Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #84 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest" --Info-Mac-Digest Info-Mac Digest Fri, 09 May 97 Volume 15 : Issue 84 Today's Topics: [*] 4FMPro models [*] =?iso-8859-1?Q?Chmod=B4s?= Icons.sit [*] Aardvark Smooth 1.7.1 for Kaleido 1.5 [*] Aardvark Ultra Smooth [*] Aardwolf 1.2.1 for Kaleido 1.5 [*] Beavis & Butthead Icons [*] Bill's Zip Disk Icons 2.1 [*] Bird-Songs-1-3-Pt-1.hqx [*] Bird-Songs-1-3-Pt-1.hqx [*] Bird-Songs-1-3-Pt-1.hqx [*] blood-bath-191-demo.sit [*] blood-bath-patch-191.sit [*] BOOM 1.0->1.0.1 Update [*] BOOM-101.hqx [*] D-SoundPRO 2.5.2 (FAT):the professional sound editor [*] DiskSurveyor 1.3 - Handy new feature! [*] eclectic CDEF Collection 1.0 [*] Escape_Velocity.hqx [*] EV_Update_105.hqx [*] Eye Candy 3.0 - Photoshop plug-ins [*] Find In Files 1.0 68K [*] Find In Files 1.0 PPC [*] FinderWindows 1.2.2J - Japanese Version [*] Garbage 1.5 for Kaleidoscope 1.5 [*] HTMLColor v1.0 [*] icon-dropper-20-{68k}.hqx [*] icon-dropper-20-{fat}.hqx [*] ImageViewer 4.4 PPC [*] Lun (a Marathon Infinity netmap) [*] Mac's Talkin' Dictionary 2.2 [*] MaCthugha 1.0 [*] Mellow Tones Textures [*] Multimedia Animation Maker 2.0.1 US [*] MW_Build_Java_Scripts.sea [*] My Mac Magazine #25, May '97 [*] NeXTish 1.5 Kaleidoscope Color Scheme [*] Nisus Indexing Macros [*] NoDesktopCleanup 1.4J (Japanese version) [*] PHOTOCAT-UPGRADE-1.1.hqx [*] Play It Cool 2.0J - Japanese Version [*] Popup Navigator 1.1 [*] Screen Catcher 1.0 [*] SpikeInstaller104 (abstract) [*] The CD Database 2.0 [*] virtual-maze-book-lite-11 The Info-Mac Network operates by the volunteer efforts of: Gordon Watts, Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna, Mike O'Bryan, Matt Bauer, Brian Wessels, Liam Breck The Info-Mac Archive is available at 50 public and private sites around the world. For the site list, request it by mail (address below), or try: <> Also accessible by ftp. Help files and indexes are also in info-mac/help/. Administrative queries & info: <> Articles for digest publication: <> Files for inclusion: <> To submit a file greater than 800K, or to avoid submitting by (and segmenting for) email, send email describing the file to <> and upload it to: <> -- username/password macgifts/macgifts at As with emailed submissions, non-text files must be binhexed. See our new WWW site: <>, where you can find all of this info and more! The Info-Mac digest is sponsored in part by StarNine Technologies, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Quarterdeck corporation. StarNine develops Internet server software for the Macintosh, including World Wide Web and e-mail publishing systems. <> We'd also like to thank AOL, who has supplied the hardware the main info-mac machine runs on. <> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Info-Mac Digest V15 #84" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 03:10:07 -0700 From: Subject: [*] 4FMPro models Please find enclosed 4 FMPro models; Adderesses+(English) & Adresses+(French):Phones & adresses with a nice FMPro model Bookfiler (English) & Bibliofiche (French): Filing your books with a nice FMPro model Easier to read (larger letters), pleasant interface, easier to use. Thank you Alain Antinori [Archived as /info-mac/data/4-fm-pro-models.hqx; 234K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:28:26 -0700 From: Subject: [*] =?iso-8859-1?Q?Chmod=B4s?= Icons.sit I have made som icons. Please publicate them at Info-Mac! [Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/chmods-icons.hqx; 50K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:28:17 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Aardvark Smooth 1.7.1 for Kaleido 1.5 Here's the latest version of Aardvark Smooth for Kaleidoscope 1.5.x, courtesy of BouncyWare. There are two schemes in this archive, and they're both completely free! Please delete any earlier versions of the Aardvarks from the Info-Mac archive, if you would be so kind. Thanks. Please go ahead and put the Aardvarks on the Info-Mac CD - they want to see the world! [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/aardvark-smooth-171.hqx; 43K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:28:19 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Aardvark Ultra Smooth Here's the latest version of Aardvark Ultra Smooth for Kaleidoscope 1.5.x, courtesy of BouncyWare. There is one scheme in this archive, and it's completely free! Please delete any earlier versions of the Aardvarks from the Info-Mac archive, if you would be so kind. Thanks. Please go ahead and put Aardvark Ultra Smooth on the Info-Mac CD - it needs to get out more! My land is bare of chattering folk; The clouds are low along the ridges, And sweet's the air with curly smoke From all my burning bridges. Sanctuary, Dorothy Parker [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/aardvark-ultra-smooth-181.hqx; 27K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:28:20 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Aardwolf 1.2.1 for Kaleido 1.5 Here's the latest version of the Aardwolves for Kaleidoscope 1.5.x, courtesy of BouncyWare. There are three schemes in this archive, and they're all completely free! Please delete any earlier versions of the Aardwolves from the Info-Mac archive, if you would be so kind. Thanks. Please go ahead and put the Aardwolves on the Info-Mac CD - they like to travel! [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/aardwolf-121.hqx; 47K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:41:27 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Beavis & Butthead Icons Cool!, here is that you are looking for. After a long time looking for Beavis & Butthead Icons, i =B4ve no find cool icons of it. So i decided make it. The small collection contain icons of folders, files and Zip=B4s cartridges of them. I expect that you enjoy it. Sorry for my english. Gabi VIVA ICONOS [Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/beavis-butthead-icons.hqx; 66K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:28:25 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Bill's Zip Disk Icons 2.1 This is an update to the always popular download.....Bill's Zip Disk Icons 1 & 2. Both sets have been combined and new icons have also been included. There is also an Icon Archiver collection file for users of Icon Archiver. Hope you enjoy! Attention Jaz users.....Keep your eye out for my Jaz disk collection 2.0 being released soon! [Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/bills-zip-disk-icons-21.hqx; 386K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 03:10:03 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Bird-Songs-1-3-Pt-1.hqx Dave Godbey Naval Research Laboratory Code 6125 Washington, DC 20375-5342 Phone: (202) 404-1200, Fax: (202) 767-0594 Bldg. 207, Room 136 email: Learn the wonderful songs of birds using the power of the Macintosh. Learn to identify them by their