Date: Mon, 13 Jan 97 11:56:25 PST
From: The Info-Mac Moderators <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #12
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Info-Mac Digest             Mon, 13 Jan 97       Volume 15 : Issue 12

Today's Topics:

      Battery in Mac IIcx; Superdrive prices
      connecting 'PC' printer to Mac [A]
      Control Strip for Perf636??
      DiskExpress II Patches
      Five Questions
      Freeze on second InterNet disconnect
      How to Increase System Memory
      I.P. Address
      Kaleidoscope designers mailing list
      Kaleidoscope questions
      Kaliedescope Question
      MO storage
      Part 2/2: NON-DELIVERY of: Info-Mac Digest V15 #11
      sound stopping on perf636?
      Virtual Memory

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Date: Mon, 13 Jan 1997 22:19:17 +1100
From: Bill Stanford <>
Subject: Battery in Mac IIcx; Superdrive prices

Info-Mac Digest V15 #9: Jason Botwick <<>

>I think the battery in my Mac is dead. Every time I boot up, I have

>reset the clock. I'd be happy to replace the battery myself, but I

>figure out where it is on the IIcx, and my documentation doesn't tell

>me. Can anyone help me out here? Where is the battery?


>Also, where can I get a cheap Superdrive?

Jason, the battery is under the drive cage in both the cx and ci.

Removal of the cage is easy the second or third time: you undo the
obvious screw, and then push back the plastic locking tab which lies
between the drive cage and the power supply.  The drive cage then lifts
out easily.

Charles Phillips has a useful web page on logic board batteries by the
way, it's at:

For a replacement HDFD, I'd look at Sun Remarketing

for a detailed catalogue of Mac parts.

Shreve Systems at

almost certainly has HDFD's too.

Hope this helps!

bill  <<> <<>


Date: Sat, 11 Jan 1997 22:01:11 -0800
From: (Caryn Roberts)
Subject: connecting 'PC' printer to Mac [A]

In article <5b93ic$40p@nntp.Stanford.EDU>, wrote:

> ------------------------------
> Date: Thu, 9 Jan 1997 15:33:28 -0500
> From: Robert George Daniel <>
> Subject: [Q] connecting 'PC' printer to Mac
> Dear Friendly Helpful Mac Community:
> My girlfriend is now the proud owner of my old Mac (7100/66) and I am now
> her tech support guy.  In order to preserve my chivalry, if not my very
> masculinity, could someone advise as to how to connect her HPIII Laserjet
> printer to the Mac???
> The printer works fine connected to her PC (via a splitter box - the Mac
> replaces the 2nd PC).  I downloaded what seems to be the right driver from
> HP's web site, I bought a Mac serial cable which (outwardly) connects fine
> between the 25-pin splitter box connector and the printer port of the Mac.
> But no amount of fiddling around has so much as made the printer go 'blip'.
> The driver seems to think I need AppleTalk to be active - is that the case?
> (I've only ever used a StyleWriter II).  Even turning it on, though, did
> not solve anything.  The HP3 is NOT postscript enabled, if that matters
> here.
> Hints? Tips?  Detailed step-by-step solutions?  All welcome at
> <mailto:>
> Thanks a million,
> Bob.
> ------------------------------

I promise not to tell your girlfriend that another "girl" gave you the answer.

Printer cables used a "crossed" data line configuration. What is "data out"
for the computer is "data in" to the printer, and visa versa. So when using
the switchbox you are effectively crossing the data lines twice resulting
in the printer data in line being connected to the Mac data in line.

See the problem?

To use a switchbox get a "stright-through" Mac printer cable. It'll look
just the same, but the pinouts are different from the one you have. Put the
straight through cable from the Mac to the switch and everything should be

Hope this helps.


visit me at: <URL:>
Seattle Web Factory: <URL:>
CyberCorps: <URL:>


Date: Mon, 13 Jan 1997 23:10:42 +1100
From: Bill Stanford <>
Subject: Control Strip for Perf636??

Info-Mac Digest V15 #9: (bongert) writes:

>Now that Apple (in the last several months or so) released a version of
>Control Strip for desktop Macs, where can the rest of us get it? Is it
>hidden in a Custom Install of 7.5 Update 2 or something? You certainly
>can't download it separately-at least not from the normal Apple site. The
>Power Macs at work havfe it, but will that do me any good-is it PMac
>native? (btw, would my license from Apple cover me taking a copy home?)

