Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #194
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Info-Mac Digest             Sat, 24 Oct 98       Volume 16 : Issue 194

Today's Topics:

      [*] Acid Daze Two.sit
      [*] AppleScript Utilithingies, a few AS utilities.
      [*] Application Switching Manager v1.1.0
      [*] Beached 1.3
      [*] Beached II 1.1 (Tropical Adventure/Strategy Game)
      [*] Blobs 2.0
      [*] CoCo 3.0 DEMO
      [*] ConvertMachine 1.0.2v1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Cross Platform 1.0.1 - Mac to Windows Consultant
      [*] Eartraining 2.6.1
      [*] Eartraining 2.6.1
      [*] Easy Writer 3.5
      [*] FeatherGIF 1.9.7  - Web transparency filter
      [*] FGP15UD
      [*] Finnisch V&N 1.0 - foreign language learning
      [*] FractalDesigner 1.21
      [*] Harmony Noel PPC
      [*] HVS Animator
      [*] HVS ColorGIF 2.0
      [*] HVS JPEG 2.0
      [*] iMac iCon by Pixelhaus!   67k
      [*] iMacGeddon1.5.sit
      [*] India Ink 1.4.7 - stylized Photoshop halftones
      [*] Jewel of Arabia: Dreamers 1.0 to 1.0.1 Patch
      [*] KidsGames 1.0 (68K)
      [*] KidsGames 1.0 (PPC)
      [*] LeFranglophile1.03.cpt Bilingual French-English dictionary
      [*] MacTypingTutor
      [*] MacTypingTutor4.5.1
      [*] MarathonSounds2.sit
      [*] Midi Delay 3.0.1 fat-A Realtime Midi Effects Application
      [*] Mohunt 1.0b0
      [*] mykonos101
      [*] OrgASM 3.1 (MPW Tool)
      [*] Overload
      [*] PreSchool Playtime Vn 3.0
      [*] QT Pad v1.0.3
      [*] QuizEditor
      [*] ramBunctious 1.3.1 (a Mac OS RAM disk) Available Now
      [*] Solitaire House 1.0
      [*] Tesselation 1.26 - seamless tile filter
      [*] Uspuzz98
      [*] Vespasian 2.0 T1 - a freeware uncial typeface
      [*] Vespasian 2.0 TT - a freeware uncial typeface
      [*] Which Number is Increasing?

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac
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Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:37 -0700
Subject: [*] Acid Daze Two.sit

Acid Daze Two is a messed-up font: broken down, but still readable. A
bit 'Raygun' in feel, perhaps. Good for headlines, and quotes. Use big
and bold, scattered accross your document for maximum effect. Also
includes samples of other fonts available. Look through the archive for
freeware fonts Cropper, Fontastic-samples, Rennacs and Scratch, too.

[Archived as /info-mac/font/acid-daze-two.hqx; 528K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:14 -0700
Subject: [*] AppleScript Utilithingies, a few AS utilities.

AppleScript Utilithingies, a collection of utility scripts.

A screen saver runner for JPEGView.
Merge text files.
List every file of a folder or disk.
Faux TJ Horse.

Although these have been well tested on my 6100/66 - G3 with no problems,
it is
possible that you may experience errors or crashes on your setup. I cannot be
responsible for any damage caused or data lost while using these.

Jim Yost

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/osa/applescript-utilithingies.hqx; 38K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:09 -0700
Subject: [*] Application Switching Manager v1.1.0

This file should be put in your "Macintosh Development Tools" section.

The Application Switching Manager (ASM) is a public API installed by both
ClaireWare Software's Program Switcher control panel
( and Binary
Software's PowerSwitch control panel
application with advanced process management and window management
services, abiding by any settings that the user may have set in either
Program Switcher or PowerSwitch.

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/asm-110.hqx; 25K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:19 -0700
Subject: [*] Beached 1.3

After a mysterious boating accident, you find yourself stranded on a small
tropical island.  Life isn't so bad here: there's food, wood, and gold for
the taking, so why leave? Well, even paradise has its dark moments, and
this particular paradise is about to be wiped off the map by a hurricane.
Your newfound life of leisure has turned into a lesson in bare survival.
Avoid starving to death, chop wood, build a boat, and get off that sand
pile. Before you leave, you might even have enough time to line your
pockets with the gold that still litters the island.

System 7.0 or later
68020 or faster
256 colours/greys

Version 1.3 includes an overhaul of the graphics and gives the user the
ability to move their player with the mouse.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/beached-13.hqx; 311K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:21 -0700
Subject: [*] Beached II 1.1 (Tropical Adventure/Strategy Game)

Whilst travelling out on the open sea, your boat sinks.  You, and two
others are washed onto a tropical island.  The island is a paradise, with
trees, bananas, coconuts, and vines.  However, you suddenly remember the
long range weather forecast.  A tornado will form in this area in about
one week.

