Date: Sat, 18 Jan 97 10:39:06 PST
From: The Info-Mac Moderators <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #16
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Info-Mac Digest             Sat, 18 Jan 97       Volume 15 : Issue 16

Today's Topics:

      [*] Edwin's Power Tools 1.1 Excel Add-In
      [*] eScan - First Release (68K)
      [*] FFT Macros for Kaleidagraph
      [*] GX Font Display 1.2
      [*] HC Encrypt 1.6
      [*] HypoGraph 0.96--graphs functions, parametric, polar
      [*] Mac's Talkin' Dictionary version 2
      [*] MacEspresso1.0, boolean logic reduction programm
      [*] Mech's icon replacements for Kaleidoscope, Aaron, Finder, etc.
      [*] Mercutio MDEF v1.3.3
      [*] Omega 0.80.2 (1.0) - A Roguelike Game
      [*] Smart Scroll 2.01 Deutsch
      [*] Smart Scroll 2.01 Italiano
      [*] Star Wars - scheme for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Stefan's Emailer Menus 1.0
      [*] Stefan's Finder Menus 1.3
      [*] Super Othello 2.1
      [*] Synk 2.1.1
      [*] Tcl-Tk 4.2p1 Installer
      [*] The Structure of DNA
      [*] Total Desktop Rebuild 1.1
      [*] URLicon 1.0 PowerPC
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 1.2.9 - foreign language teaching
      [*] Webmaker 1.0.1
      [*] Xenia 1.0
      (A) Phantom has control of printer port
      Eudora Lite J
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #12
      IRC Questions on sounds and pics
      Mac Plus & Zip Drive
      MacTCP DNR
      Magnifying Glass Cursor (?)
      Need some advice on scanners
      pb500 pcmcia problem
      Q-Beeping after inactivity
      Secure Shell (ssh) for macintosh?
      Using backup mail servers, fall back DNS servers
      Web Resource for VRAM Options?

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Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 01:01:08 -0800
From: (Tam Hon Bun)
Subject: [*] Edwin's Power Tools 1.1 Excel Add-In

Name : Edwin's Power Tools 1.1
Author : Edwin H.B. TAM
E-mail :
Type : Cross Platform Excel Add-In
Shareware, US$30 Registration fee
Master Site :

Edwin's Power Tools is an Excel Add-In that adds functions to
Microsoft Excel. It is a cross-platform add-in, which means it is
fully compatible with both the Apple Macintosh and Windows PC.
Besides, it is also compatible with Excel 5 and Excel 7.

Edwin's Power Tools is a very, if not the most, powerful Add-In developed
100% on an Apple Macintosh and designed to run on the Mac and PC. It's a
good demonstration to the world that Mac can be an ideal tool for
developing cross-platform utilities.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/edwins-power-tools-11-xl.hqx; 290K]


Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 01:01:07 -0800
From: (Tim Barlow)
Subject: [*] eScan - First Release (68K)

eScan is a Macintosh utility that provides facilities for the scanning of email
messages, and the recognition, extraction and processing of embedded electronic
form data. This is achieved by the provision of a software interface between
database product FileMaker Pro and the email program Eudora. The package
has been
especially oriented for use with web forms.

eScan will either scan email messages on command or when informed of the
of new mail by Eudora. Any Eudora mailbox may be specified and a choice made
whether to scan read or unread mail. For each email message that eScan reads,
determines if it contains embedded form data. If it does, then information
the message is extracted, either from the body of the email message or from an
attached document, and a list of 'found' messages constructed. These listed
messages may then be displayed, printed, transferred or processed.

The processing of a form firstly involves the extraction of the data
contained in
the form, (if the data is in 'mailto' format ie. url encoded, then it is
decoded). If a FileMaker Pro database has been specified for the form, then the
extracted data may be written to that file or used to extract data from an
existing database record. If a template email reply has been defined, then the
template is merged with aspects of the extracted data to generate a customised
reply. Reply messages may also, optionally contain outgoing attachments.

The following environment is required by eScan -
a)      System version 7.5 or later.
b)      The scriptable Finder (as supplied with System 7.5 onwards).

Helper Applications
eScan uses the following products -
a)      Eudora Light, version 1.5.1 onwards.
b)      Eudora Pro, all versions.
c)      FileMaker Pro, version 2.1 onwards.

Author Contact
Tim Barlow        email -

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/e-scan-100.hqx; 804K]


Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 01:01:17 -0800
From: (Stuart Craig (NOT Craig Stuart))
Subject: [*] FFT Macros for Kaleidagraph

The attached is my 2nd modification of one set of the FFT Macros for
Kaleidagraph written by Neil Singer.  This should replace older version
of fft-minus-j-kaleidagraph.hqx

This pair does the 1/N scaling in the iFFT.  The modifications are:

1)  The sign on the complex exponential is -ve for the FFT and +ve for the
iFFT.  This follows the convention used in the signal processing community.
I.E., for an input of cos(2*pi*f*t + 30 deg.), the FFT will produce a complex
value at 'f' with a phase angle of +30 deg. (not -30 as in the original FFT).