songs. Package including parts 1 and 2 contain the Bird Songs application and four sets of birds, including common birds, woodpeckers, and sparrows. Review the birds, listen to their songs, and see their pictures. Then shift into game mode. Challenge yourself in a game where the computer plays a random bird song and you must identify the bird by the song. You can also select background mode, where the program can be instructed to play random bird songs while you use your computer to do other things. A great way to sharpen your birding ear! Bird Songs will play on any Macintosh more modern than the SE, using system 6.0.5 or better. This is Part 2 of Bird Songs and contains many more bird songs. It has not changed since version 1.0.2, so you may not need to download this file. You need Part 1 to play these birds, however. [Archived as /info-mac/edu/bird-songs-13-pt-2.hqx; 1884K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:28:30 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Bird-Songs-1-3-Pt-1.hqx Dave Godbey Naval Research Laboratory Code 6125 Washington, DC 20375-5342 Phone: (202) 404-1200, Fax: (202) 767-0594 Bldg. 207, Room 136 email: Learn the wonderful songs of birds using the power of the Macintosh. Learn to identify them by their songs. Package including parts 1 and 2 contain the Bird Songs application and four sets of birds, including common birds, woodpeckers, and sparrows. Review the birds, listen to their songs, and see their pictures. Then shift into game mode. Challenge yourself in a game where the computer plays a random bird song and you must identify the bird by the song. You can also select background mode, where the program can be instructed to play random bird songs while you use your computer to do other things. A great way to sharpen your birding ear! Bird Songs will play on any Macintosh more modern than the SE, using system 6.0.5 or better. This is Part 1 of Bird Songs and contains the application program and some bird songs. Part 2 is not necessary to run the program. It contains additional birds only. The Play List item has been added to the Bird Songs menu. When selecting Play List, the program plays through the current bird list from top to bottom once. If you switch to background after selecting this item, Bird Songs will continue to play in this mode until it finishes the list. The List Manager dialog box has added an Alphabetical Order button so you can now make your list in alphabetical order. Bird Songs=81 now supports Apple Events. At this juncture, only the required events are supported, open application, open document, print document (opens document), and quit. Using AppleScript, you now can partially control Bird Songs=81, even from a remote computer. More extensive AppleScript control will be available in next version of Bird Songs=81. Previous versions: 1.2, 1.1, 1.0.3, 1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0 [Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/bird-songs-13-pt-1.hqx; 1742K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 03:10:02 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Bird-Songs-1-3-Pt-1.hqx Dave Godbey Naval Research Laboratory Code 6125 Washington, DC 20375-5342 Phone: (202) 404-1200, Fax: (202) 767-0594 Bldg. 207, Room 136 email: Learn the wonderful songs of birds using the power of the Macintosh. Learn to identify them by their songs. Package including parts 1 and 2 contain the Bird Songs application and four sets of birds, including common birds, woodpeckers, and sparrows. Review the birds, listen to their songs, and see their pictures. Then shift into game mode. Challenge yourself in a game where the computer plays a random bird song and you must identify the bird by the song. You can also select background mode, where the program can be instructed to play random bird songs while you use your computer to do other things. A great way to sharpen your birding ear! Bird Songs will play on any Macintosh more modern than the SE, using system 6.0.5 or better. This is Part 1 of Bird Songs and contains the application program and some bird songs. Part 2 is not necessary to run the program. It contains additional birds only. The Play List item has been added to the Bird Songs menu. When selecting Play List, the program plays through the current bird list from top to bottom once. If you switch to background after selecting this item, Bird Songs will continue to play in this mode until it finishes the list. The List Manager dialog box has added an Alphabetical Order button so you can now make your list in alphabetical order. Bird Songs=81 now supports Apple Events. At this juncture, only the required events are supported, open application, open document, print document (opens document), and quit. Using AppleScript, you now can partially control Bird Songs=81, even from a remote computer. More extensive AppleScript control will be available in next version of Bird Songs=81. Previous versions: 1.2, 1.1, 1.0.3, 1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0 [Archived as /info-mac/edu/bird-songs-13-pt-1.hqx; 1742K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:28:40 -0700 From: Subject: [*] blood-bath-191-demo.sit Blood Bath, a critically acclaimed shooter for the Mac is now available for only $19.95. Check out our web page at: for all the details. Or download this demo (for PPC or 68k) to see what all the fuss is about. Version 1.91 fixes a bug that crashed some computers when the monitor wasn't set to 256 colors when starting the game. The reviews are in... *Shooter of the year (runner up) - That includes all platforms: Mac, PC, and home game systems. 1st place went to "Virtua Cop" for the Saturn Electric Playground - Best of '95 "Blood Bath is crude and amoral. Yummy." "one of the most engrossing and difficult shooters we've seen for a very long time." Ultimate Gamer "Mac owners with itchy trigger fingers will want to wallow in this addictive free-for-all." 4 stars!!! Steve Klett, Electronic Entertainment "...the sort of unceasingly violent entertainment that Bob Dole would probably hate, except that it's criminals your sheriff is blowing away...Bath uses some proprietary video tricks cooked up by Underworld to move the bad guys around the screen seamlessly in a full-screen window with no blurring or redraw delays...the game ran as well on a two-year-old PowerBook as on a PowerMac 7100" Rob Pegoraro, The Washington Post System requirements: * 3-4 MB of free RAM * Color Mac * PPC or 68k Mac Thanks, Roger Kemper Underworld Software [Archived as /info-mac/game/com/blood-bath-191-demo.hqx; 2904K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:28:41 -0700 From: rogerk@4Link.Net Subject: [*] blood-bath-patch-191.sit This is the latest patch (version 1.91) for owners of the PPC and 68k version of Blood Bath at Red Falls. It fixes a bug that prevented display of the 'Options' menu screen. New features since version 1.86: * Adds automatic changing