Dan, just grabbing Control Strip 1.3.1, System 7.5 Update 2 from off my
S.O. Sue's LC 475 tells me it's 42,599 bytes big, as is Control Strip
1.3.1, System 7.5 Update 2 from off this PPC PB540.

Even more interesting, looking at each file in a checksum utility gives

OK, the bytes and checksums are the same, it's almost certain isn't it that
Control Strip from 7.5.3/5 is PPC non-native.  Will it work under your
present system?  You don't say which that is, but let's assume 7.5.x (x <
3).  The answer is probably "yes", there was a patch for CS 1.1 or so which
worked nicely under plain 7.5 on 68 desktop machines.

But: while I'm not a lawyer, I'd be almost certain that no licence from
Apple covering your 7.5.x System would include your copying one item from
an upgrade to that System from another machine.  Just glancing for a second
at an Apple licencing agreement, item 2 states:
2. Permitted Uses and Restrictions.  This License allows you to install and
use the Apple Software on a single Apple-labeled or Apple-licensed computer
at a time.  This License does not allow the Apple Software to exist on more
than one computer at a time.
This is from the 7.5.5 upgrade, and I'd guess a professional might ague
this point in relation to a freely available upgrade like 7.5 Update 2
(7.5.3) or 7.5.5 in terms of one download one use?  Silly I know...

But ethics and law aside, why don't you invest in the 7.6 CD, just coming
out now...  Or do the 7.5.3/7.5.5 upgrades.  Yep, I know, you'll need to
upgrade HD drivers, and do a clean install, or even better a VCI ("very
clean install" <grin>) from a format.  But it's well worth it in terms of
stability and speed... System 7.5.5 is the best Mac System I've ever used
on any machine (going back to System 3.2 odd!), which is a bit ironic in
view of current events...

"sum patria ex Ithaca, comes infelicis Ulixi"
"I come from the land of Ithaca, a companion of the luckless Ulysses"


Date: Mon, 13 Jan 1997 10:48:51 -0800
From: (Herb Kroemer)
Subject: DiskExpress II Patches

I have been using DiskExpress ever since the program came out some 10
years ago (upgrading along the way) and never had any problems with it
-- until recently, when I started getting the message "Memory used by
DiskExpress II has been corrupted. This computer should be restarted
immediately." (Nothing serious ever happened even then). It turns out
that DE II has a conflict with System 7.5.3.

Alsoft is evidently aware of this, and they are offering (but not
publicizing) a patch in the form of a "DiskExpress Helper #2"
Extension, which can be downloaded from "Pica Software - Updaters and
Maintenance Releases" ( -- I don't
think I am allowed to post it here myself). It fixes the problem. There
is also a "DiskExpress Helper #1", which fixes some problem with
AppleShare. I haven't tried it.

Inasmuch as Alsoft is not publicizing the patches, I thought that
others using DE II might benefit from spreading the news here.

Herb Kroemer


Date: Sun, 12 Jan 1997 17:37:14 -0600
From: "Wayne C. Morris" <>
Subject: Five Questions

>3) I use At Ease 2.0 on the LC III which is shared by a four and an
>eight year old.  The four year old does not know how to shut it down
>well -- she just turns the power off.  I believe this probably
>corrupted the disk eventually and made it unbootable.  After restoring
>it to health I thought I'd use an AppleScript to shut it down cleanly
>and install it on her desktop for her.  All that happened is she ended
>up in the AppleScript editor when she tried to use it.  Any better

In the AppleScript editor, select "Save as Run-Only..." from the File menu.
Set "Kind" to "Application", check the "Never Show Startup Screen" option,
and save it.

You may want to save a normal editable copy of the script under a different
name, in case you need to edit it again sometime.

>4) How could I use apps that are CD rom based (i.e. no part is
>installed on the disk) from At Ease?