2)  The rectangular to polar conversion is done using the Kaleidagraph r->p
function; thus the phase angle can extend from -180 to 180 degrees (the
original macros produced -90 to 90 degrees).

3)  ** NEW **  corrects an error in the original macros where the
       delta_f = (delta_t * (Num_pts -1))^-1  (wrong)
   to  delta_f = (delta_t * Num_pts)^-1       (correct)



1)  The FFT (and iFFT) expects 2^N rows (e.g., 128, 256, 512, 1024 ...)
2)  Input for the FFT consists of 3 columns: time, Real_part, Imaginary_part.
    If your data are all real, then the 3rd column must be filled with 0.0.
    If time is not in column 0, then you must select the time column before
    running the macros.  The macros assume that time is in seconds.
3)  The output of the FFT is 5 columns:  frequency (Hz), Real part,
    Imaginary part, magnitude (=sqrt(R^2 + I^2)), and phase angle
    (=arctan(I,R)).  "Negative" frequencies are listed after the +ve Nyquist
    frequency ( = 1/(2 * delta_t) ).  If the listed f > 1/(2 * delta_t), then
    f_neg = f - 1/delta_t.
4)  Input for the iFFT macro are 3 columns in the form of the output of the
    FFT macro.

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/fft-minus-j-kaleidagraph.hqx; 13K]


Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 01:01:10 -0800
From: (Lawrence D'Oliveiro)
Subject: [*] GX Font Display 1.2

Enclosed is the latest version of GX Font Display, a HyperCard-based
utility to let you browse through fonts under QuickDraw GX, examine
uninstalled fonts, copy individual glyphs to the Clipboard for pasting
into other applications, or create complete glyph charts that can be
viewed and printed with SimpleView or imported into Lightning Draw.

New in this version is the ability to browse font variations for
fonts that support them (such as Type 1 Multiple Master fonts).
Please replace your file info-mac/font/util/gx-font-display-hc.hqx
with this one.

Requirements: HyperCard 2.2, QuickDraw GX 1.1.3.

Lawrence D'Oliveiro
University of Waikato
New Zealand

[Archived as /info-mac/font/util/gx-font-display-12-hc.hqx; 58K]


Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 01:01:12 -0800
From: (Daniel =?iso-8859-1?Q?St=F8dle?= )
Subject: [*] HC Encrypt 1.6

HC Encrypt lets you encrypt any file using a key file or an on-the-fly key. =
can use the HCE 2 algorithm if you are a registered user or the older, but j=
as secure, HCE algorithm. After encrypting a file, you can scramble it using=
different key and/or compress it. These features, though not available for=
 HCE 2
encryption, provide additional security to the already secure HCE encryption=
Both the HCE and HCE 2 algorithms are freely available to anyone, and a
description of both algorithms are included with the public release of HC

Common uses for HC Encrypt would be encrypting sensitive documents, files fo=
transfer over the Net/unsecure networks or other material not suited for the
general public's eyes.

This version of HC Encrypt adds the following
- The HCE 2 algorithm (only available to registered users)
- Serial number schemes and a registration form
- You can now use key files to encrypt/decrypt files
- The interface has changed noticeably
- Many bugs fixed, including one which only occurs when using HC Encrypt
with HyperCard Player.

You can read more about the algorithms used by HC Encrypt at
<> or go to the Yellow Lemon
Software homepage at <>.

HC Encrypt is shareware $15, =A310 or NOK 100, which can be paid by cheque, =
order, bank deposit or cash (Norwegian cash only).

Daniel St=F8dle
Yellow Lemon Software

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/hc-encrypt-16.hqx; 76K]


Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 01:01:37 -0800
From: domingo2@leland.Stanford.EDU (Dominic Yu)
Subject: [*] HypoGraph 0.96--graphs functions, parametric, polar

HypoGraph is a HyperCard stack that can graph functions, parametric
equations, and polar graphs.

new in version 0.96
- added the capability to "trace" the last graph drawn
- fixed a  which occurred if the userLevel was set too low
- updated contact information

by Dominic Yu

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/hypo-graph-096-hc.hqx; 52K]


Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 01:02:08 -0800
Subject: [*] Mac's Talkin' Dictionary version 2

Mac's Talkin' Dictionary version 2 is a dictionary that includes
computer, Internet, and some basic programming terms. It has been
updated with new definitions, system 7 sounds and bugs fixed so that
there is no problems in opening the file. The only system requirement is
that you must have a Macintosh running System 7 or greater and Tex-Edit
Plus. Note that Tex-Edit v2.7.2 will not open this file correctly. The
full version of this file is 2.6 MB in size.