of the monitor color depth System requirements: * CD version of Blood Bath at Red Falls * Power Macintosh * 3.5 MB of free RAM For installation instructions, please see the Read Me file enclosed. For the latest updates and more information on Blood Bath, please vist our Web page: Thanks, Roger Kemper, Underworld Software [Archived as /info-mac/game/com/blood-bath-patch-191.hqx; 152K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:28:44 -0700 From: Subject: [*] BOOM 1.0->1.0.1 Update BOOM 1.0->1.0.1 Update This update provides version 1.0.1 of Factor Software's game BOOM. In order to use this update you must have BOOM version 1.0 already installed on your disk. You don't have to be a registered user to use this update. What's new in BOOM 1.0.1? - Recompiled with CodeWarrior=81 11. - Recompiled with the latest versions of the Sprite Animation Toolkit and the MADLibrary (music drivers). - Fixed a bug in the sound management routines that caused output corruption (noise) on some machines. - Fixed a bug that caused a player to occasionally get stuck over a block after a collision with the other player. - Fixed a bug that caused a player to occasionally being teleported over a teleporter already occupied by the other player, resulting in the two players being placed one upon the other. - Increased the game's memory partition to 4.5 MBytes. - Added Gravis GamePad sets matching the default key assignment for Player 1 and 2. - Added "Troubleshooting" section to the Read Me file. Thanks and best regards. Federico [Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/boom-101-update.hqx; 298K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:28:45 -0700 From: Subject: [*] BOOM-101.hqx BOOM 1.0.1 BOOM is an arcade game in the grand tradition, bringing the playability and feel of the glorious 8-bit consoles on the Macintosh. It can be described as "Bomberman meets Doom". Actually, I took the basic Bomberman idea and dropped it in a "Super-Deformed Doom" scenario (whatever this means). If you don't know what Bomberman and Doom are, definitely you've never played a computer game. This is the right time to start. BOOM's main features are: - Smooth sprite based animations in 256 colors - 8 different soundtracks and multi-channel sound effects - Simultaneous two players action - 80 different levels - 10 different enemy characters varying in intelligence and weaponry - Mid-game monsters and a final Super Boss System Requirements 68030/040 or PowerPC; 4.5 MBytes free memory; Mac OS 7.0.1 or later; 640x480 or larger monitor supporting 256 colors; Sound Manager 3.0 or later. Recommended Configuration Fast (25Mhz or better) 68040 or PowerPC; Mac OS 7.5.x or later; Sound Manager 3.2 or later on PPC machines. What's new in BOOM 1.0.1? - Recompiled with CodeWarrior=81 11. - Recompiled with the latest versions of the Sprite Animation Toolkit and the MADLibrary (music drivers). - Fixed a bug in the sound management routines that caused output corruption (noise) on some machines. - Fixed a bug that caused a player to occasionally get stuck over a block after a collision with the other player. - Fixed a bug that caused a player to occasionally being teleported over a teleporter already occupied by the other player, resulting in the two players being placed one upon the other. - Increased the game's memory partition to 4.5 MBytes. - Added Gravis GamePad sets matching the default key assignment for Player 1 and 2. - Added "Troubleshooting" section to the Read Me file. Distribution BOOM is US$15 shareware (single user license, site and world-wide licenses available). You can distribute BOOM freely, provided that you leave the software and the accompanying documentation unchanged. I give permission for this program to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM. [Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/boom-101.hqx; 2777K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:28:31 -0700 From: Subject: [*] D-SoundPRO 2.5.2 (FAT):the professional sound editor D-SoundPRO 2.5.2 COPYRIGHT (C) 1997 - Stefano Daino All rights reserved D-SoundPRO is a professional sound editor. It is capable of managing AIFF sound files and MIDI Sample I/O, and it permits very sophisticated sound manipulations. Its features are: - Load/Save AIFF and SDII mono/stereo 8/16 bits sound files up to 48 kHz - Import/Export sounds from 3 1/2 Roland(R) Samplers Disks (W30, S50, S550, S330) - Import/Export sounds in RAW format - MIDI SAMPLE DUMP STANDARD and S50, S550, S330 MIDI Input/Output - Yamaha(R) SY sample headers support - Akai(R) SCSI sample dump support - Sophisticated and undoable sample edit & clipboard management - Floating palettes for edit tools, loops monitoring, sample info, and Virtual Keyboard. - X-Fade looping algorithm with programmable window length & X-fade coefficient - Time Stretching and Frequency Shifting parametric algorithms by a Spectral Resynthesizer - Rythm loop for fast auto looping of musical audio files - Oscillator function to generate new synthesized sound waves - Resample using interpolation System requirements: System 7.1, SoundManager 3.1 and a 68020 MAC supporting 16 bit audio (68030 mac recommended for MIDI). 68000 and 68k+FPU versions also available. Optional: MIDI interface and synth supporting MIDI Sample Dump Standard, a MAC with sound inputs, OMS 1.2 (or better). D-SoundPRO is a program which is distributed as SHAREWARE. This version is fully operating. You are permitted to use it on a trial basis for up to 15 days. If you wish to continue using this product beyond that period, you are expected to pay a registration fee of $30. You will receive a registration code which you may enter to eliminate registration screens. Thank you for your help to this shareware product. [Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/d-sound-pro-252.hqx; 1608K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 03:10:04 -0700 From: Subject: [*] DiskSurveyor 1.3 - Handy new feature! Subject: disk-surveyor-131.sit Now getting rid of those disk-hogging files from your hard drive is even easier! With the latest version of DiskSurveyor, you can still click on a folder and zoom in to see what's inside... but now, for the first time, you can Shift-click on the folder to open up the ACTUAL folder... allowing you to easily drag the offending items to the trash! Also, it now adjusts the layout for volumes that return an incorrect number of bytes allocated. This also solves the compatibility issue with driver-level compression programs, which return the original -UNCOMPRESSED- number of bytes the file had, instead of the actual -COMPRESSED- number of bytes the file takes up. DiskSurveyor doesn't promise to make your hard drive any bigger, but it does show you, GRAPHICALLY, what or who's hogging all that space. Click on a folder and zoom in for a closer look. Or zoom back out. And with the press of a key, you can create DiskSummary files that list all the