Subject: MacSLIP scripts

Here are two MacSLIP scripts that I modified from the sample.script that
comes with MacSLIP. I have used the Netcom script (mac-slip-netcom..) for
some time now without any problems. And it is setup to start The Internet
Adapter (TIA) on a Netcom shell account. The UUNet script
(mac-slip-uunet..) is one I just modified to work on my UUNet PPP account.
So far it seems to work OK.

I hope these scripts help others get up on their accounts in less time than
it took me.

Frank E. Smith ( soon to be

# Sample.script
# This is a generic script for logging into a SLIP/PPP server
# You may need to modify it to work with your SLIP/PPP server or
# use one of the more specific scripts.
# This script is designed to dial a Hayes compatible modem.
# The first time this script runs, it will prompt for your username,
# password, and phone number to dial. These settings will be saved
# for subequent connections.
# Using default settings, the modem will be initialized before this script
# starts running. Make sure the "Init modem when connecting" option
# is set in the "Modem" menu and that you have made an appropriate
# modem selection.
# To call a list of phone numbers when getting busy signals, define
# the numbers in $ph_num_1, $ph_num_2, ..., instead of $phone
ignore var busygo TIA  p_index

# If user is not defined, ask for it.
ifdef user goto skipuser
message ""
message "\bEnter your login username."
ask var
define user "$var"
label skipuser

# if password is not defined, ask for it
ifdef password goto skippass
message "Will login as $user.\n\bPassword:"
askp var
define /h password "$var"
label skippass

# if phone is not defined, ask for it. Preset phone from
# ph_num_1 if it is defined.
do next_phone_number
ifdef phone else
	message "\bEnter the phone number to dial"
	ask var
	define phone "$var"

# Let the user know we're starting up
label startup
message "Script starting..."
# Setup action handlers
on restart goto restart
on abort goto abort

# Dial the phone and wait for the terminal server to send its login
# banner. Some areas support using *70 as a dialing prefix to suppress
# call-waiting tones which will probably cause your modem
# to lose the connection. Some terminal servers may require you to
# autobaud before they will respond. Allow enough time for the modem
# handshake to complete.

label dial

ifdef INITMODEM goto skipwarn
message "\bYou should select a modem using Configure"
label skipwarn

message "Dialing $phone..."
on abort goto hangupabort
send "ATDT $phone\r"
    ifmatch "name:" break
    ifmatch "ogin:" break
    ifmatch "NO DIALTONE" goto nodialtone
    ifmatch "NO DIAL TONE" goto nodialtone
    ifmatch "BUSY" goto phonebusy
    ifmatch "NO CARRIER" goto nocarrier
    iftime 1:15 goto dialtimeout

# Log into the server. Try three times to send the username. Use
# counter #1 to count the number of login attempts.

setcount 1 0
label login
ifcountgt 1 3 goto cantlogin
message "Logging in as $user..."
setcount 0 0
label user
ifcountgt 0 3 goto baduser
send "$user\r"
    ifmatch "ssword:" break
    ifmatch "name:" goto user
    ifmatch "ogin:" goto user
    iftime 10 goto baduser

# Send the password and wait for the prompt. If we see the
# username prompt again, then we didn't get logged in so try again.

message "Sending password..."
send "$password\r"
    ifmatch "}" goto setslip
    ifmatch "%" goto setslip
    ifmatch "Access denied" goto accessdenied
    ifmatch "incorrect" goto accessdenied
    iftime 10 goto cantlogin

# If the login attempt fails, we land here.

label accessdenied
    ifmatch "name:" goto login
    ifmatch "ogin:" goto login
    ifmatch "NO CARRIER" goto cantlogin
    iftime 10 goto cantlogin

# NOTE: You may wish to issue additional commands here before
# enabling SLIP/PPP on your server.

# Enable SLIP/PPP.
# In this generic script, you may have to issue a different command
# here for your script server. Here, we just send "slip\r". You may
# also need to match something other than "SLIP" to detect
# that your slip command succeeded.

label setslip
message "Enabling TIA mode on server..."
send "tia default\r"
# Use the following line instead for a Cisco terminal server
# send "$TRANSPORT default\r"
# Your slip server may also require you to specify an address:
# send "slip\r"
    ifmatch "software." break
    ifmatch "beginning" break
    ifmatch "start" break
    iftime 10 goto cantstartslip