[Archived as /info-mac/info/macs-talkin-dictionary-2.hqx; 1653K]


Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 15:20:28 -0600
From: (Mikhail Fridberg)
Subject: [*] MacEspresso1.0, boolean logic reduction programm

MacEspresso is a port of Berkeley's Espress 2.3, a tool to minimize boolean
logic. It also includes source code, under CW10. Current version requires


[Archived as /info-mac/sci/mac-espresso.hqx; 732K]


Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 15:20:36 -0600
From: (Stanton McCandlish)
Subject: [*] Mech's icon replacements for Kaleidoscope, Aaron, Finder, etc.

Icon replacements (in a ResEdit resource file) for Kaleidoscope, Aaron, the
Finder, or whatever. I created it for and tested it with Kaleidoscope 1.0

Instructions are included in the README file.

Lets you have new trash and other icons (some cloned or modified from some
interesting ones that came with other patches for Kaleidoscope, some my own
tweaks of default icons). The icons will look best with Aaron or the
Aaron-derived Kaleidoscope schemes. Among the changes are black & silver
belts on locked folders, red drop arrows, a red "A" on the Fonts folder,
and a very happy System Folder icon, nabbed from another patch, red tabs on
the tabbed folder, and a return to the original Aaron icon for the Control
Panels folder (in large size, anyway - I didn't bother with the ics8 and
ics4 versions). A new cicn for the trash can matches the replacements in
the other icon resources. There are also better looking cicn resources of
various sorts, again borrowed from other Kaleidoscope patches (often with
minor changes).

I made this for my own use, and post it as an afterthought, in case one or
two people out there will get some enjoyment out of it.

No copyright claimed, public domain (ergo may be archived, redistributed,
CD-ROMified, et al., all you like.) The icons are based on various others
I've found here and there, and modified to taste. It is remotely possible
that someone, e.g. Apple, or authors of Aaron or a Kaleid scheme, might
claim some kind of derivative works rights. If they do, they should be
spanked for expending such energy on trivia.

Stanton McCandlish
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Program Director

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/mech-a-k-f-icons.hqx; 26K]


Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 15:20:40 -0600
From: (Ramon M. Felciano) felciano@SMI.Stanford.EDU
Subject: [*] Mercutio MDEF v1.3.3

The Mercutio MDEF is a Menu DEFinition resource that allow developers to easily
and elegantly extend the power of their application menus. These MDEFs allow
menus to have multiple-modifier key-equivalents (e.g. shift-command-C),
custom icons, item callbacks, and other goodies.

Mercutio 1.3.3 fixes visual glitches under Kaleidoscope and updates the
documentation. All current users should upgrade. A smaller upgrade package
(MDEF + Sample Code only) is available from

Mercutio features include:

- Support for all 4 modifier keys (command, shift, option, control) -
Support for non-printing keys (function keys, page up/down,
arrow keys, etc)
- Graphic icons for non-printing keys: non-printing key equivalents
such as page up/ down, home/help, etc. can be drawn as text or as icons
that look like the keys on the extended keyboard. - Dynamic items: items
whose contents change depending on what
modifier keys are being held down (e.g. when the option key is held down,
Save becomes Save All).
- Application callback routine to let you decide on the fly what
the item contents should be.
- Support for icon suites, small and large icons, and SICNs in
hierarchical menu items.
- Support for window font/size: Mercutio now correctly draws popup menus
in the current font and size. This means you can use Mercutio for Geneva
9-pt popup menus and the like.
- Support for WorldScript. Mercutio now supports menus in non-western
scripts (Japanese, Arabian, etc), and correctly draws under right-to-left
system text alignment.
- User-definable style mapping: developer determines which style
bits are used as feature flags
- System 7's Balloon Help and True Gray. - Color menus.
- 99% compatible with standard MDEF.

The Mercutio MDEF works under System 6.0.4 or later, with or without Color
QuickDraw. Mercutio is fully compatible with System 7, and supports all the
features of the System MDEF. Integrating the MDEF into your program
shouldn't take more than 15 minutes.

The documentation for Mercutio follows the style of Apple's Inside * more

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/mercutio-mdef-133.hqx; 691K]


Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 15:20:39 -0600
From: (Sheldon Simms)
Subject: [*] Omega 0.80.2 (1.0) - A Roguelike Game

This is a new port of the roguelike game, Omega, to the Mac. It is based on
the most recent Omega sources, Omega 0.80.2. Several known bugs in the
0.80.2 release of Omega were fixed in this port and the ASCII text
representation of the game world has been replaced with 8x12 graphical
icons. This port is a 68k binary requiring System 7 or better, and 640x480
color video or better. Distribution is governed by the following except
>From the license distributed with the program -

Anyone may make a copy of omega, and distribute the copy, so long as this
license remains accessible (via the 'P' command). Distribution must be free
of charge (except, possibly, for the physical medium).