files found on CDROMs or any other volume. No longer will you have to waste valuable time navigating through folder after folder trying to figure out which files need to be archived or trashed to free up precious disk space. DiskSurveyor. An exciting new way to look at your hard drive and CDROMs. Shareware $10 (US) Tom Luhrs TwiLight Software [Archived as /info-mac/disk/disk-surveyor-132.hqx; 220K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 03:10:05 -0700 From: Subject: [*] eclectic CDEF Collection 1.0 The eclectic CDEF Collection is a set of 2 freeware CDEFs (control definition functions) written in Pascal, the Celsius CDEF and the Gauss CDEF. CDEF stands for "control definition function": it is a way to define the appearance and the behavior of custom controls. Custom controls may be dials, gauges, sliders, and so on. CDEFs may be used by almost every Macintosh software and by practically every development environment and programming language. The Celsius CDEF implements a thermometer- or barber pole-style progress bar similar to that used by the Finder in the Copy or Find windows. Additional options allows you to honor custom colors stored in 'cctb' resources, to draw the bar always in the active look ignoring deactivations, and finally to display the bar with a 3D-like "inset" effect, as shown in the develop 15 article "Working in the Third Dimension". The Gauss CDEF draws application-specified blocks of text. It can draw simply the control's title, append a numeric value to it or draw a block of text up to 32K set up by the calling application. Optionally the Gauss CDEF can also honor 'cctb' resources, draw the text with the owning windows' text font, size and style, and draw a 3D-like effect (inset or raised). The eclectic CDEF Collection consists of - two CDEFs: the Celsius CDEF and the Gauss CDEF - two 'stubs' to allow source-level debugging of the CDEFs: StubCDEF and JumpCDEF - some utility routines - a demonstration application for the CDEFs The eclectic CDEF Collection is written by: Sebastiano Pilla Viale dei Mille 20 31100 Treviso (Italy) <> [Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/eclectic-cdef-collection.hqx; 164K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:28:46 -0700 From: (Michael Bean) Subject: [*] Escape_Velocity.hqx Check your calendar: It's 2246, and the galaxy just isn't what it used to be. Spacefaring pirates roam free, civil war rages, and simple traders cheat death to make a living. Welcome to life in the 23rd century! Ambrosia Software's Escape Velocity puts you smack-dab in the middle of that booming galaxy. As the captain of a shiny new spacecraft, you make your fortune and build your empire. If that sounds like a walk in the park, you're in for a surprise - dangers abound! Your lowly shuttle craft will need more than a little luck to make a profit... and survive. Lovingly hand-crafted by programmer Matt Burch, Escape Velocity offers a rich and open-ended environment that evolves as you play. Over a hundred worlds occupy the galaxy, each with its own technology, alliances, and commodities. As you earn credits and gain fame, Confederation peace keepers and Rebel patriots struggle for power, leaving you in the middle. Escape Velocity spans a number of genres, combining elements of classic "trading" games, arcade space shoot-outs, and strategy simulations. Whether you choose to build a trading empire, aid the Rebellion in a civil war, or strike out on your own as a ruthless pirate, Escape Velocity provides a multitude of options for the game connoisseur. This open-ended gameplay allows each player to chart their own course as they play; there's no "right" way to play Escape Velocity, as long as you have fun! Numerous sub-plots fill Escape Velocity's world; your choices affect the story's development, guaranteeing that each game will be different from the last. You'll have the opportunity to infiltrate hostile military bases, ferry emergency supplies to distant star systems, rescue passengers from stranded cruise ships, stop alien invaders, and more. In addition, Escape Velocity sports an open game engine. Future scenario designers will be able to create their own worlds for other players to explore. Escape Velocity runs on any Mac with a 640x480 color monitor and 5.8 megabytes of free RAM. Optimized for the PowerMac, it's lickety-split smooth on Apple's latest iron. And of course, Escape Velocity has the dazzling 3D rendered graphics, full stereo sound, and all the polish that you'd expect of an Ambrosia game. Price: $20.00 Requires: 256 Color Screen, 13" or Greater; 040 or PowerPC recommended ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:41:32 -0700 From: (Michael Bean) Subject: [*] EV_Update_105.hqx Ambrosia Software, Inc. has just released an Escape Velocity 1.0.5 Updater. This updater only works if you already have an earlier version of Escape Velocity. If you do not already have Escape Velocity, you need to download the complete Escape Velocity 1.0.5 package. This updater brings Escape Velocity up to Escape Velocity 1.0.5, the latest version which contains a number of bug fixes and adds a few features. All of the files in the Escape Velocity 1.0.5 Update should be extracted into your existing Escape Velocity folder to properly upgrade Escape Velocity to version 1.0.5. The following is a list of the bugs that were fixed in Escape Velocity 1.0.5: -- Fixed a bug that would sometimes negatively affect your legal status when destroying pirates and aliens -- Fixed a bug that would sometimes kill off pilots for no apparent reason (pilot files from 1.0.4 or before affected by this problem can now be used again) -- Fixed a bug that would sometimes make hyperspace lines disappear from the map -- Selling the current weapon will cause it to be deselected if necessary -- Escort ships' fighters are no longer catatonic -- New, more-detailed graphics for all ships -- Beam weapons should no longer leave stray pixels behind ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:41:30 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Eye Candy 3.0 - Photoshop plug-ins Announcing the release of Eye Candy 3.0! Eye Candy 3.0 is the latest version of Photoshop plug-ins from Alien Skin Software. These filters create special effects in seconds that would normally require hours of hand tweaking. New features since version The Black Box 2.1: *11 new filters (total of 21) *Zoomable and resizable previews with thumbnail navigation *Color Pickers added to many of the filters *Save and restore your own settings or choose from over 200 presets *Opacity options for HSB Noise and Cutout *Smaller installed size *New lighting control for shadows and highlights for the Macintosh filters *Drop Shadow, Glow, Outer Bevel, and Motion Trail no longer remove the selection when used with Photoshop 4.0 System Requirements: *PowerPC processor *Apple System Software 7.1.2 *12 Megabytes of physical RAM *Color monitor