You should be able to make an alias of the app.  The alias will be stored
on your hard drive.  If you try running the alias while the CD-ROM is
mounted, it'll start up the program from the CD-ROM.  If you try running it
when the CD-ROM isn't mounted, it'll ask you to "Please insert the disk:
<name of CD-ROM>", and start up the program as soon as you insert the right


Date: Mon, 13 Jan 1997 14:10:17 -0500
Subject: Freeze on second InterNet disconnect

Am using a 16MB/1.2G Q700, OS 7.5.3, OT 1.1.1, FreePPP 2.5v2, US Robotics
Sportster 33.4/14.4 modem.
System consistantly freezing on 2nd disconnect from a dial-up ISP.  Totally
Have re-installed software, trashed prefs, etc.
Tim Chi


Date: Mon, 13 Jan 1997 23:40:24 +1100
From: Bill Stanford <>
Subject: How to Increase System Memory

Info-Mac Digest V15 #9: (David Adelson) writes:

>you could help me with a system memory problem. Pretty often, while working
>in the finder, I'll get a "Not enough memory" message, often just to open a
>window. Even with 20MB built-in RAM, RamDoubler 2, and *no* other
>applications open, I have gotten this message.
>Before system 7, you could increase the system heap, but supposedly that's
>not needed anymore (ha, ha ;-).
>The particulars: a Performa 630 (68040 chip), system size is 10,740 (with 5
>MB Ram disk). This also happens on my father's Power PC, running without a
>Ram disk.

OK, I confess: this is a hobby-horse of mine!

The 'system' memory in question which is giving problems is the Finder's
SIZE allocation.  There's a utiility, Finder Heap Fix, which will be on
Sumex under /config, which doubles this.

But I've been finding since 7.0.0 (!) that doubling isn't enough.  Here's
what to do, assuming you've got ResEdit 2.1.x...

-Do a shift key restart to turn extensions off.  This is to obviate
sacrificing a first born...

-option-drag Finder from your System Folder to the desktop.  You'll have a
copy of Finder on the Desktop now.

-Open ResEdit, and open the copy of Finder on the desktop (Not the Finder
in your System Folder!)

-Scroll down to the Finder's SIZE resource.  Double click it open, and open
the one size resource you see there.

-Scroll down to the foot of this, and you'll see the memory allocation
fields.  I run mine at about 500,000 bytes now, though I've gone as high as

-Type 500,000 into both fields

-Close windows, and say "Yes" to save changes.  Quit ResEdit.

-Drag your System Folder copy of Finder to the top level of your HD (not
your desktop, or you'll get "Replace?"

-Drag the modified copy of Finder from your desktop to the System Folder

-Restart.  You'll notice now in the About this Macintosh dialog that the
System heap has more unused memory.  And you won't get any more out of
memory messages.  Well, I hope you won't, though I don't quite trust the
behavior of RAMDoubler at any version. RAM is cheap now...

-Oh, yes, now you can trash that old copy of Finder on you HD...

bill  <> <>


Date: Mon, 13 Jan 1997 11:06:26 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: I.P. Address

At 10:21 AM -0500 1/10/97, wrote:
>How can I find my I.P. Address?

If you are using OpenTransport, open the "TCP/IP" control panel.

If you're using "Classic Networking", open the "MacTCP" control panel.

[only one of these will be available; i.e. if you're running Open
Transport, you will not have to choose between them; only TCP/IP will be

Your ip address should be prominently displayed in one of these locations.

Note that if you are connecting to the net via a PPP link, then in all
likelihood your ip address has the potential to change with each dialup,
unless you've made special arrangements with your ISP for a static ip.



Date: Sun, 12 Jan 1997 22:15:08 +0000 (GMT)
From: Lloyd Wood <>
Subject: Kaleidoscope designers mailing list

Leo Breebaart and I have set up a mailing list for discussion of the
design of Kaleidoscope Color Schemes.

Kaleidoscope, by Greg Landweber and co, is the popular Mac interface
munger, and third-party development of schemes has been a popular
power-user pastime.

This list will allow designers to trade aesthetic and technical tricks
with each other, allowing the creation of better schemes than would
otherwise be created working alone. (typical topics: Why is using the
Col# template a bad idea? Do we ignore or work with screen depths less
than 256 colours?)

To subscribe to this list, send the word subscribe in the body of an
email message to

to unsubscribe from the list later, put the word unsubscribe in the
body instead.

The mailing list archives are available on the web, along with a host
of information and resources for Kaleidoscope color scheme
development. See:


for an index to the Kaleidoscope World.




Date: Mon, 13 Jan 1997 11:11:44 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: Kaleidoscope questions

At 5:47 PM +0000 1/9/97, Bohannon, Kim wrote:
>So, does =
>Kaleidoscope just mess with the Mac's innards a little or is it really =

It's quite non-intrusive; there's just the control panel and some color
scheme files.  It makes no permanent changes, so if you want to get rid of
it you just drag it to the trash and restart.

>What incompatibilities do you know about?