-Sheldon Simms

[Archived as /info-mac/game/adv/omega-0802.hqx; 423K]


Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 15:20:31 -0600
Subject: [*] PIRAYAS X-SCOPE

This is a X-Files colour-scheme f=F6r Kaleidoscope 1.0: PIRAYAS X-SCOPE.
Read the ReadMe and get the best out of it! If you use it - please
e-mail-registrate! Enjoy!
=A9PIRAYA design.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/kalscp-pirayas-x-files.hqx; 72K]


Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 15:20:32 -0600
From: (Marc Moini)
Subject: [*] Smart Scroll 2.01 Deutsch

Smart Scroll 2.01, 26nov96

Smart Scroll erweitert die normalen Rollbalken um proportionale Rollboxen
und die F=E4higkeit zum Aktiven Bl=E4ttern.

Proportionale Rollboxen zeigen, welcher Anteil eines Dokumentes in einem
=46enster gezeigt wird. Falls z.B. gerade die H=E4lfte eines Dokumentes in
einem Fenster gezeigt wird, wird die Rollbox halb so gross wie der
Rollbalken. Damit erhalten Sie eine Vorstellung =FCber die Gr=F6sse eines
Dokumentes, ohne dass Sie durch das ganze Fenster bl=E4ttern m=FCssen.

Beim Aktiven Bl=E4ttern wird der Inhalt des Fensters vorbeigerollt, w=E4hren=
Sie die Rollbox ziehen. Lassen Sie einfach die Rollbox los, wenn Sie den
Teil des Dokumentes sehen, den Sie suchen. Kein Raten mehr, wo man nach dem
Ziehen der Rollbox landen wird!
Shareware $12. System 7.x, Color QuickDraw.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/smart-scroll-201-de.hqx; 155K]


Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 15:20:33 -0600
From: (Marc Moini)
Subject: [*] Smart Scroll 2.01 Italiano

Smart Scroll 2.01, 26nov96

Smart Scroll potenzia la funzionalit=E0 delle normali scrollbar (barre di
scorrimento), rendendo proporzionale l'indicatore e aggiungendo lo
scorrimento attivo.

L'Indicatore Proporzionale vi permette di evidenziare quanto di un
documento viene mostrato in una finestra. Se sullo schermo compare la met=E0
di un documento, l'indicatore occuper=E0 la met=E0 dello spazio destinato al=
scrollbar. Questo vi dar=E0 un'idea dell'ampiezza del vostro documento, senz=
doverlo scorrere.

Scorrimento Attivo fa scorrere il contenuto della finestra mentre voi state
muovendo l'indicatore: simultaneamente ! Rilasciate l'indicatore quando
compare la parte del documento che vi interessa : non brancolerete pi=F9 nel
buio per cercare un determinato punto di un documento e saprete sempre dove
vi trovate !
Shareware $12. System 7.x, Color QuickDraw.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/smart-scroll-201-it.hqx; 155K]


Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 01:02:34 -0800
From: (Dana Flaten)
Subject: [*] Star Wars - scheme for Kaleidoscope

Star Wars is a color scheme for Kaleidoscope that (obviously) makes your
computer the perfect place for any Star Wars freak. It also comes with a
great Star Wars pict to use as a startup screen or with D=E9cor.

Lucas Flaten

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/kalscp-star-wars.hqx; 118K]


Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 15:20:34 -0600
From: (Stefan Anthony)
Subject: [*] Stefan's Emailer Menus 1.0

Stefan's Emailer Menus is a freeware ResEdit resource file that contains
customized menu resources for Claris Emailer 1.1 and higher. The new menus
are what I think to be more intuitive than Emailer's original menus; new
keyboard shortcuts have been added and several menu commands have been
moved around.

Among all the cool things Stefan's Emailer Menus has to offer, you may find
that the best feature is that the new menus resolves a conflict between the
CloseView control panel and Emailer's "Connect Again" command. When
CloseView is installed, you may notice that when executing the "Connect
Again" command via the keyboard that CloseView is activated instead...

As usual, instructions have been provided to make it as easy as possible to
install the menus.

Here's a list of what Stefan's Finder Menus are like:

A Command + T shortcut has been added to the "Save As Text..." command in
the File menu,

The "Toggle Mailer" command in the Edit menu has been renamed to "Toggle
Header Display," and the shortcut has been changed to Command + H,

The "Connect Now" command has had its shortcut changed to Command + K (I
use the "Connect Now" command much more often than "Connect Again" anyway),

The "Connect Again" command has been renamed to "Connect Now Setup..." and
its shortcut has been removed (notice that the "Connect Now" and "Connect
Again" items were swapped - this was done to resolve the conflict between
CloseView and Emailer).

A Command + 5 shortcuts has been added to the "Connection Status" item in
the Window menu.

A Command + ; shortcut has been added to the "Preferences..." command in
the Setup menu.