You must work hard to build a raft to get off the island, but also make
sure you keep alive by eating, drinking and sleeping.  The other survivors
must build their own rafts too.  You must decide if and when you help
them, or if you line your own pockets with gold.

This is, of course, the sequel to Beached. The object of the game is still
the same, but there have been major changes made to the gameplay.
There are now other survivors on the island controlled by the computer.
The sequel also has much better graphics, and some important improvements
to the interface.

System 7.0 or later
68020 or later or PPC
256 colours/greys

Version 1.1 has an added 'Auto-Help' feature, making it easier for new
players to understand the game.  Also, clicking on your own player will
now bring up a popup menu, allowing an easier method to select menu items.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/beached-ii-11.hqx; 401K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:22 -0700
Subject: [*] Blobs 2.0

A fun and really addictive strategy game featuring lots of animation,
3D-rendered graphics and sound! visit the Blobs web-site at

Lars Gafvert <>

[Archived as /info-mac/game/blobs-200.hqx; 871K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:09 -0700
Subject: [*] CoCo 3.0 DEMO

short description:

CoCo 3.0 DEMO Color Correction plugin for Photoshop

CoCo 3.0 DEMO by VISU technologies web:

CoCo is a plug-in for Adobe Photoshop enabling selective color correction.
Users (or old users) of High-End Pre-press systems will immediately feel at
home. CoCo is not only for the proffesional to perform selective color
corrections. It is simply the best and simplest way to do selective color
correction. It even won a Seybold Editors Award in 1996 because of it
breakthrough work in bringing High-End Color correction tools to the
desktop. So far CoCo hardly changed. The main reason was that Photoshop
itself had to improve before the plug-in could.
Now that time has come and we think you will like what we did to CoCo.
According to our major customers CoCo has always been a great product, and
it is even better now.

System Requirements:
Power Macintosh, Apple System Software 7.5 or newer and Photoshop 4.0 or

The latest version of this powerful color correction plug-in is version 3.0.
You can try out the full version of CoCo 3.0 for a limited period of 30 days=

New in 3.0

  Instantaneous Preview
  Previews spanning more than one screen
  Preview zooming and panning
  3D GUI and docking palettes in conformity to Photoshop
  ColorSync=81 support
  Lab image mode support
  Mask Support
  Color Corrections panel list
  Simultaneous and Sequential corrections
  User definable defaults for correction and ink-sets
  User definable range and default range
  Improved performance
  Undo support where appropriate
  Selective color correction without masking
  Shows the effect of an unlimited number of simultaneous color corrections
in the
  preview before rendering
  Standard and special printing inks can be simulated, as well as the color
of the paper
[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/pshp/coco-30.hqx; 1763K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:00 -0700
Subject: [*] ConvertMachine 1.0.2v1J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the ConvertMachine package.

ConvertMachine is a batch processing utility to convert sound format
files to a desired type.  This means it performs one or more of the
following without user interaction: decompression, resampling (sample
rate conversion), mixing (stereo to mono) and compression.

You don't need to worry about what format the file is in; all you
specify is the desired output format.

Finder Sound files (sfil), AIFF files, WAVE files, AU Mu-law and linear,
QuickTime Audio (Movies) and Sound Designer II files can be freely converted.

You can save your popular Settings under as a menu item or as a separate
Settings file.  The common web formats are flagged and  ready to use as
defaults, such as audio/basic mono 8kHz mu-law.

After conversion files can be automatically sent to SoundMachine for playing.

It needs at least QuickTime 2.1 and Apple's Sound Manager 3.1 or later.
If you have installed System 7.5.3 then, no worries, you have these. If
you want to get these or later extensions visit Apple's web site (grab
QuickTime 2.5 which includes Sound Manager 3.2.1).

Changes in version 1.2

*Added an Import/Export... item under the File menu which permits
importing of Audio CD tracks and the like (this feature was available in
1.0.6 but removed in 1.1).
*SoundDesigner II files with higher sample rates are now correctly exported.

Christopher Li
Bridge 1 Software
English/Japanese Japanese/English
Software Localization and Management

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/conmach-121-jp.hqx; 246K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:06 -0700
Subject: [*] Cross Platform 1.0.1 - Mac to Windows Consultant

Cross Platform provides information about how the programs and files on a
Macintosh can be used with Windows-based computers. It also functions as
an excellent disk-cataloguing tool.

There are three main types of user who will need it : Users needing to
share files with Windows-based computers, Macintosh users needing to work
on Windows computers, and users wishing to catalogue and analyse the
files on their computer.

Cross Platform includes full help files, context-sensitive ActiveHelp and
is fully multi-threaded (but doesn't need Apple Thread Manager). It
requires System 7, supports drag and drop, and is 680x0 and PowerPC

Version 1.0.1 introduces a few tweaks for Mac OS 8 compatibility and
includes a new version of the Cross Platform Database.