There are some listed on the Kaleidoscope web pages and discussed in the
readme.  I don't know of any besides those.



Date: 12 Jan 1997 17:34:36 U
From: "Bohannon, Kim" <>
Subject: Kaliedescope Question

Dear List,

Thanks to all the people who responded to me privately about using =
Kaleidescope.  Such great reviews!  Guess I'll have to try it out now.  =
And, if I use it (and I expect I will), I will be sure to register it.  =
Thanks again for all your responses.



Date: Sun, 12 Jan 1997 15:14:16 -0500 (EST)
Subject: MO storage

Hi All,

I'm doing some digital audio recording (w/Deck II) and it is very storage
intensive. I need a backup and storage system and am considering the new
Olympus SYS.230 MO drive due to the low cost of the disks ($10 each). I
notice also that APS seems to make a compatable drive called the APS 230

Before making this purchase, I'd like to get input from anyone who has
used either of these products.

Please forward all comments to:

Thank you,

Rob Schilling


Date: 11 Jan 1997 23:57:00 +0000
Subject: Part 2/2: NON-DELIVERY of: Info-Mac Digest V15 #11

I am currently experiencing the following problem: evry time i check my
Harddrive with norton discdoctor 3.2.1 it crashes exactly in the same
"spot" when it checks the Catalog B-tree leaves. I have tried to check
the harddrive with apples disktools and it doesnt find any problems.

I first noticed a problem when FileSaver alerted me about an unknown
disc error.

I have a powermac 7600/120 with 1.2 Gb harddrive. I have given norton
10Mb Ram. I have used norton on this machine for a long time without
problems prior to this. And i have run norton discdoctor to check  a cd
after the problems started(just to see if the problem is in the norton
app itself): no crash.

Are there any other disc tools that i can use to check my harddrive?
Othr suggestions



Date: Sat, 11 Jan 1997 17:19:33 -0600
From: Dan Bongert <>
Subject: sound stopping on perf636?

Just recently, the sound output on my computer stopped. I'm sure it's not a
physical cable problem-I can get sound to come out if I hold the volume
slider bars up, but they keep going back to zero once the mouse button is
released. I haven't installed any new software recently, and can't think of
any reasons this might be happening. FYI, I have a Performa 636, 8 Mb RAM
(16w/RamDoubler), System 7.5.3 (Update 2.0).

Dan Bongert                 Web Production, Adjacency Inc.  Unix Assistant, SSC Co-op


Date: Tue, 14 Jan 1997 00:06:10 +1100
From: Bill Stanford <>
Subject: Virtual Memory

Info-Mac Digest V15 #9: (Michael Brostr=F6m )
writes, citing Chaz Larson <>

>I am shocked! Do you mean to say that I get a performance GAIN by turning
>on VM? In what way? My Performa 6400/180 gets slower when I turn on VM. IS
>this then another problem with my mac? (I was a PC-user only last year...
>BTW. Is there any software out there that can help me "streamline" my mac?
>I'v fallen for the all too easy "just drop it on the system folder" and my
>computer crawls at times. (Not to mention that the whole system halts when
>the ppp-connection is established, printing is halted when applications
>start, fonts need to be supplied in two formats (screen and printer), etc,
>etc.) Don't get me wrong. I like the mac, but when is a REAL OS due?

Michael, I'd have agreed with you here: Chaz is certainly right about the
memory gains of VM, but like yourself I'd gauge my PPC PB540 to take a hit,
albeit a small one under 7.5.5, with VM on at (say) 1M extra.  Though Chaz
is probably thinking of something I'm missing, he often does!

The essential enhancer for a PPC is SpeedDoubler, was at 1.3.1 and is just
now  released at version 2.  Using SpeedEmulator and SpeedAccess out of
this package would certainly speed your 6400.  Trouble is of course, these
things do take a bite out of System heap...

Glad you could see through the OS hype enough to get a Mac.  But what do
you really mean by "REAL"?  If you want that there's one of the UN*X
versions, or NT or OS/2 on some other platform.  I'd still sooner have ease
of set up and use than protected memory, though I agree preemptive
multitasking would be nice...  And Native would be even nicer!

But if Apple can get through the rather dreadful hazards of the next 18
months, we'll get these, and a real OS in contemporary terms...  And if
Apple doesn't, everyone, everywhere, who uses a computer will be much
poorer for it!

bill  <> <>



End of Info-Mac Digest