By the way, it's because of the Emailer/CloseView incompatibility that
motivated me to start editing Emailer's menus, so if you really like the
new menus, thank the people at Fog City and Claris for Emailer's keyboard

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/stefans-emailer-menus.hqx; 21K]


Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 15:20:35 -0600
From: (Stefan Anthony)
Subject: [*] Stefan's Finder Menus 1.3

Stefan's Finder Menus is a freeware collection of ResEdit resource files
that add new commands to the Finder, as well as adding handy keyboard
shortcuts to frequently used commands.

New commands include a Quit command, an Unmount Disk command, easy access
to the handy Finder Shortcuts feature that Apple Guide "disables," and a
Reveal Original command (Command-R) that opens an alias' original item's
folder (simplifying the usual three-step task into one - selecting an
alias, selecting the Get Info command, and then clicking "Find Original").

The keyboard shortcuts that are added include Clearing a selection
(Command-K), Emptying the Trash (Command-T), Ejecting and Unmounting disks
(Command-J and Command-U, respectively), and showing the Clipboard

New in this release of Stefans' Finder Menus:

* The Special menu's "Cleanup Desktop" command has had its Command-K
shortcut removed; it's been moved to the Edit menu's "Clear" command. [This
works best for me; I changed it after several crashes from encountering
"rogue icons" when cutting icons from "Get Info" windows using the
Command-X command.]

* A separate version with a "Find Again" command for the Finder's File
menu. [The Finder Menus were originally intended for the System 7.5.x
crowd, but several people using pre-7.5 systems (those that lack the "Find
File Extension) have requested it, so here it is.]

* Documentation on how to install and use the included ResEdit template, as
well as a short text file addressing the most frequently asked questions
and problems about Stefan's Finder Menus.

* Lastly, I have a different email address,

Stefan's Finder Menus is absolutely free and permission is gladly given to
redistribute Stefan's Finder Menus on CD-ROMs, and may be bundled with
books and magazines as long as I receive a discount or complimentary copy
of the CD-ROM, book, or magazine.

I must, however, be notified and asked in advance.

Stefan Anthony

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/stefans-finder-menus-13.hqx; 15K]


Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 01:02:18 -0800
From: (Daniel =?iso-8859-1?Q?St=F8dle?= )
Subject: [*] Super Othello 2.1

Super Othello lets you play against a human opponent, your Mac or watch the =
play against itself. You can choose from 7 different levels of intelligence,
ranging from beginner to super intelligent. In addition to this the ability =
save and resume games can come in handy, as well as logging games for later
reviewal. If you are unfamiliar with the game and its rules, Super Othello c=
with an online tutorial which takes you through the basic consepts of flippi=
chips. And if this isn't enough, Super Othello has supported flip animation
version 2.0! It looks really cool.

Super Othello also comes with an external board maker, which lets you create
different board setups than the standard square form. Although this isn't
in the othello-spirit, it does add to gameplay by providing more varied star=
moves. (After playing a few games, you will understand.)

This version of Super Othello fixes a few potential bugs.

The Yellow Lemon Software homepage is located at

Super Othello is shareware $15, =A310 or NOK 100, which can be paid by chequ=
money order, bank deposit or cash (Norwegian cash only).

Daniel St=F8dle
Yellow Lemon Software

[Archived as /info-mac/game/brd/super-othello-21.hqx; 89K]


Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 01:02:23 -0800
From: (Randall Voth)
Subject: [*] Synk 2.1.1

Synk is a backup/synchronization program that can resolve aliases and
archive old files. It runs on all Macintoshes except Mac Plus, Classic
and PowerBook 100.

You can backup a folder full of aliases, making it simple to modify your
backup or synchronization strategy by dropping file or folder aliases
into the defined folder.

It is just as easy to distribute synchronized files throughout a
PowerBook's hard drive by synchronizing two folders containing aliases.

Any number of file types, creators and file endings may be skipped.

Obsolete files and folders can be archived into a folder.

Other features include:
- complete log of actions (now unlimited in length)
- obsolete files can be deleted, trashed or archived
- collisions are conveniently placed in a folder on the Desktop

Synk 2 is $10 US shareware. Upgrades from previous version of Synk are
free to registered users.

Version History:
- fixed a crashing bug that cropped up when flipping to and from Synk a
number of times and then running a Synk document
- fixed a bug where you weren't asked if you wanted to save a file that
had been modified by dragging a folder onto the main document window
- changed the GetFolder dialog that pops up when selecting a folder from
Synk's main window to something more commonly used in Macintosh programs
- shipped both a PowerPC native version and a 68k version in package

-Randall Voth

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/synk-211.hqx; 472K]


Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 15:20:41 -0600
From: (Ray Johnson) rjohnson@Eng.Sun.COM
Subject: [*] Tcl-Tk 4.2p1 Installer

This is the latest version of the Tcl/Tk scripting language for the
Macintosh. Tcl is a high level scripting language much like Perl or Python.
Tk is a very powerful cross platform GUI toolkit.