# Uncomment one of the following "ipfind" lines if your server doesn't 
# support BOOTP, but outputs your IP address in its response to 
# the slip command. To uncomment the line, delete the leading
# hashmark and space: "# "
# Uncomment the following line if your server only outputs the
# your IP address. ex: "Slip connection to beginning".
# Uncomment the following line if your server outputs both, 
# ex: "Slip session from to beginning"
# Uncomment this line if your server doesn't display the
# gateway address as in the first ipfind command, or if 
# your gateway address and your IP address aren't on the same subnet. 

# All done.  Send message to alert the user, flush the junk out of the
# receive buffer, and return success.

message "Script complete"
return 1

# Error handlers.

label abort
message "\bCommand-. seen or Cancel button clicked."
goto aborted

label hangupabort
message "\bCommand-. seen or Cancel button clicked."
goto hangup

label cantfindmodem
message "\bThe modem didn't respond to attention"
message "\bbsignal.  Check modem and cabling."
goto aborted

label cantinitmodem
message "\bThe modem didn't respond to initialization"
message "\bstring.  Check the modem."
goto aborted

label nodialtone
message "\bThe modem could not detect a dialtone."
message "\bCheck the phone line."
goto aborted

label phonebusy
message "\bThe number $phone is busy."
do next_phone_number
# Uncomment the next line if you always want to redial when busy
# goto redial
if $busygo eq "go" goto redial
on restart goto busygo
message "\bClick "Restart" to keep trying, "OK" to quit."
ask junk
return 0

label busygo
on restart goto restart
set busygo "go"
label redial
do syncmodem
goto dial

label nocarrier
message "\bThe modem could not establish a connection."
message "\bMake sure there is a modem on the other end."
goto aborted

label dialtimeout
message "\bThe modem or server isn't responding."
message "\bTry dialing manually to make sure the modem"
message "\band server are OK."
goto aborted

label baduser
message "\bThe server won't accept a username."
message "\bTry dialing manually to make sure the"
message "\bserver is OK."
goto hangup

label cantlogin
message "\bLogin to server failed, check username"
message "\band password."
goto hangup

label cantsetterm
message "\bCan't set terminal line for $TRANSPORT operation."
goto hangup

label cantstartslip
message "\bCan't put server into $TRANSPORT mode."
goto hangup

# General back-end for bailing out.

label hangup
do disconnect
# fallthrough into aborted

label aborted
message "\bScript aborted!"
message "\bClick "OK" to quit, "Restart" to retry."
# This activates the OK button.
ask junk
return 0

# Restart procedure.
# This label is entered when you click the restart button in the
# connection dialog. We try to force the modem to hang up, then we go back
# to the start of the script.

label restart
do disconnect
message "\bScript restarted."
goto startup

# Disconnect procedure. The "disconect" procedure is called by MacSLIP
# when the "Disconnect" button is clicked. This procedure escapes the
# modem into command mode and hangs up the phone. The +++ escape sequence
# is surrounded by delays that some modems require.

label disconnect
send "\d\d+++\d\dATH\r\d\d"
do syncmodem
return 1

# Alternate disconnect procedure for modems that drop into command mode
# when DTR is dropped. You may want to try this alternate disconnect
# procedure if the one above doesn't work for your modem. Just swap the
# labels to use this one instead of the one above.

label disconnect2
dtr off
delay 3
send "ATH\r"
dtr on
return 1

# Attempt to sync up with the modem, but don't wait forever.
label syncmodem
setcount 4 0
label waitmodem2
ifcountgt 4 2 return
send "AT\r"
    ifmatch "OK" break
    iftime 2 goto waitmodem2

# This routine sets the phone variable to the next number in
# a list defined as ph_num_1, ph_num_2, ...
# If the ph_num_? variables are not defined, phone is 
# unmodified.
label next_phone_number
	ifdef ph_num_$p_index then
		copyvar ph_num_$p_index phone
		incvar p_index
		# return if no list of phone numbers
		if $p_index eq 1 return
		set p_index 1
		goto next_phone_number

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