(c) 4th October 1998 - Sig Software -

Gideon Greenspan
Sig Software

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/cross-platform-101.hqx; 250K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:49 -0700
Subject: [*] Eartraining 2.6.1

Eartraining is a shareware program for Apple Macintosh. It features:

=95Intervals (up to two octaves),
=95Chords (5 different triads and 10 different seventh chords plus chord
=95Scales (20 different scales (including all modes of the major and melodic
minor scales) plus three self-defined scales),
=95Perfect Pitch,
=95sound output via
  -Mac (WaveTable sounds),
  -Mac (sampled sounds),
=95a statistics (which can be printed and saved to disk) with rights and wro=
of each item.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/ear-training-261.hqx; 361K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:48 -0700
Subject: [*] Eartraining 2.6.1

Eartraining is a shareware program for Apple Macintosh. It features:

=95Intervals (up to two octaves),
=95Chords (5 different triads and 10 different seventh chords plus chord
=95Scales (20 different scales (including all modes of the major and melodic
minor scales) plus three self-defined scales),
=95Perfect Pitch,
=95sound output via
  -Mac (WaveTable sounds),
  -Mac (sampled sounds),
=95a statistics (which can be printed and saved to disk) with rights and wro=
of each item.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/ear-training-261-de.hqx; 366K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:57 -0700
Subject: [*] Easy Writer 3.5

No-nonsense handwriting program gives kids what they need

Kids need to see how letters are produced.  They can see the finished
product all around them every day. Easy writer draws whatever letter or
digit the user asks for in a realistic but completely correct way.  Sound
effects, an extra background, bombs and various inks give the kids just
enough control to keep doing it.

Easy Writer 1.0 was simple and fun way for kids to view animations of the
manuscript letters being drawn with correct stroke and rhythm, and even try
to imitate them on screen.

Easy Writer 2.12 was colorized and jazzed up with sounds.

Easy Writer 3.0 was a dog so you probably never saw it.

Easy Writer 3.5 is bilingual (Spanish/English), incorporates cursive, has
digits, and allows you to edit the alphabets.

Easy Writer has the following shareware pricing:
		* Single user license, $10 per CPU
		* Site License  $75 (roughly equal to 8 users) and covers all locations
for your organization within a 10 kilometer radius of your site.
  * You can easily register online or use your credit card to register by

C. R. Dick
Platypus Software & Webworks

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/yng/ewriter-35.hqx; 2238K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:11 -0700
Subject: [*] FeatherGIF 1.9.7  - Web transparency filter

FeatherGIF is a filter for Photoshop and other paint programs that lets
you easily add complex transparency effects to GIF images for the Web.
Version 1.9.7 works faster on G3 computers and can exchange settings
files with the Windows version.

FeatherGIF lets you create soft edges, see-through gradients - even
automatic dropshadows and cutouts, and all effects will let a web page's
graphic background show through properly.

FeatherGIF is shareware for Macintosh. To see the results, and to check
for updates, visit .

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/pshp/feather-gif.hqx; 264K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:43 -0700
Subject: [*] FGP15UD

Font Gander Pro 1.5/UD

Font Gander Pro is the world's handiest font browser. Allows you to view
and print font samples without first installing the fonts. With
Drag-and-Drop simplicity, you can open and print whole folders or disks
full of fonts at one time. Renders TrueTypes and Type-1's at high
resolution, and works with any printer. Includes the Gander Quill editor -
as friendly as any draw program - which allows you to design your own
layouts featuring up to 99 fonts per page. This is the ONLY font sampler
program that gives you these features.

Version 1.5/UD signals a new stage in the program's evolution, with higher
resolution output, more stability, and much quicker availablity via online
payment at our website.

Requires: System 7 or higher, MacII or higher.

Home: <>

*Inclusion on CD-ROM permitted*

[Archived as /info-mac/font/util/font-gander-pro-15-ud.hqx; 568K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:03 -0700
Subject: [*] Finnisch V&N 1.0 - foreign language learning

'Substantive Finnisch' is a module for the 'Verbs & Nouns' and 'V&N Lookup'
programs. It contains: 452 basic words, formation of all 15 cases and
possessive suffixes, about 69000 different words in total. More
dictionaries are in preparation.

The user can look up and learn basic Finnish words and furthermore question
and practise derived words (declension). The dictionaries translate from
Finnish to German, but non-German speakers might still find them useful for
their information about derived words.

'Substantive Finnisch' offers the following possibilities through 'Verbs &
* Looking up the German translation of Finnish words
* Looking up Finnish words fitting a German translation
* Showing forms derived from a basic word
* Tabular compilations according to grammatical criteria
* Grouping of words according to various criteria
Flexible exercises:
* Translation Finnish - German
* Translation German - Finnish
* Questioning of derived words
* Learning quiz for Finnish - German translation
* Learning quiz for formation of derived words

You can download the latest versions of the 'Verbs & Nouns' and 'V&N
Lookup' applications from: <> or
from the Info-Mac mirror sites.