with 24-bit video card *Adobe Photoshop 3.04 or later For more information, please visit our Web Site: Thanks, Sam Mauney Alien WebFink Alien Skin Software Best regards, Sam Mauney [Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/pshp/eye-candy-30-demo.hqx; 541K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:28:06 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Find In Files 1.0 68K Find In Files is a $10 Mac shareware application that searches a set of files (or all files) for some text. Available for 68K and PPC. Why would you use Find In Files? Here's an example. Suppose you have 100's of Microsoft Word files, and one or more of them has some information you need. You could open every one of the files and search them by hand, or use Find In Files to search for you. Simply enter some key words, enter the creator and file types (or click the Select File button, and open any file to get the creator and file type), enter the folder where the search should begin, and click on Search. Find In Files returns a list of text snippets and the files that contain the text snippets. M A U I S O F T W A R E 189 Auoli Dr. Makawao, Maui, HI 96768-9313 email: [Archived as /info-mac/text/find-in-files-68k-10.hqx; 160K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:28:07 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Find In Files 1.0 PPC Find In Files is a $10 Mac shareware application that searches a set of files (or all files) for some text. Available for 68K and PPC. Why would you use Find In Files? Here's an example. Suppose you have 100's of Microsoft Word files, and one or more of them has some information you need. You could open every one of the files and search them by hand, or use Find In Files to search for you. Simply enter some key words, enter the creator and file types (or click the Select File button, and open any file to get the creator and file type), enter the folder where the search should begin, and click on Search. Find In Files returns a list of text snippets and the files that contain the text snippets. M A U I S O F T W A R E 189 Auoli Dr. Makawao, Maui, HI 96768-9313 email: [Archived as /info-mac/text/find-in-files-ppc-10.hqx; 186K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:28:13 -0700 From: Subject: [*] FinderWindows 1.2.2J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the FinderWindows package. Have you ever wished that the Finder had a simple "Window" menu like many other applications? Finder Windows 1.2.2 is a control panel that adds a "Window" menu to the Finder. You can now see a list of all the Finder's open windows, choose among them, stack them, and arrange them. Finder Windows requires System 7 or higher. Portions of Finder Windows will run native on PowerMacs if you have one. Finder Windows 1.2.2 fixes a few bugs in Finder Windows 1.2.1. It includes all the features of version 1.2.1, such as an optional menu icon, an optional startup icon, menu shortcut customization, and balloon help. It also alphabetizes the list of windows in the menu. Christopher Li Bridge 1 Software English to Japanese Online Software Localization and Management <> [Archived as /info-mac/gui/finder-windows-122-j.hqx; 127K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:28:21 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Garbage 1.5 for Kaleidoscope 1.5 Welcome to Garbage 1.5, my custom Kaleidoscope colour scheme. Kaleidoscope is a control panel for the MacOS which allows different window, dialog, buttons, ect. to be displayed instead of the ol' boring ones. Get it at I made Garbage for myself but thought: "Hey, others might like this, too." So I'm posting it on the Info-Mac. And by the way, contrary to the name, it is a GOOD scheme. Garbage is basically an edited version of the old "Eclipse" standard. It offers a high-tech looking grey interface, and cool blue menues, buttons, and other interface thingies. Garbage RGB is the same as the original but the interface thingies are either Red, Green, or Blue in colour. Try them out, you'll like them! Garbage also offers high-tech looking system icons (folders, ect.). Oh, and if you actually DO like it, read the read me and send me an e-mail! And if there's anything wrong with the scheme, tell me. Thanks. Barrie "Coa HyperFnord" Sutcliffe [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/garbage.hqx; 214K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 03:10:12 -0700 From: Subject: [*] HTMLColor v1.0 HTML Color is a quick, easy way to find the hexidecimal red-green-blue triplet of a colour. You can pick the colour using Apple's standard colour picker and copy the triplet to the clipboard. If you cruise the web with Netscape 1.1 or higher, you'll have noticed that a lot of pages have their own colour scheme. When writing web pages in HTML you need to enter the afforementioned hexidecimal red-green-blue triplet colors as BGCOLOR, TEXT, LINK VLINK and ALINK values. Requirements: *Color Mac. HTML Color is Postcardware. [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/html-color-10.hqx; 96K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:28:27 -0700 From: Subject: [*] icon-dropper-20-{68k}.hqx IconDropper - Version 2.0 - April 29th, 1997 IconDropper allows users to customize their Mac's icons on-the-fly through the use of Drag-n-Drop technology. Instead of having to copy and paste custom icons from tons of folders on your hard drive, IconDropper stores all icons in custom designed sets called "packs". A single click is required to update any folder's icon and see the results in real time. IconDropper (and its sister app, IconPacker) let the user design and embed custom banners and background colors into the packs when saved. Packs can then be e-mailed to friends or distributed on the Internet. For more information about this exciting new piece of Macintosh shareware, or to download some cool looking icon packs, please visit us at: <> IconDropper is available as: icon-dropper-20-68k.hqx (a smaller and slightly slower version recommended for 68k Macs) icon-dropper-20-fat.hqx (a larger and faster version for PowerPC and 68k Macs) Both of the files have been uploaded to The files were checked with Disinfectant 3.6 before the upload. I think the best place for these files would be _User_Interface. Thanks for doing this public service. We all appreciate your efforts. If you'd like a FREE registration number for IconDropper, just let me know. Best regards, Craig Hockenberry [Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/icon-dropper-20-68k.hqx; 726K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:28:29 -0700 From: Subject: [*] icon-dropper-20-{fat}.hqx IconDropper - Version 2.0 - April 29th, 1997 IconDropper allows users to customize their Mac's icons on-the-fly through the use of Drag-n-Drop technology. Instead of having to copy and paste custom icons from tons of folders on your hard drive, IconDropper stores all icons in custom