The latest version fixes many bugs and new features. Among the new features
are cross platform commands for manipluating files and a new memory
allocator that greatly improves preformance on the Mac. The p1 release
fixes several bugs found in the initial 4.2 release.

Tk still uses the Motif look and feel. However, it now supports some
Macintosh dialog boxes (file selection and color picker) and includes a way
to get all of the Macintosh window styles. We are working hard on the
native look & feel which will be available in the not too distant future...

Ray Johnson

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/tcl-tk-42p1.hqx; 2689K]


Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 15:20:30 -0600
From: (Richard Traxel)
Subject: [*] The Structure of DNA

This is a program that explains the structure of DNA. There are several
animations and screens that explain recent DNA technologies. Two quizzes
are included.

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/the-structure-of-dna.hqx; 1797K]


Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 01:05:53 -0800
From: (Alessandro Levi Montalcini)
Subject: [*] Total Desktop Rebuild 1.1

Program:   Total Desktop Rebuild 1.1
Author:    Alessandro Levi Montalcini <>
Price:     Freeware

  Total Desktop Rebuild is a free system extension that allows
you to completely erase all your desktop files so that they are
rebuilt from scratch when the startup process is over. To delete
all the desktop files on all available disks, simply hold down
the Command and Option keys while Total Desktop Rebuild is
loading. A small red flash is then added to the startup icon,
and Total Desktop Rebuild attempts to do its job.

  Warning: Total Desktop Rebuild will completely delete all your
file comments. If you wish to preserve them, use Kelvin
Delbarre's Commentator utility or the Finder's built-in desktop
rebuild capabilities instead (by holding down Command and Option
at the end of the startup process, while the Finder is loading).
Commentator is available on all info-mac mirrors, and it lets
you save your file comments before you rebuild the desktop and
restore them later.

  Yes, I know there are dozens of other utilities that do the
same thing (for example, check out AutoBuild by Rene G.A. Ros if
you want to automatically rebuild your desktop every once in a
while). But I needed to rebuild my desktops from scratch, and I
had to use an extension, and of course I couldn't find the one I
used to play with. So I cooked up my own in ten minutes, and
since I'm passing it to you for free you shouldn't be
complaining in the first place...

New in version 1.1:
- Now attempts to mount all available disks before deleting
the desktop files.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/total-desktop-rebuild-11.hqx; 17K]


Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 01:02:52 -0800
From: (J. Eric Bockelman)
Subject: [*] URLicon 1.0 PowerPC

URLicon 1.0
Copyright (c) 1997 by J. Eric Bockelman

* What is it?
URLicon is a simple little program that will create Finder icons (files,
actually) for your favorite websites.  Clicking on one of these icons will
Netscape (if it is not already running) and cause Netscape to retrieve the

* Distribution
URLicon may be distributed free of charge, as long as the included README
accompanies the program and both files are distributed UNMODIFIED.  Vendors may
not charge fees for the distribution of this software beyond normal
media, and connect time fees.  Permission is granted to include this software
shareware compilation CDs, such as the InfoMac CDROM.  (It would be nice if
supply me a copy!)

* Disclaimer

J. Eric Bockelman

[Archived as /info-mac/text/html/url-icon-10.hqx; 19K]


Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 01:05:51 -0800
From: (Jacek Iwanski)
Subject: [*] Verbs & Nouns 1.2.9 - foreign language teaching

Here is the new (1.2.9), improved version of the "Verbs & Nouns" application.

The inflection of words is one of the most difficult parts of learning
many foreign languages since there are numerous inflection patterns.
"Verbs&Nouns" is an application that helps you to learn these patterns
and refresh your knowledge about the rules for the inflection of verbs
and nouns in a foreign language. The program has many other useful
features to help you to learn or research a foreign language.

The program lets you create a database of verbs or nouns in a foreign
language. You can easily construct the inflection patterns (rules) for
words that are regular. You can include other information about each
word, such as a translation, grammar characteristics, comments, etc. in
a convenient form. Comments are useful for storing examples of the use
of the word, or for recording other information. The facility for
merging databases makes it easy to share comments with other users. The
program has an exercise window. It automatically generates exercises to
allow you to practise inflection or translation. You can collect the
words that you have already learned and let the program generate
exercises just for this group of words. You can also identify many other
groups of words (and collect them in classes) to use them in exercises
or for browsing. The program has asynchronous sound support to associate
the sound samples with words.