Alexander Esser

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/finnisch-verbs-and-nouns-10.hqx; 209K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:07 -0700
Subject: [*] FractalDesigner 1.21

  FractalDesigner allows to generate extremely beautiful
  fractal images on a PowerMacintosh. It is powerful in the
  sense that it doesn't only generate Mandelbrot or Julia sets,
  but the user can enter any other iteration. This is
  achieved through a very fast integrated interpretor. It is
  also possible to change the color palettes and to save them
  for further use.

  The latest version allows to compute pictures of any size
  and resolution and to save them as PICT files.

I would be very glad if you could put this file onto your server.

Thank you very much,

Martin Hairer

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/fractal-designer.hqx; 1090K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:02 -0700
Subject: [*] Harmony Noel PPC

Harmony*Noel is a rewrite of Mac*Sings*Noel, that cheesy but amazingly
popular 1995 noise toy that used Plaintalk Text-To-Speech to serenade you
with your favorite Christmas carols.  As the title suggests, the 1997
version, or is that painfully... renders those old
faves plus a few more in luscious four-part harmony.  Lots more graphics,
too.   Naturally you can select whatever voices you want to sing soprano,
alto, tenor or bass.  Check out Boing on tenor with Zarvox on bass.  You
need Plaintalk 1.4 or better [free from Apple] and probably at least 4
Megs, System 7.  Shareware $5.   As is, no warranties.    There is a 68K
version and a PPC version.   You can hear a sample of this lovely harmony
on the webpage

Colleen Dick

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/harmony-noel-ppc.hqx; 1677K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:08 -0700
Subject: [*] HVS Animator

HVS Animator is a free, full-featured utility for the creation of animated
GIFs. For 15 days after installation, the optimization features of HVS
Animator Pro are enabled. HVS Animator Pro uses a variety of optimization
strategies to improve the download time of GIFs without compromising image
quality. Frame differencing provides absolute minimum data rates; HVS
(human visual system) fixed palette reduction algorithm and dither provide
excellent quality even at much lower color counts; lossless optimization
makes best use of compression in GIFs without sacrificing image quality.
Version 1.03 adds a loop count field.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/hvs-animator-lite.hqx; 483K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:13 -0700
Subject: [*] HVS ColorGIF 2.0

HVS ColorGIF 2.0 is a plugin for Photoshop and plugin-compatible paint
programs which produces highly optimized, compact GIFs using the HVS
algorithm. It allows advanced control of color tables, transparency,
dithering, gamma and thresholding. All features are enabled in this demo
for thirty days after installation. Version 2.17 is fully compatbile with
Adobe Photoshop 5, and offers improved color reduction for palettes of
fewer than nine colors.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/pshp/hvs-color-gif-20.hqx; 735K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:14 -0700
Subject: [*] HVS JPEG 2.0

HVS JPEG 2.0 is a plugin for Photoshop and plugin-compatible applications
which creates high quality JPEGs typically 45% smaller than
Photoshop-standard JPEGs. All features are enabled in this demo for thirty
days after installation. Version 2.21 is fully compatible with Adobe
Photoshop 5.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/pshp/hvs-jpeg-221.hqx; 954K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:35:47 -0700
Subject: [*] iMac iCon by Pixelhaus!   67k

This is the newly updated and more accurate version of the very first iCon
of Apple's
new iMac design. It also includes two bonus iMac icons, one "turned on" and
one featuring an iMac running Apple's eWorld...

well... one can dream, can't one?  :-)

Please note: This pixelhaus iMac icon is freeware, but it is *not* in the
public domain. pixelhaus maintains all rights in perpetuity. You are free
to use this icon on your personal computer or on non-revenue-generating
personal websites, but it cannot be used commercially or re-distributed in
any way without express permission.

Permission is granted for inclusion on the commercially available Info-Mac
CD-ROM, as long as the entire file, ReadMe and all, is included with the

This includes incorporation into third party software and use in
Kaleidoscope Color Schemes.

The best idea is to ask us beforehand. We are usually fairly flexible.

If you do not know how to customize the icons on your Mac, there is a
wonderful tutorial on the the subject at the Iconfactory's website at:

Please enjoy the icons and visit the pixelhaus often.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/imac.hqx; 67K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:24 -0700
Subject: [*] iMacGeddon1.5.sit

iMacGeddon is a game in which you throw iMacs out of the windows of a
pickup truck trying to hit as many Bill Gateses as possible - all to the
tune of some fahn yankee hillbillie music! YEEHAW!!

Changes in version 1.5:
- Error dialog doesn't come up at the beggining anymore
- Music actually works now

More info at

[Archived as /info-mac/game/imac-geddon-15.hqx; 6120K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:16 -0700
Subject: [*] India Ink 1.4.7 - stylized Photoshop halftones

India Ink is a filter for Photoshop that gives you over a dozen exotic
ways to convert color or greyscale images to unusual black-and-white
halftones. Suitable for image stylization or black-and-white printers,
most styles offer variable line weight, warping, gamma, and scaling.