designed sets called "packs". A single click is required to update any folder's icon and see the results in real time. IconDropper (and its sister app, IconPacker) let the user design and embed custom banners and background colors into the packs when saved. Packs can then be e-mailed to friends or distributed on the Internet. For more information about this exciting new piece of Macintosh shareware, or to download some cool looking icon packs, please visit us at: <> IconDropper is available as: icon-dropper-20-68k.hqx (a smaller and slightly slower version recommended for 68k Macs) icon-dropper-20-fat.hqx (a larger and faster version for PowerPC and 68k Macs) Both of the files have been uploaded to The files were checked with Disinfectant 3.6 before the upload. I think the best place for these files would be _User_Interface. Thanks for doing this public service. We all appreciate your efforts. If you'd like a FREE registration number for IconDropper, just let me know. Best regards, Craig Hockenberry [Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/icon-dropper-20.hqx; 1450K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:41:33 -0700 From: (Michael Bean) Subject: [*] ImageViewer 4.4 PPC ImageViewer_440_PPC.hqx ImageViewer 4.4 PPC is a Macintosh image viewing application perfect for locating, displaying, organizing and printing GIF, JPEG, PICT and TIFF images. View and play movies as well! New to this version include movie play and animated GIF support, as well as numerous new features and bug fixes. ImageViewer offers a number of view modes. Single image viewing modes include: Full Screen, Fit To Window, and scaled between 25% and 800%. List viewing modes include: Gallery, Gallery Small, and Text. All view modes support file ordering by name, size, type, date and random. System Requirements: Any Macintosh compatible computer 8MB of RAM or more System 7.1 or greater QuickTime=81 QuickTime=81 PowerPlug (for PPC) =46or more information, please read document files, or visit our Web page: Thanks, Kevin Wleklinski Plato Grande Software ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:28:42 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Lun (a Marathon Infinity netmap) This is a netmap based on Lunatic Fringe from Duke Nukem 3d. It supports Every Man for Himself and King of the Hill play. Jason Parsons arakasi [Archived as /info-mac/game/com/mthn/lun.hqx; 135K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:28:12 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Mac's Talkin' Dictionary 2.2 Subject Mac's Talkin' Dictionary 2.2 =46ile Size =3D 2.8 MB compressed and 6 MB uncompressed. System Requirements: Any computer running system 7 or better. The application uses only 1 MB of RAM (Random Access Memory). Mac's Talkin' Dictionary is great for the beginner and intermediate Apple Macintosh user. Add Alias to Apple Menu of Mac's Talkin' Dictionary enables you to view all chapters included. Multiple windows may be open with the dictionary and a text editor is included for creating your own documents enabling you to add your own pictures, sound or your own voice. Definitions found are about the: =C4 Internet =C4 Macintosh computers (from the Macintosh 512K to the PowerMac 9500) =C4 Basic C Programming =C4 System =46older =C4 Control Panels =C4 System Extensions =C4 Popular Application Programs (from text editors to games) =C4 Tips & Troubleshooting =C4 and More! Mac=BCs Talkin=BC Dictionary special features include the use of the speech manager to read the selected text for you. Pictures and icons for a more enhanced learning environment. Various sound and system sounds have been added. [Archived as /info-mac/info/macs-talkin-dictionary-22.hqx; 3937K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:28:32 -0700 From: Subject: [*] MaCthugha 1.0 Here is the latest version of MaCthugha, the oscilloscope on acid. This version features many speedups from the previous alphas that were released. It has more configurable options and new 3D effects. This version is a Fat binary so all Mac users may enjoy it. Drop your favorite audio CD in the CD ROM drive, press play on the Apple CD Audio Player, and launch MaCthugha. Make sure the Sound control panel is set to the CD player for the audio input and that Playthrough is on. You will not be displeased. rus [Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/macthugha-10.hqx; 300K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:41:26 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Mellow Tones Textures Brand new file, for the User Interface directory. I give permission to include this file on any CD-ROM. Abstract: The Mellow Tones Textures file includes 18 textures of solid colours. That's 18 easy steps to a funky, but viewable desktop. I picked the hues to try and match the neat-o colours a lot of minimalist club flyer designers are using. Enjoy it, and fire off any words to 'Nuff respect to the Macintosh Massive, Andrew Andrew White Multimedia Developer [Archived as /info-mac/gui/mellowtones.hqx; 7K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:41:29 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Multimedia Animation Maker 2.0.1 US Multimedia Animation Maker is an easy-to-use 2D animation program that enables anyone to create beautiful animations. You can use these animations for authoring tools, games or convert them to GIF animations to use them on your web site. Multimedia Animation Maker 2.0.1 is an update to version 2.0 in this archive. This program may be included on the CD-ROM. A German version will come out soon. System requirements: 68k or PowerPC, System 7.0 or better, 2 MB free RAM, 4 MB on you hard disk. Johannes Selbach, Andre Voget [Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/multimedia-anim-maker-201.hqx; 877K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 03:10:06 -0700 From: Subject: [*] MW_Build_Java_Scripts.sea These applescripts are of interest to persons programming with Metrowerks, particularily in Java. They allow one to rebuild a Metrowerks project file, given a text version of the project file; to import groups of files into a project thru scripting; to take Unix distributions of Java projects and rapidly convert them to a Metrowerks project; to import folders of files into a Metrowerks project. These scripts were primarily created to allow convenient access to Unix Java projects. Requirements: Applescripting Metrowerks BBEdit 4.0 (for some scripts) Thanks, Alan Hawrelak [Archived as /info-mac/dev/osa/mw-build-java-scripts.hqx; 24K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:28:10 -0700 From: Subject: [*] My Mac Magazine #25, May '97 Issue #25 of My Mac Magazine is now ready for you to download. (The Web site will be updated by Saturday) Go to or to download the latest issue. Here's what's inside: While cover artist Mike Gorman takes time off, Alan Dingman fills in with one of the best covers to grace ANY magazine, digital