Jacek Iwanski

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/verbs-and-nouns-129.hqx; 804K]


Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 01:02:30 -0800
From: (Ian Krieg)
Subject: [*] Webmaker 1.0.1

	Here is Webmaker, a Hypercard Stack for authoring web pages. I ask
that, in the description or index of this file, my email address and the
fact that an application version of Webmaker 1.0 is available from me be

 Ian Krieg

[Archived as /info-mac/text/html/webmaker-101-hc.hqx; 69K]


Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 01:02:45 -0800
From: (Richard Theil)
Subject: [*] Xenia 1.0

Xenia is a classic arcade shoot-em-up modeled somewhat after the great
classic "Xevious". It is fat binary and runs on 68030 or better, with
8-bit color suggested. Its tight coding ensures a minimal download time.

It is freeware, but you are requested to send a postcard if you play it
more than once or twice. It may be included on commercial collections as
long as two samples are sent to the author. Details on this can be found
inside the package.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/xenia-10.hqx; 302K]


Date: 16 Jan 1997 19:02:10 GMT
From: (Markus Stuessi)
Subject: (A) Phantom has control of printer port

> Arethere applications which will free up the printer port?

Yes.  Test CommCloser by Russ Nelson or Serial Setter by Morrison Softdesign

On my Power Macintosh 6100/66 i had the same Probleme with one of the
MIDI-Sound-Program's. I don't no wich one.

Gruss, Mark

PS: Sorry about my english!  ;-)

- sent via an evaluation copy of BulkRate (unregistered).


Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 09:02:56 -0800
From: Chuck Garrett <>
Subject: Eudora Lite J

At 9:31 AM -0800 1/15/97, Info-Mac wrote:

 * Buy the Japanese Language Kit (v1.2), and then use Eudora Lite -J from
 * qualcomm. This should handle the encoding correctly, methinks.

Does anyone have a URL for this?
"I do what people were put on earth to do. I talk to friends, read, play,
laugh, study, visit museums, create, learn, explore the world..... And
every once in a while, I step away from my Macintosh for a breath of fresh
California USA


Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 22:59:56 -0500
From: (Lewis Hosier)
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #12

> Date: 11 Jan 1997 23:57:00 +0000
> From:
> Subject: Part 2/2: NON-DELIVERY of: Info-Mac Digest V15 #11
> I am currently experiencing the following problem: evry time i check my
> Harddrive with norton discdoctor 3.2.1 it crashes exactly in the same
> "spot" when it checks the Catalog B-tree leaves. I have tried to check
> the harddrive with apples disktools and it doesnt find any problems.
> I first noticed a problem when FileSaver alerted me about an unknown
> disc error.
> I have a powermac 7600/120 with 1.2 Gb harddrive. I have given norton
> 10Mb Ram. I have used norton on this machine for a long time without
> problems prior to this. And i have run norton discdoctor to check  a cd
> after the problems started(just to see if the problem is in the norton
> app itself): no crash.
> Are there any other disc tools that i can use to check my harddrive?
> Othr suggestions
> Petr

I had a similar problem on a 7200 and found Mac Tools found the problem
and fixed it. The two seem to work together and each finds different


Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 10:41:53 -0400 (EDT)
From: Jim Reed <>
Subject: IRC Questions on sounds and pics

I just recently started playing around with IRC chat and it is kind of fun.  I
have run into a couple questions/problems though involving sound and photos.
I am using a PowerMac 7600/132 - 48 MB RAM, System 7.5.3, NetScape 3, Ircle
6.5, and JPEGView 3.3.

As in the workplace, most people on IRC use peecees and not macs.  They seem
to have a capability to hurl sounds at each other which could be interesting
but they use ".wav" files.  Any way can I participate in that or is my Mac
doomed to be silent?  I can receive them and translate them later to hear on
the Mac but not in real time like everyone else.  I do hear the sound of
someone getting "kicked", the "phone ring" when someone messages me, etc., but
perhaps Ircle doesn't support the use of .wav files.  If not, are there other
Mac-based IRC s/w that do support ".wav's" on a Mac?

Now for the photo questions.  Lots of people want to swap personal photos so I
scanned mine in and saved it as a jpeg photo and I send it as "jimR.jpg".
Problem is, most people can't open mine for some reason.  I can open theirs in
any format.  I have tried sending them in MacBinary form and Binary, without
luck.  Generally, Mac-users can open my photo without problem?  I have also
tried sending it by email to peecee users and they can't open it that way
either.  Any advice?  I did just download a shareware program called
image-viewer so that I could resave it as a gif file to try that.  Maybe that
will solve the problem?

If anyone has advice or solutions I would appreciate it.

Thanks a lot.

Jim  (


Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 23:21:36 +0900 (JST)
From: (Shari Custer-Poza and Tito Poza, Jr.)
Subject: ISDN...Help!

My husband and I recently entered the world of ISDN. Unfortunately, it's
not been a very friendly one. We live in Japan where the standards are
different so we could not buy a U.S. modem. What we did buy was a model
which does not require software to configure (it uses DIP switches) and has
an English language manual. The manual is abysmal though and I cannot work
out what to do to get it to work.