Version 1.4.7 now works faster on G3 computers. It includes a utility
that lets youexchange presets with the Windows version. Special modes
work in color, and a randomizer lets you find new ideas fast.

India Ink is shareware for Macintosh. To see the results, and to check
for updates, visit .

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/pshp/india-ink.hqx; 280K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:26 -0700
From: jhs@CS.Princeton.EDU
Subject: [*] Jewel of Arabia: Dreamers 1.0 to 1.0.1 Patch

The Jewel of Arabia: Dreamers 1.0.1 patch will upgrade your copy of
Jewel of Arabia: Dreamers to version 1.0.1. This version fixes a bug
which caused version 1.0 to crash on some machines. The patch should
be applied regardless of whether or not you encountered the bug. It
applies to both 68K and PPC users.

---Jewel of Arabia: Dreamers Patch----

[Archived as /info-mac/game/jewel-of-arabia-101-patch.hqx; 153K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:27 -0700
Subject: [*] KidsGames 1.0 (68K)

KidsGames 1.0 (68K)

KidsGames is a collection of 25 non-violent, non-competitive, educational games
for children aged 3 to 6 years old organized into 5 categories (Animal
Identification, Reading Readiness, Math Readiness, Phonics, General Skills).
KidsGames can used with children who are developmentally on track or with
children of all ages in need of remedial work. KidsGames is an ideal educational
software product for the home (including home school), learning center, or
school. Children may play the first game in each category without any
limitations. However, you must license the product to have access to all 25

System Requirements:

MacOS-compatible computer running system 7.1 or greater; 020 or greater
processor; 8 MB RAM (Virtual Memory OK); 14MB available disk space

More information can be obtained at
or by

[Archived as /info-mac/game/kids-games-68k.hqx; 11604K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:29 -0700
Subject: [*] KidsGames 1.0 (PPC)

KidsGames 1.0 (PPC)

KidsGames is a collection of 25 non-violent, non-competitive, educational games
for children aged 3 to 6 years old organized into 5 categories (Animal
Identification, Reading Readiness, Math Readiness, Phonics, General Skills).
KidsGames can used with children who are developmentally on track or with
children of all ages in need of remedial work. KidsGames is an ideal educational
software product for the home (including home school), learning center, or
school. Children may play the first game in each category without any
limitations. However, you must license the product to have access to all 25

System Requirements:

MacOS-compatible computer running system 7.1 or greater; 020 or greater
processor; 8 MB RAM (Virtual Memory OK); 14MB available disk space

More information can be obtained at
or by

[Archived as /info-mac/game/kids-games-ppc.hqx; 11744K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:04 -0700
Subject: [*] LeFranglophile1.03.cpt Bilingual French-English dictionary

Le Franglophile is a thorough French-English dictionary, containing some
100,000 entries, including slang, literary usages, and tens of thousands of
secondary entries -- all displayed at blazing speed.

A special reverse translation feature helps zero in on the right
expression.  It even provides English pronunciation via voice synthesis
(PlainTalk).  It is a must for anyone working with French and English
translation or bilingual documents.  Fully functional in shareware mode, it
can run on as little as 400 K, and requires about 6.6 mb of disk space.
Designed for technical, casual, and educational uses. French/English,
English/French, French-English, English-French.

MacOS 7.1 and greater, Fat binary, shareware.

more information on


Philippe Caudron

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/le-franglophile-103.hqx; 1633K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:52 -0700
Subject: [*] MacTypingTutor

MacTypingTutorDv4.5.1 replaces MacTypingTutorDv4.5, for Power Macs

Now with window graphics that show well on all Power Macs. Now with
typewriter sounds (turned on or off) that make your keyboard sound like a
real typewriter. Users with older Macs should download MacTypingTutor4.3 or
earlier versions; search with keyword: wroger.

MacTypingTutor Dvorak is great for beginning typing students. It lets you
use a keyboard layout designed for faster typing. For example, compare
typing the word "the" on Dvorak vs. typing "the" on the regular keyboard
(no hand movement necessary on Dvorak). Most modern computers will let you
type on Dvorak (if you set the machine for Dvarak typing). But just in
case, the Apple-approved Dvorak layout is included in this package (free
from the non-profit organization, Dvorak International). Just add it to
your System folder and it's there to be switched off or on, as needed.

MacTypingTutor itself uses five integrated work areas that together teach
correct finger placement and memorization of the keyboard keys. Practice
exercises focus on single letters, letter and number sequences, words,
sentences, paragraphs, and free typing. The program offers a spelling
checker, user-defined speed goals, score sheets, time tracking with rest
signals, and many other helpful features. MacTypingTutor comes in the
regular version, a special keyboard version (Dvorak), a French version, and
one-handed versions (left or right). This download is the regular version.

MacTypingTutor takes advantage of the recent Apple System Software
improvements for Power Macs.