or print. A must see! Is publisher Tim Robertson being to negative about Apple as of late? He answers that question, but what does that have to do with the Detroit Lions football team??? (My Turn) How do you get everyone off of the Web site you want to visit to speed things up for you? Pete Miner has the answer! He also searches for some cool URL names! (Miner Thoughts) Grant Cassiday returns to the fold with a new Bit's & Pieces column! What is the PC press saying about Apple now? Leave it to Grant to find out and tell all! (Bit's & Pieces) Barbara is listening to Metallica and writing here latest column. But don't worry, the heavy metal music has not changed her great writing skill, nor the popularity of her monthly column, The Starting Line! Brian Koponen brings us "More On Font's", a continuation of last months excellent column. The first annual "Macintosh Babble Special Mac Stuff Awards" is here! What are they? Read this months "Macintosh Babble" by Shay Fulton. Reviews: Window Monkey 1.0 Just-A-Second French Kiss 2.1.1 Netscape Navigator Netscape Defrost v0.9b2 Navigator Button Editor v1.2 Web Retriever 1.0 Web Devil 1.0.1 JPEGView 3.3.1 GIFmation 2.0a3 Smart Scroll 2.0.3 Snapz Pro 1.0.1 Global Village Internet Edition 33.6 Modem Of course, this is only SOME of what we have in this issue. Wall Writings, Tech Tips, A Coldar Update, and more! Download today, and be sure to send email! Tim Robertson Publisher, My Mac Magazine [Archived as /info-mac/per/my-mac-magazine-25.hqx; 563K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:28:23 -0700 From: Subject: [*] NeXTish 1.5 Kaleidoscope Color Scheme NeXTish Color Scheme 1.5 This Kaleidoscope color scheme is one of zillions that mimic the NeXT OS. Why use mine? 'Cause I happen to think it looks rather good. ;) If you wish to redistribute NeXTish, mention it in a magazine, send me $1000, etc., contact me (the author) at [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/nextish-15.hqx; 35K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:28:09 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Nisus Indexing Macros Nisus Indexing Macros Nisus Writer is a superb word processor with powerful capabilities, but... I have been bothered by the way that Nisus Writer generates indexes. It lists every single page on which a marked item occurs. This leads to the creation of indexes with entries such as: Dogs...1,2,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,30,31,32,100,101,102 I have written a macro to collapse such entries according to the method prescribed by the 13th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style, section 8.67. For example, the entry above would be rendered: Dogs...1,2,7-15,30-32,100-102 (The full method is actually more complex than this, and I have fully implemented it). Along with that macro, I've developed some others to facilitate creating indexes. Perhaps the most useful ones are for marking proper names for indexing. If, for example, you have the names "Alfred E. Neuman," "Billy Bob Smith," and "Wild Bill Hickock," simply select all these names and run a macro to mark each for the index as follows: Neuman, Alfred E. Smith, Billy Bob Hickock, Wild Bill [Archived as /info-mac/text/indexing-macros.hqx; 12K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:28:14 -0700 From: Subject: [*] NoDesktopCleanup 1.4J (Japanese version) From: (Haruka ISHI) Subject: NoDesktopCleanup 1.4J (Japanese version) NoDesktopCleanup 1.4J is the Japanese version of Alessandro Levi Montalcini's original. * NoDesktopCleanup is a cool control panel that lets you add a confirmation dialog or a KeyQuencer macro to any menu item in any application. The unusual name comes from the original task I wrote this control panel for: disabling the annoying "Clean Up Desktop" and "Clean Up All" menu items in the Finder, which often make one's life miserable by moving all the icons on the desktop away from their carefully chosen locations. New in version 1.4: - Switched the payment method to Kagi. Recompiled with CodeWarrior 11. This is $10 shareware. Have fun and support Alex. The Japanese versions of Alessandro's programs are available at: Haruka Ishi May 8, 1997 [Archived as /info-mac/gui/no-desktop-cleanup-14-j.hqx; 115K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:28:37 -0700 From: Subject: [*] PHOTOCAT-UPGRADE-1.1.hqx "PhotoCat-1.0->1.1" corrects the behaviour of the item "Add pictures=8A" of menu "Catalog". Now PhotoCat is able to add a series of pictures even if the file format is other than PICT. THIS UPGRADE RUNS ONLY WITH A REGISTERED COPY OF PHOTOCAT. IT'S FREE OF CHARGE. Double-click on "PhotoCat-1.0->1.1" file to upgrade your active PhotoCat sotfware. [Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/photocat-upgrade-11.hqx; 35K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:28:34 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Play It Cool 2.0J - Japanese Version This is the Japanese version of the Play It Cool package. Play it Cool is a QuickTime movie player and simple editor. It is a "fat" application, plays movies very smoothly and contains many features not available in other movie players. MAJOR CHANGES FROM PREVIOUS VERSION: - Many bug fixes. - You can now swap between "normal" and "current" times in the Movie Info window. - Added "Selection Start", "Selection End" and "Selection Duration" to Movie Info. - The required suite (run, open, print, quit) can now be scripted. - You can now cancel a "Build Application" in the "Credits" dialog. - "Background Colour" and "Text Colour" added to the "Credits" dialog. - An option to quit a Movie-Application when it stops has been added. - The "Time Code" dialog has been incorporated into the "Preferences" dialog. - More preferences have been added to the preferences dialog. - "Set Default Speed" and "Set Default Size" added to "Edit" menu. - Movie length is now shown in the Movie Speed Palette. - Command-D can now be used in the "Save Changes" dialog to choose "Don't Save". - Added "Window" menu which shows all open windows. FEATURES: - load movie into RAM and set monitor to best depth for smoother playback - stage mode which hides the background and plays movies at optimum speed - useful information displayed about movies - real-time display of SMPTE time code, frame number and frames per second - ability to compress movies and pictures - cut, copy, paste and the ability to add sound to movies - creates self-playing Movie-Applications - make movies playable on non-Macintosh computers - movies can be played up to five times faster than normal, forwards or in MINIMUM REQUIRMENTS: - Macintosh or better - 800K available hard disk space - 1 MB available RAM - System 7.0 or later - QuickTime 1.6 or later Christopher Li Bridge 1 Software English to Japanese Online Software Localization and Management <> [Archived as /info-mac/gst/mov/play-it-cool-20-j.hqx; 402K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:28:16 