know
what exactly I am letting myself in for here - sure I can re-do all this
stuff but want to know if it is an hour or so or ages!  The guide says you
can dump the changes to the Internet setting after you install - is this
true?(I trust no-one!)

What I want to know up front is how much grief the upgrade is going to
cause - I dont mind paying for s/w upgrades(although I would like to
mimimise costs!)

Any URLs etc would be most helpful, plus any direct experience with the
products I use(I am a firm subscriber to the 'if it ain't broke don't fix
it school)

TIA - and I will post a digest here

I suspect all you US types have been through this already - sorry for being
a backward type from the UK!!



Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 18:17:03 -0800
From: Alan Akins <>
Subject: Postal Barcode Font

I've always downloaded my PostNet barcode font from umich at:

Many programs will do the full Delivery Point Barcode for you, but if you
feel like doing it yourself, the full barcode consists of the following:

[5 Digit Zip][4 digit ext][Last two digits of address/po box][check digit]

How do you find the 4-digit zip "extension"?  Go to

How do you calculate the check digit?  It's all the individual digits added
together mod 10.  I think it's mod.  It's whatever digit is required to get
to the next multiple of 10.

An example, you say?  OK, we'll use my address:

3304 xx Lane
97132 will tell you that the full zip is 97132-1588

The last two digits of the street address is 04.

That makes the full delivery point barcode 97132158804.

But wait, we need the check digit.  Add up all those numbers and you get
48. That makes the check digit 2.  (For faster adding, I add but only keep
track of the one's column: it's all you need.)

To create the *real* barcode on paper, using the postnetcode2.0 barcode,
you need to enclose the barcode with a single vertical line.  In the case
of PostNet Code, this is an !.  So here's the finished barcode:


Happy barcoding!


Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 05:12:01 -0800 (PST)
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: Replacement for Expresso

>> >My wife is looking for a replacement for Berkley System's Expresso.  In
>> >case you don't remember, Expresso was an appointment reminder/ to do
>list /calendar utility.  Berkley discontinued it and it hasn't worked on OS8
>when she tried it recently.  Any suggestions?
>> Claris Organizer
>> Consultant
>> I use Organizer, but have been checking out Consultant for the last week.
>> Consultant is pretty slick, but I don't plan on converting to it.
>Thanks, Mike.
>Do organizer and/or Consultant have a feature that will remind you of an
>event at a predesignated date/time?

Consultant and Organizer do have reminders. Organizer is really nice but
loads a lot more slowly than Expresso does. Consultant is $35 shareware and
has a fully-functioning demo. You can get it at the usual shareware sites -
I use

Expresso works just fine with OS 8 on my 8500/233 (upgraded machine). I
wonder if she shouldn't just check for a conflict before switching to
another program. Both Organizer and Consultant take up the whole screen
when they are open, though Organizer (and maybe Consultant??) have mini
applications that give basic functions through an added menu item.



Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 22:14:51 -0800
From: Maurice Mike McNeil <>
Subject: Word: Documents automatically saved as Templates

SAM 4.5.1 with the LATEST virus definitions is the only answer I know of.
Virus definitions come out monthly and can be downloaded from the Symantec
site. Macro viruses appear monthly, you really need to stay up with the
current defintions. Another prevention mechanism is to LOCK your Normal
Template (select Normal template in the Word folder and select File->Get
Info. This makes it more difficult to update, but prevents macro virus
spreading. Another safety step is to make a copy of your Normal template
which you can use to replace the damaged template. Generally this is not
necessary unless you have modified the Normal template (I have specialized
styles and macros in mine)




End of Info-Mac Digest