MacTypingTutor let's you hide or show:  your typing, screen-keyboard, and
feedback reports. You can adjust difficulty level from very easy to hard
(this is a good feature for children). Program automatically remembers your
work-preferences from session to session.

All five modules in download version of MacTypingTutor work, although there
are features in each module that are limited is use. Download and begin by
testing your current typing speed. And if you choose to, hear what it
sounds like to type on a real typewriter.
W. Rogers, Practical Press, Box 754151, Parkside Station, Forest Hills, NY
11375   USA

Wm. Rogers
Practical Press

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/mac-typing-tutor-dv-451.hqx; 404K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:51 -0700
Subject: [*] MacTypingTutor4.5.1

MacTypingTutor is great for beginning typing students. It uses five
integrated work areas that together teach correct finger placement and
memorization of the keyboard keys. Practice exercises focus on single
letters, letter and number sequences, words, sentences, paragraphs, and
free typing. The program offers a spelling checker, user-defined speed
goals, score sheets, time tracking with rest signals, and many other
helpful features. MacTypingTutor comes in the regular version, a special
keyboard version (Dvorak), a French version, and one-handed versions (left
or right). MacTypingTutor comes in the regular version, a special keyboard
version (Dvorak), a French version, an English version with a French
keyboard-layout (AZERTY), and one-handed versions (left or right). **This
download is the regular version.

W. Rogers, Practical Press, Box 754151, Parkside Station, Forest Hills, NY
11375   USA

Wm. Rogers
Practical Press

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/mac-typing-tutor-451.hqx; 403K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:36 -0700
Subject: [*] MarathonSounds2.sit

This the Marathon Sounds v2.0 for MacOS 8.5, using Sounds from the classic
game Marathon to liven up your Mac.
This file is in no way supported by bungie, heck, I doubt they even know
about it!

[Archived as /info-mac/game/com/mthn/marathon-sounds-2.hqx; 1053K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:05 -0700
Subject: [*] Midi Delay 3.0.1 fat-A Realtime Midi Effects Application

Midi Delay does many of the same things as a hardware digital delay and
more...The program uses hardware digital delay terminology (such as
delay time, decay and feedback) making it very intuitive to use for most
electronic musicians. In this version of Midi Delay the user gets 15
seconds of delay time, and 10,000 repeats (feedback) on the main delay
and 16 multitap delay sections that allow 15 seconds of delay time on
each tap and the ability to send the taps on different midi channels
and/or to different midi instruments. The multitap section can be fed to
the main delay for further processing and cool looping effects.
Controllers can be turned ON and OFF for each tap and the main delay via
Midi Delay's Controller Matrix window. The main delay and each tap can
be transposed up or down by as much as seven octaves in half step
increments. This version also sports a keyboard splitter, reverse decay
switches for all taps and the main delay, and sustain pedal control over
the reverse decay. Midi delay supports Apple's Quicktime Musical
Instruments v2.0 and higher as an output source. All settings in Midi
Delay can be saved as a preset file and loaded later for instant recall
of all parameters. Midi Delay can also save your favorite setup as a
default starting setup.

Requirements - A Mac with a 68030 processor or greater running System
7.5.1 and up with 6 megabytes of extra ram. Midi Delay is a fat binary
application, which means it has native code for both the 680xx family of
processors and the PPC family of processors (601's, 603's, 604's and G3
750's).   A 14 inch monitor or larger is recommended, but not required.
A midi sound module and midi controller are also required as well as a
midi interface to connect the controller/module to the computer. (Midi
interface, midi controller and sound module may be the same device or in
the form of computer software such as Quicktime Musical Instruments).
Midi Delay also requires Opcode's OMS v1.2.3 or higher (Current Version
- 2.3.5) or Apple's Midi Manager v2.0.2 or higher.

OMS v2.3.5 can be Downloaded for FREE from:

Midi Manager 2.0.2 Download (FREE) from:

Using OMS 2.3.5 (or Opcode's Latest Version) with Midi Delay will
produce the best results and allow you to use all of Midi Delay's
features with a minimum of effort.
Jon Witte - Music Machine Studio

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/midi/midi-delay-301-demo.hqx; 1494K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:35:58 -0700
Subject: [*] Mohunt 1.0b0

Mohunt 1.0b0

Mohunt is a C source code for QuickDraw3D based Quake model viewer.

* Power Macintosh with at least 15 MB of free RAM
* QuickDraw3D
* Navigation Services (part of MacOS 8.5; if you have an earlier system
you need to install it seperately)
* Metrowerks CodeWarriorPro 4.0 (to compile the source code)

Mohunt is released as public domain.

No virus infections were found - checked with Disinfectant 3.7.1.

gerard ziemski

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/mo-hunt.hqx; 1325K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:40 -0700
Subject: [*] mykonos101

Mykonos is a screen font that comes (so far) only in two sizes:
9 point and 13 point.