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Popup Navigator 1.1 Popup Navigator 1.1 This is an update to /gui/Popup Navigator 1.0.4. Please replace the file in your archives with this. For those who are new to Popup Navigator: You know the popup menu you get when you command-click a Finder window's title bar? This control panel adds similar functionality to all (well, ok, "most") applications. New in this version: Fixed a problem with Excel. Cosmetic touchups, balloon help, "better" Read Me file. Freeware; virus checked; redistribution on magazine or InfoMac CD-ROMs welcome. Source code available when/if I ever get around to tidying up the code... [Archived as /info-mac/gui/popup-navigator-11.hqx; 29K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:28:38 -0700 From: Subject: [*] Screen Catcher 1.0 This is Screen Catcher, a new shareware application that captures screen images and saves them directly to PICT, GIF, and JPEG files. Screen Catcher also performs color reduction and palette modification, making preparation of images for web or print publication a one-step process. Screen Catcher enables users to: - Precisely select an area before capturing an image, including making single-pixel adjustments with the arrow keys - Capture pulled down menus - Read and write progressive JPEG files - Read and write GIF files with interlacing and transparency - Convert images to the standard 216-color web browser palette, Microsoft Windows (R) palette, Macintosh color or grayscale palettes, or an optimally chosen color palette - Reduce or change color palettes automatically - Automatically name and save image files to any folder - Copy and paste, drag and drop, and undo operations - Generate URLs for images, including WIDTH and HEIGHT tags Screen Catcher operates on any Macintosh or compatible running System 7 or higher, and is accelerated for PowerPC. In addition to the standard internet archives, information and updates are available at: <> Screen Catcher may be included on the UMich and Info-Mac CD-ROMs. Jon Gotow St. Clair Software Fax (330)549-3495 [Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/screen-catcher-10.hqx; 632K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 02:28:35 -0700 From: Subject: [*] SpikeInstaller104 (abstract) Spike, by YAV Interactive Media ( is the first batch-processing data-spike detection and analysis tool for QuickTime movies. Spike solves the stutter and glitch playback problems of CD-ROM and Web-based QuickTime files. Given a batch of QuickTime movies, Spike determines which among them will provide optimal playability from a range of deployment platforms and media. Offering many of the features of Apple's long-discontinued MovieAnalyzer, Spike is compatible with QuickTime 2.5 and beyond. Current QuickTime compression software reports the average data rate of files; many people mistakenly use this figure to make decisions about the suitability of compressed video for their playback targets. A QuickTime movie can have a perfectly acceptable average data rate while still containing data spikes that will seriously disrupt playback on any machine. Spike identifies these problems and offers a suite of options for controlling their detection. Other features include detailed data-rate graphs, "Spike Alerts" and reports in frames-per-second and SMPTE, several preview options, and batch processing. [Archived as /info-mac/gst/mov/spike-104.hqx; 1839K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 03:10:09 -0700 From: Subject: [*] The CD Database 2.0 ATTENTION Audiophiles, DJ's, Radio Stations, Libraries, and casual music collectors. IT'S TIME TO TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR MUSIC COLLECTION! The CD Database 2.0 was designed by a music collector, for music collectors. This software has the extensive and powerful features you need to manage any collection, large or small. Use your computer to track what albums you have, where they are, how much they're worth, what condition they're in and much, much more. With The CD Database you can enter, sort, search, print, categorize, mark, randomize, and create reports on your albums and songs. In addition to CD's you can enter records, tapes, Mini-Discs, and any other media your music collection is on. "[The] CD Database is an outstanding way of keeping up with a CD library of any size." -- 4 Mice MacUser Online (version 1.3) The CD Database 2.0 is: * With the Navigation Bar, a single mouse-click can access to any screen in the program. * Entering albums is as simple as clicking on the New Album button and typing in the information you want to track. The CD Database does the rest. * Basic and Advanced search modes. * Access the easy to read and graphical Online Help by clicking the ? Button anywhere in the program. Powerful and Comprehensive: * Robust relational database engine allows entry of millions of albums and songs. * Entry fields for Album, Artist, Record Label, Catalog #, Year, Bar Code, Format, Classification, Song, Song Time, Price, Acquired (new, used), Condition, Rack, SPARS Code, Key Words, Country, Comments, and even Album Picture/Quicktime Video and Audio Clip fields. * Enter Multiple Artist Albums by putting an Artist for Each Song. * Automatically calculates track #'s for each song, total album time, and total number of songs. * Smart sorting of albums and songs (artists, albums, and songs with the word "the" are placed in the correct order. For example The Who would be sorted with the W's) * 15 Different printable lists and reports including an insightful report screen with a 3D graph of the year distribution of your albums. * Unique Marking ability allows you to Mark albums or songs and quickly find them later such as all the albums you have at one location. * Automated backup of your data [Archived as /info-mac/data/cd-database-20.hqx; 3029K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 03:10:00 -0700 From: Subject: [*] virtual-maze-book-lite-11 During the past few years my playing with maze creation using a Mac has resulted in two books of mazes published by Dover (_Fascinating Mazes_ in 1993, and _Maze Madness_ in 1996). There are great many ways to have the computer organize randomness into a maze, and some are more interesting than others. In this lite version only two very limited methods are included. (Hey, it's free so don't complain.) The program is not crippled in any other way (it saves and prints, and probably comes complete with the bugs of the original as well.) The documentation includes information on how to upgrade to the full version of the package, which one can consider a zillion-paged maze book. The Virtual Maze Book (lite) may be included on CD-ROMs. Robert Schenk <> <> [Archived as /info-mac/game/adv/virtual-maze-book-lite-11.hqx; 504K] -------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest-- End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************