The modem is a Hucom TA64H and is apparently used in Taiwan. If there are
any Mac users who can give me some advice on how to set things up with this
modem, I'd be very appreciative.

The biggest problem I'm having is getting the computer to find the modem at
all. I've tried different initialization strings to no avail.

Thanks for any help in advance.



Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 19:38:14 +0000
From: (Daniel Frampton)
Subject: Mac Plus & Zip Drive

Will a Mac Plus work with/recognise an Iomega Zip Drive?

Thanks a lot in advance,

Daniel Frampton

(Reply personally & to list if possible)


Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 10:22:39 -0600 (CST)
From: (Mark Evans)
Subject: MacTCP DNR


I was gleaning my hard drive recently, and I found my MacTCP DNR control
panel file had bloated to over 5.6 meg of space!  What the heck?  Clicked
info and it could not be set to any specific size. Why is it so big?  Waht
does it do?  Can I make it smaller? What gives?

Thanks offered previous to the reception of responses...(smiles*


Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 19:10:25 -0500
From: Dave Reiser <>
Subject: Magnifying Glass Cursor (?)

>Recently my cursor has ben switching from an arrow to something that
>looks like a little magnifying glass. Happens on my home IIci and office
>Q650/PPC, System of the 7.5.5 persuasion.
>Happens in apps and in the finder.
>I had a low level interest in the oddity until this afternoon when my
>home IIci fired up, all inits had finished loading, the cursor changed
>to a magnifying glass, and the machine froze solid. The power switch was
>the only escape. The subsequent startup went fine.
>But the episode did get my attention.
>Y'all have any ideas where the "magnifying glass" cursor comes from and
>maybe even how to stop it?

Sounds like Closeview to me (an aid to the visually impaired). I didn't
think it was still part of a default system install. I know that Closeview
did crash my IIci several systems ago. Since I didn't need it (and didn't
like the way it accomplished its task anyway...) I deleted it and solved my
init conflict problem.


Dave Reiser


Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 09:32:17 -0600
From: (William Akey)
Subject: Need some advice on scanners


I am about to purchase a scanner and would like to have some sage advice as
to what brand of scanner to shell out for.  I have tried an HP Scanjet 4C
and found that it worked very well and seemed to have good color rendition.
I don't like the price, though.  I am looking in the $800 range or less if
possible.  I have also used (not done by me) scans from a UMAX (don't know
the model) and found the results not as good as the HP.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 03:47:55 +0100
From: Jos Mulder <>
Subject: pb500 pcmcia problem

I am using A psion v34 gold pcmcia modem in my pb520 pcmcia-cage.
Sometimes it works like it's supposed to, but often after a crash, it
refuses to start up with the pcmcia cage in it, with or without the
card. Then, after some day's it desides to work again. I tried
different software config's and even different systems (back to 7.1 that
is). I am puzzled.
It did function after I used somebody elses's cage in my pb. but that
might have been a coincidence.
Anyone any idea?


Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 13:08:34 -0700
From: Drew Smith <>
Subject: Q-Beeping after inactivity

A month or so ago, my Performa 630 began emitting a series of beeps when
I began using it after >20min of inactivity.  It beeps 12 times, during
which no other activity is possible.  I have scanned it for viruses with
the latest version of Disinfectant, and rebuilt the desktop, to no
avail. Any ideas?

Drew Smith


Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 11:31:29 -0800 (PST)
From: Kevin Surf Shuk <>
Subject: Secure Shell (ssh) for macintosh?

Is anyone aware of a secure shell (ssh) for the Macintosh available now?
No matter if it's free, shareware or commercial.

One ssh home page notes a mac client in development that was initially
expected in October/November 1996, but clearly we're past that time, so if
anyone has better information on such a beast, please share what you know.

--Kevin Shuk


Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 22:55:45 -0600
From: (Clark R. Wilkins)
Subject: Using backup mail servers, fall back DNS servers

I am implementing a test setup where there are two mail servers in our
domain. The purpose is to avoid losing any incoming mail if the primary
system crashes. Both servers are AIMS 1.1. runs as the primary and runs as the

We use QuickDNS Pro on a third machine and MX = 1 for the first server and
2 for the second.

The second server has the same account names as the first, and each account
on backupmail is set to forward all messages to the same account on mail.

Did I miss anything, other than the possibility of losing the primary DNS
and all access to the domain? Is there a clean way to have more than one
DNS server on a domain or does the fallback position need to be taken
outside the in-house router?


Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 14:53:51 -0500
From: Miles Abernathy <>
Subject: Web Resource for VRAM Options?

I have a Mac 6100/60, and someone told me that it would redraw more quickly
if I installed some VRAM. Is there a resource, web or otherwise, that will
clarify what is needed, how much it will help and where to purchase it?
Thank you.

  Miles Abernathy,



End of Info-Mac Digest