Mykonos 13 is intended as a system font for menus, buttons, etc.
It is designed to be easier to read than Chicago at high screen
resolutions. To set Mykonos 13 as your system font, use,
for example, Kaleidoscope (

Mykonos 9 is intended as a matching font for viewing file names
in the Finder. To set it as your view font, choose "Preferences..."
from the "Edit" menu in the Finder (System 8.0 or later), resp.
use the "Views" control panel (older System).

Hope you like it,

Alain Stalder (

-- Copyright and License

Distribution of the Mykonos font with any kind of System Software
requires permission by the author. Otherwise the Mykonos font is
freeware and may be distributed free of charge with any other commercial

or non-commercial software, provided the following copyright message
is displayed in the product:

Mykonos Screen Font =A91998 by Alain Stalder. All Rights Reserved.

-- Version History
1.01 Added "non-printable" characters for menus to Mykonos 13.
     Added 'vers' resource.
1.0  Initial release (9 pt and 13 pt).

[Archived as /info-mac/font/mykonos-101.hqx; 18K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:11 -0700
Subject: [*] OrgASM 3.1 (MPW Tool)

OrgASM abstract:
OrgASM is a set of files comprising a Universal Table driven Cross
Assembler for all MicroProcessors. The assembler is a port of the DOS TASM
with a graphic interface and EPROM downloading added. This suite runs under
Macintosh Programmers Workshop (now supplied free by Apple) and may also be
integrated into BBEdit using the ToolServer menu. All microprocessor tables
are in external text files and may extended or customised by the user.

Full information and the latest version is always available from:


[Archived as /info-mac/dev/orgasm.hqx; 140K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:31 -0700
Subject: [*] Overload

Here is an update of Overload, a game in your /game/ directory. The 2
Overload files you have up now, overload.hqx and overload_101.hqx, are
obsolete and corrupted, respectively, and should be deleted.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/overload-101.hqx; 1449K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:59 -0700
Subject: [*] PreSchool Playtime Vn 3.0

Preschool Playtime is a deceivingly simple program to teach letter, digit, c=
recognition, and counting to those youngest of Maccers-that three-to-six age=
group.  So simple anybody could program it-NOT!   A successful program for t=
age group has to be utterly clean and absolutely responsive.  It must=
 require no
reading, no pulling down of menus, no constraint that the user stick to the
window.  Stray clicks can not cause bad or dangerous things to happen.
"Correct" clicks are encouraged by providing interesting sounds, bright colo=
and animations.     That age old fascinator of human beings, the element of
chance, is also used.  "Incorrect" clicks are handled by gently guiding the
youngster to click the correct item. (All these goodies carry a price:
they make
the stack BIG!  There is no way around it.    If your youngster can drive a
mouse, he (or she) can get hours of entertainment from this program at the s=
time he is acquiring letter, digit, and counting skills.  At $10 shareware
it's a
bargain for you - much cheaper, less hassle, and more educational than an
amusement park, and once you get your child started, it's hands off for you.
ALSO AVAILABLE IN SPANISH as Jard=EDn de Ni=F1os (incl. Documentation in Spa=
Documentation in Spanish is available for PreSchool Playtime on request.

C. R. Dick
Platypus Software & Webworks

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/yng/preschool-play.hqx; 2504K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:03 -0700
Subject: [*] QT Pad v1.0.3

QT Pad - Can you remember where is your favorite movie files?  QT Pad is
the solution. QT Pad is an application for the Macintosh which allows you
to make up library of QuickTime movie file. One window, ie. one file, can
hold references for 50
movie files. Just a click to playback movie files. This application
requires : Macintosh with 68020 or higher / PowerPC, System7 + QuickTime or
System7.1 or later.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/mov/qt-pad-103.hqx; 135K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:54 -0700
Subject: [*] QuizEditor

QuizEditor JS is an application which allows educators to
easily create self-scoring multiple choice quizzes for use
with any Web Browser which supports JavaScript 1.1,
(i.e. Netscape Navigator 3 or later, Netscape Communicator
4.x, Internet Explorer 3 or later.) Each quiz question is
assigned four possible answers: only one of which can be
defined as correct. Scoring is reported in a JavaScript-
generated popup window and includes the correct answers for
any question(s) a user may have missed.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/quiz-editor.hqx; 1054K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:07 -0700
Subject: [*] ramBunctious 1.3.1 (a Mac OS RAM disk) Available Now

October 12, 1998 -- Clarkwood Software announces the immediate
availability of ramBunctious 1.3.1.

ramBunctious 1.3.1 is a shareware ($12) RAM disk program for the Mac OS.
Its rich set of features lets you customize your RAM disks for your
desired balance of speed, security, safety, and versatility.

- You can have several RAM disks mounted simultaneously, limited only
  by memory available.
- ramBunctious has a "write-through" option. When activated, everything
  written to the RAM disk is saved to a (real) file. This means that
  the next time you mount the RAM disk, all the contents are still
  there. This helps protect against data loss in the event of a crash
  or power failure.
- ramBunctious uses normal application memory. This means that when
  you're done using a RAM disk, that memory is available for other
  applications to use. In other words, you don't have to reboot to
  reclaim the memory.
- Each RAM disk may be configured to be mounted automatically during
  the computer's startup process.
- These options, and more, are fully user-configurable for each RAM
  disk via a status/settings window. In addition to the settings, the
  status window includes LED-like access indicators that flash when the
  RAM disk is being read from or written to.
- ramBunctious is fully AppleScriptable.

What is new in ramBunctious 1.3.1?

- Minor bug fixes
- Appearance overhaul

ramBunctious 1.3.1 is available now. Download links and more information
are available at the ramBunctious web site:


Inquiries, comments, and questions may be directed to:


ramBunctious 1.3.1 copyright (c) 1995 - 1998 by Elden Wood and Bob Clark

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/ram-bunctious-131.hqx; 278K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:33 -0700
Subject: [*] Solitaire House 1.0

Solitaire House is a new multi-game solitaire card game for
the Macintosh (68k and PPC).

Solitaire House features 30 solitaire games, and perhaps more
important, a scalable design that lets it fill just about any
Mac screen. Most games only fill 640x480, but Solitaire House
is just as happy in 800x600 or even more =96 or less! It also
has the largest cards of any Mac solitaire game, and one of
the prettiest sets of honor cards.

Among the 30 included games are the well-known Klondike, Spider,
=46reecell (here named Napoleon), Montana, Canfield, 40 Thieves
and Pyramid. You will also find games you never played before.

- Multi-step undo and redo.
- Key commands for highlighting legal moves or specific
groups of cards (e.g. all spades or all 5's).
- On-line rules for all games.
- Auto-saves the game when you quit.
- 13 different music scores.
- Supports individual user profiles for every user.
- Fills just about any Mac screen, from 9" to modern high-res screens!
- 5 card sizes, from tiny to the largest you ever saw on a Mac.
- Works on any Mac. (68040 or PPC recommended. System 6.0.7 and up.)

The game is shareware, $20.

/Ingemar Ragnemalm

[Archived as /info-mac/game/crd/solitaire-house-10.hqx; 1458K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:17 -0700
Subject: [*] Tesselation 1.26 - seamless tile filter

Easily turn any graphic into a seamlessly repeating tile with
Tesselation, a filter for Photoshop. Now you can make web-page
backgrounds and texture maps for 3D graphics without detailed
retouching. Create tiles of any size that repeat horizontally,
vertically, or both, and control the blending of the edges.

Version 1.26 works faster on G3 computers and shows a live
image preview. You'll need at least Photoshop 3.0 or an equivalent.

To check for updates, please visit .

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/pshp/tesselation.hqx; 215K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:37:01 -0700
Subject: [*] Uspuzz98

Requires 680xx or PPC, System 7.x and later
OK for CD ROM distribution

Take a spin across the USA!  Macintosh package of colorful and fun map
puzzles for the states and capitals of the US.  The puzzle pieces consist
of states and star icons, which are dragged and rotated by the user to
their correct position on the map.  The timed game format holds interest
and makes learning US geography fun.   By Torpedo Software.

Thank you as always,
Matt Rilling
Torpedo Software

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/yng/us-puzz-98.hqx; 174K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:46 -0700
Subject: [*] Vespasian 2.0 T1 - a freeware uncial typeface

Vespasian is an uncial typeface based on the script in an 8th century
manuscript. Version 2.0 is a radical upgrade with the addition of lower
case characters, accented characters and more punctuation.

This archive contains the Postscript Type 1 version and should replace any
earlier versions.

[Archived as /info-mac/font/ps/vespasian-20-t1.hqx; 87K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:45 -0700
Subject: [*] Vespasian 2.0 TT - a freeware uncial typeface

Vespasian is a typeface based on the script in an 8th century manuscript.
Version 2.0 is a radical upgrade with the addition of lower-case
characters, accented characters and punctuation.

This archive contains the TrueType version.

[Archived as /info-mac/font/tt/vespasian-20-tt.hqx; 45K]


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 16:36:56 -0700
Subject: [*] Which Number is Increasing?

Which Number is Increasing? is a fun shareware math game that is most
enjoyed by students from 1st to 3rd grade. The game was designed to help
teach general number pattern recognition skills. It runs on any Mac from
the Mac Plus on up.

This game breaks new ground in helping students develop their
"observational math" skills. The neat thing about the game is that it
promotes mathematical conversations between students and their
parents/teachers/mentors. It seems to have special appeal to
mathematically gifted students, but was designed for use by all students.

It's possible to use this game on a Mac without a hard drive, too.
Further info, including animated GIF screen shots, can be
found at the game's web page at:


Thanks are owed to Bernie Benson and Scott Fenton for bringing this game
to life.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/which-number.hqx; 1178K]



End of Info-Mac Digest